Coffee And Pizza


Level 81.png

Back on the 20th of July I reached level 75 and opened Band Auditions, doing my fist one that day. Since then I took my time before doing a second audition. On the third of this month I did my second Band Audition, opening my first band member slot. I got nothing in the week that followed but going into the week of the 11th to the 17th I got two cards back to back. One more week of no success before I finally opened the last band member slot this past Sunday.

Now it was probably around Monday when I went looking and found out I had to place band members before I could open County Tour that I realized why the new section had not opened up. I figured since it had taken me 17 auditions and a month and a half to get here I would wait one more week. During all this time trying to get my band member slots opened I have been forming a plan. I was thinking about doing a live stream and recording for the final week of this month.

The plan is to do a live stream long enough to buy and open about fifteen Risingstar packs. That will only happen though if I get at least five comments on this weeks post. I was then going to do my regular Friday post with a recording of the pack opening.

This will be a prelude to choosing the band members which may be done during the live stream.

Now for the rest of this weeks achievements, I actually rose two levels to finish at the beginning of level 81. I also earned over 28,000 starbits this week bringing my total savings up to just over 440,000, with just over 5,000 in the promoter pool. I said last week that I was in the low 1000's but in hindsight I should have said my exact rank because this week I am at 1190 and find it hard to believe I have risien this far this fast. I think that was an error but I guess we'll never know.

And now for this weeks missions done.


I was holding my breath this week (just kidding) in hopes of being able to achieve two levels and I pulled it of at the last minute, a few hours before the end of the day by tossing in a final local mini tour.

Anyway. I think that is all I have for this week. If I have forgotten something it may get left out unless I feel like editing it in later. Till next week keep on rockin' on. ✌️✌️
