dCity Digest December 17, 2021 - What's the dNews around #defifarming with SIM-backed NFTs


Welcome dCitizen to this edition of the dCity Digest

dCity.io is a DeFi-Farming platform encompassing a game economy built with NFT tokens based on the hive-engine protocol. HIVE has fast and free transactions, all you need to do is follow these instructions to set up your very own HIVE wallet and play along.

Please refer to a basic tutorial, population tutorial, tech mining tutorial, citizen mining tutorial, dCity.io market interface tutorial, or even the official dCity manual for reference.

Digest Date 12/17/2021


Weekly Statistics For The $SIM Token by @achimmertens

Hello friends of $SIM, Friends of $HIVE and all others,
here are the:
SIM Statistics for the last week:
The timeframe is from 2021/12/10 - 2021/12/17.
Bought $SIM By Time
This figure shows who has bou...


Dcity octavo dia by @dirego1



progreso en dcity y splinterlands by @dirego1



Using a Trello board to manage dCity Non-Fungible tokens by @boycharlieplays

dCity is a Hive blockchain city simulator game where players manage, trade, and hold Hive-Engine NFTs that represent Business, Citizen, or Technology Cards.
The blog series dramatizes the transaction...


🌇The @boycharliefamily city is a bustling metropolis holding business ... by @boycharliefamily

🌇The @boycharliefamily city is a bustling metropolis holding business, citizen, and technology NFTs. The collective has returned all major @dcitygame holdings to the main city in the next roleplay upd...


Another day in DCity 15/12/2021 by @mchero

I spent another day in DCity.
Today's maluses are
Total tax = 90%
Crisis = None
I started with
Income = 897
Population = 7042
Popularity = 3041
Education = 56
Creativity = 249
My total passive...


Tokens dCity. [Esp&Eng] by @tex73110

Excelente miércoles tengan todos ustedes, el día de hoy quisiera hablar un poco de los Tokens que figuran en este gran juego “dCity” como saben llevo tiempo jugando, quizá sea muy poco, pero conf...


Another day in DCity 14/12/2021 by @mchero

I spent another day in DCity.
Today's maluses are
Total tax = 91%
Crisis = Fires and Nature Disaster (for a total of 10% Income and 5% Popularity less). An ecological combo!
I started with


Another day in DCity 13/12/2021 by @mchero

I spent another day in DCity.
Today's maluses are
Total tax = 91%
Crisis = Fires and Nature Disaster (for a total of 10% Income and 5% Popularity less). An ecological combo!
I started with


OpenHive, The Largest NFT marketplace of Hive! by @dynamichivers

As the community of Hive starts to wake up to NFTs on Hive past jus...


Another day in DCity 16/12/2021 by @mchero

I spent another day in DCity.
Today's maluses are
Total tax = 100%
Crisis = None
I started with
Income = 963
Population = 7145
Popularity = 3047
Education = 56
Creativity = 249
My total passiv...


Un día pesado // A heavy day by @tex73110

Buenas tardes amigos, el día de hoy se me salio todo de las manos, mi tabla de publicaciones se vio alterada por sucesos desde las 5 de la mañana, bien podría decir que hoy no fue mi día, acostu...


Dcity sexto dia by @dirego1

hola a toda la comunidad Dcity ...


Putting Even More Workers Up For Sale by @numpypython

I got my Ask filled for 5 worker cards yesterday. Took a while for the price to be met but eventually it got filled. Now I am putting even more workers up for sale.
With the proceeds, I will buy more...


Dcity dia by @dirego1

hola a toda la comunidad Dcity...

Final Note

10 users featured in today's digest will receive 1 unit of Hive Stake Based Income, which compound over time to deliver a life time vote stream. We also nominate @dcitygame to continue to improve upvotes destined for the dCity reward pool!.

This post is built with 5% beneficiary to @archon-gov as part of the ARCHON beneficiary program. Also, 5% of the rewards will go back to @dcityrewards to grow the reward pool.


gracias por nombrarme en el post
