Social Media Challenge || Against Akane

Hi, everyone. Welcome to my post. In the Social Media Challenge, I will discuss anything about SPLINTERLANDS, it can be about cards, abilities, rulesets, battle reviews, End of Season results, or my playing experience.

In this post, I will share my battles against opponents who use Akane.



Akane is the only Dragon Summoner introduced when REBELLION Edition first appeared. Just like in previous editions, the first Dragon Summoner to appear is a Legendary Summoner (and there will be no Dragon Summoner with a Rarity below that).

For Rebellion Summoner, there are 2 types of summoners, namely Dual-Element Summoners and Tactics Summoners. Akane is included in Tactics Summoner, where Tactics Summoner will give certain buffs or debuffs or abilities only to some monsters. Unlike Summoners in the last edition where they will give certain budd or debuff or ability to all units in a team.

In Tactics Summoners, there will only be 2 choices of buffs or debuffs or certain abilities that must be chosen by the players who use this summoner. And for Akane, the options that players can choose are LOOKOUT ability which will be given to one unit. Or AMBUSH ability that can be given to 2 units. (NOTE: The units in question can be from our own team or the opposing team).

LOOKOUT is an ability that can be used to reduce 1 point of damage from monsters near the owner of this ability IF those monsters get attacked by monsters on the opponent's side that have targeting abilities such as OPPORTUNITY , SNEAK , and SNIPE abilities. This also applies if they get targeting abilities from the ruleset (SNEAK from SUPER SNEAK, OPPORTUNITY from EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, and SNIPE from TARGET PRACTICE).

AMBUSH is an ability that gives the ability owner the opportunity to attack before the actual battle begins. Monsters with this ability will be given a special round to attack (after the granting of buffs or debuffs from summoners and units has been completed) before the actual first round begins.

And this time I will face an opponent who uses Akane as his summoner and max-level units.




The ruleset for this battle is MELEE MAYHEM (Melee units can attack from any position despite not having one of the targeting abilities), UP TO ELEVEN (all monsters in the arena receive an additional AMPLIFY ability), and HEALED OUT (Units and Summoners cannot use their healing abilities)

After the buffs and debuffs were completed. The opposing side decided to choose to give AMBUSH abilities to 2 units. They are Vruz and Weirding Warrior. Previously, I gave all my monsters an extra 1 ARMOR but it was removed by Weirding Warrior by using RUST ability so most of my monsters have no ARMOR at all except Cruel Sethropod.

Vruz managed to deal damage to Venari Marksrat in this particular round. However, Weirding Warrior failed to land his attack on Cruel Sethropod. If his attack had been successful, it would have destroyed all of Cruel Sethropod's remaining ARMOR because Weirding Warrior has SHATTER which will remove all ARMOR.


In the first round, Vruz attacked and defeated Venari Marksrat. However, it actually made Pelacor Bandit and Doctor Blight receive an additional 1 point in all their stats, because Venari Marksrat has the MARTYR ability which is useful for adding 1 point to nearby monsters if they are defeated. Pelacor Bandit who has received the extra point can immediately defeat Great Porcupine in one attack even though he also takes damage from the THORNS ability (which is also amplified by the AMPLIFY ability) possessed by Great Porcupine.

Naga Assassin and Weirding Warrior attacked Cruel Sethropod. Because the attack is now successful, Weirding Warrior can destroy all of Cruel Sethropod's ARMOR using his SHATTER ability. Then the attack was continued by Djinn Chwala and Venator Kinjo which reduced the health points of Cruel Sethropod.

Doctor Blight instantly injures and reduces Djinn Chwala's Health points so that he is in RAGE mode (making his Attack power and SPEED increase by 1.5 times). Djinn Chwala is also affected by the poison effect of the attack. Flying Squid, Cruel Sethropod, and Torrent Fiend damaged Djinn Chwala's ARMOR. But in the attack, they took damage due to THORNS ability. The Cruel Sethropod and Torrent Fiend immediately lost as a result of that hit.


In the second round, the health points of Djinn Chwala were reduced due to the effects of the poison he received in the previous round. Vruz attacked Pelacor Bandit, while Naga Assassin attacked Flying Squid.

Pelacor Bandit defeated Wierding Warrior and restored the ARMOR to all my monsters that was lost by Weirding Warrior's debuff. Djinn Chwala can only damage the ARMOR of Flying Squid with the great Attack power he has. Meanwhile, Flying Squid hurt Djinn Chwala even though he also took damage from THORNS ability.

Venator Kinjo failed to land an attack on Flying Squid so he took damage from the BACKFIRE ability that Flying Squid has. Doctor Blight successfully defeated Djinn Chwala.


In the third round, Vruz damaged the ARMOR of Pelacor Bandit, while Naga Assassin defeated Flying Squid. Pelacor Bandit defeated Venator Kinjo and Doctor Blight also managed to defeat Vruz. The defeat of Vruz gave an additional 1 point to Naga Assassin because Vruz also has the MARTYR ability.

Unfortunately because Naga Assassin which is a Ranged unit is in the first position and does not have the CLOSE RANGE ability, it cannot perform attacks and must surrender to being defeated by Pelacor Bandit and Doctor Blight.



Battle Review

I was quite surprised that my opponent used Akane. But what surprised me more was that he used Weirding Warrior which has the RUST ability and made 1 ARMOR that Kelya Frendul had given disappear. In addition, the opponent also gave one of the AMBUSH abilities to Weirding Warrior which if it successfully hits Cruel Sethropod, its remaining ARMOR will disappear completely because Weirding Warrior has the SHATTER ability.

But either due to sheer luck or the BLIND ability, the ambush launched by Weirding Warrior failed to hit Cruel Sethropod. If the attack had succeeded, Cruel Sethropod would not have been able to destroy the ARMOR of Djinn Chwala that remained after being reduced by Flying Squid and Torrent Fiend. And there was also a possibility of this battle being won by the opposing side.


Those are the kinds of things I discussed in this Social Media Challenge. Thank you for reading to the end and see you in other discussions in next week's Social Media Challenge.

For those of you who are curious and want to experience how fierce the battles are in the Modern League but haven't joined Splinterlands yet, you can use THIS LINK.

Link to this week's Social media Challenge (Here)
translated using Deepl + Grammarly (All of them are Free versions)


Even with Blind it's suprising that a 4 speed monster misses a 2 speed monster. But that's how it goes sometimes :-) I think you'd still have won due to Dr. Blight - Poison and Scavenge with already boosted damage is a very deadly combination :-) Congratulations and thank you for the interesting and detailed analysis!


You are right. Doctor Blight might still be able to defeat them if Cruel Sethropod loses to AMBUSH because he has a lot of Health from SCAVENGER and increased Attack Power.
