Why I stopped posting the axie diary



Just some words to explain

I was in a very confusing period in my life, starting college among other problems that ended up coming up and I ended up running out of time to continue posting my axie diary.

And on top of all that, a week after I stopped posting the owner of the little school where I participated in axie decided to sell all his teams due to the instability of the currency (slp) and I thought it was totally correct, because it was a complicated period (and it still is being).

About the game
However, as I really like the game and I still trust the project a lot with what has to come, as the battle v3 I decided to buy the team I was using and was already used to continuing in the game.
He also helped me by making a good price for me to continue, and I don't regret the decision I made.

The slp price
In addition, I had some slp saved for a possible increase in the price of the currency in the future, and these days it went up 80%, causing me to sell 30% of what I was holding.

And even though it was bad for a part, I was happy with the decision to cut the 50 slp from the pve and the 25 from the daily mission, as it was necessary for the stability of the currency.

The future of my posts
Anyway, just to let you know that I'll keep posting the axie diary now that I've managed to settle down again with a matter of time, so until next time :)
