Crypto Collectibles presents Sporcerer Painted in Virtual Reality for Splinterlands Art Contest Week 165

An entry for Splinterlands Art Contest Week 165. While the video game mash up series still has a few more ideas that are definitly coming, this week had a whole different approach, a virtual one. With art I usually only work with either pens, pencils, chalk, markers, digital art, but could never afford to play with the medium of painting. The price of a canvas, this on top of each price for whatever colors of each paints you want, little room for mistakes and high cost for entry, thanks Jesus for virtual reality. Using an Oculus Quest and an amazing application called Painting VR, I jumped in and made the masterpiece you see above. While no where confident in doing this as much as mashup parody art, still had a lot of fun making it and highly suggest anyone who does like digital art but creating it in a very very very different way, try out Painting VR. This is coming from someone who owns and loves Tilt Brush (see here) and SculptrVR (see here), both amazing applications in their own right, but different ball game than what is going on in Painting VR.

Rather than try and describe to you the process of trying to learn to paint without having painting experience, and then doing it in VR, I actually recorded the whole process of this painting just for this post, and sped it up so you don't notice as much the million errors that do occur. This includes dropping my brushes, dropping my paints, accidentally smearing on my canvas in the middle of the work, forgetting to sign the piece at the end, every single second is included, and then sped up 8x because good lord ain't no one going to be using this video as a tutorial or anything no need to stretch this out:

Thanks for checking this out, head over to the main Splinterlands art post in the comments section, find some artists art you like, upvote theirs!

Thanks for anyone who voted for last week's entry as it got a winning spot!
