Coffee And Pizza


Rising LVL 82.pngRisingstar images edited in paint

I am slacking. I should have posted this last week and again yesterday but I needed to take a break so I am posting two in one. Although I am not sure it is going to be any longer then any of my other Risingstar updates.

The week of friday before yesterday got me just over 23,000 starbits but I did not make it to level 82 until this past Sunday. I also did not play much this past week so I only earned 4174 starbits (I failed to refresh my page which would have showed actual earnings of 6052).

I did buy 20 card packs but have not opened them yet. I lost track of time this week so I wanted to get this out. I did not want to get overwhelmed with too much game data collection.

Any way here are my spreadsheets for missions completed in the last two weeks.

I am going to slow down this month in missions but will continue to post updates and in my next Coffee And Pizza post I will reveal my card openings. I can't think of anything else to add to this so I am going to end by saying, until next week, keep on rockin' on.✌️✌️
