The Logical DAO on Polygon - Funding The Future Isn't Cheap - NFTs and pHBD Use Case
This post represents the living whitepaper for The Logical DAO. This DAO was created on the Polygon blockchain using the XDAO platform. This document may change and be updated in the future and will be marked and noted with date of change.
The Purpose of the DAO
The purpose of this DAO is to act as a business treasury for all of the projects built and managed by @thelogicaldude. Until this point, all of the projects coming out of The Logical Labs has been completely funded and bootstrapped by @thelogicaldude's personal funds, and those are starting to dry up...
The growth of the projects have slowed a bit as the markets have taken a bit of a turn back at time of writing this document, but the development and ideas have continued to flow, despite the costs. With the current and upcoming developments, help is needed to continue the growth through marketing and community building.
For this, I need funds to pay people and to also pay for promotional placements on different mainstream platforms. So far, the businesses are barely able to keep the Dude afloat personally as well as trying to be able to stack a little here and there to grow the different accounts and businesses.
You will see that marketing and staff support are the biggest needs at this point. One man, with outsourced development teams can't do it alone...It's time to get serious and build a real team!
DAO Contract Information
The DAO can be found on XDAO at:
The Polygon smart contract address is:
There is a LOGIC token attached to the DAO, but I will not be issuing the token at this time, as the DAO will be relying on NFTs for funding instead of the traditional ERC20 route. It may be used later on in the future if we feel we need it for funding usage, for now, the NFT contracts will be what we rely on.
The LOGIC token contract address is:
Transparent DEFI Backed DAO Treasury
With the DAO being built on Polygon using the XDAO platform, I have the ability to invest into DEFI protocols like Polycub which will generate the yield needed to pay for expenses. The funds from NFT sales and the existing business income will be invested into these farms. Everything can be tracked on the XDAO platform or on Debank.
The LOGIC NFT Collections
Instead of a regular token sale, The Logical DAO will be funded through different NFT collections. NFTs are just more fun and can still get the same job done. The collection will use the Polygon blockchain, same as the DAO so that the DAO address can be set to receive the funds directly. This essentially backs the NFTs by the AUM or assets under management in the DAO. So if you want to sell your share, make sure you are getting what it's worth!
This also gives the pHBD token another use case as these collections will be using it as the payment method!
The first collection of LOGIC NFTs will be a series of NFTs that will mint directly on and will be available to trade on Opensea. This collection will be launched on May 25, 2022. This is my 40th birthday, so I am celebrating with an NFT launch!
Built in Marketplace
One reason to do NFTs instead of the standard token is because of the built in marketplace. This means that we don't have to also come up with liquidity for another DEX. The NFTs will be backed by the AUM of the DAO and can be sold at any price or auctioned.
That and it gives the holder something to look at instead of just a number in a wallet. If a holder wants to sell their NFT, all they have to do is put it up for sale or auction for whatever price they want to sell it at. No mess no fuss, and the DAO will get 10% of all resales, which is a continuous revenue stream for the DAO!
These NFTs will also give the holder a governance vote in the DAO. I will post proposals for marketing campaigns, and future development, that the Logical community will be able to vote on!
Benefits and Bonuses
DAO NFT holders will also be eligible for different benefits and bonuses like pre release announcements on projects, whitelisted private sales, exclusive metaverse meetups, etc! There may even be 'airdrop' bonuses if we do really well... In the traditional world, they call these dividends...More info to come...
What is Built In The Logical Labs
Let's take a quick look at what I am building in the Logical Labs under the blanket of The Logical Dude, LLC...
This is a list of projects with details about their functions and the financial needs I have to help with growth and development.
@hivelist,,, and
This is an all in one e-commerce platform that is built on the Hive-Engine second layer for the Hive blockchain. The blockchain side of things features a community on-chain classifieds network, NFT marketplace and DEFI pool based on the LIST token.
The off-chain side of the project consists of the Hivelist Store, which is a multi-vendor marketplace available for members of the Hive community to have a place to sell their items and designs similar to Amazon or eBay, accept, we accept crypto and pay our sellers in HBD! We have the dream of becoming the blockchain version of Amazon, but that is going to take some time, and money to help with marketing, product sourcing, and warehousing.
The goal was for the store to help fund the rest of the project as the LIST token was distributed by way of proof of brain distribution and did not have a token presale. The funds were completely provided by thelogicaldude.
There is an affiliate program built into the Hivelist Store, but it is not driving the traffic we had hoped, even paying out 5% of all sales driven to the site. So we are going to need to build a fund to help pay for on going marketing costs like ad placements, paying for spots on big youtuber channels, etc. It's going to take a fairly decent sized budget to help promote the platform the way it needs to be marketed.
I feel that Hivelist could be one of those communities and platforms that could drive allot of traffic to the Hive blockchain as it gives some serious use case and helps people build their own businesses.
Coin Logic
Coin Logic,, was actually the first project I started when I first found crypto. I wanted an all in one place to get all the data I needed, which didn't really exist... So I built it...
With this site, I am producing daily crypto content and trying to grow the channel, but again, I need some help with marketing the site and bringing more eyes to not only the main site, but also to the @threespeak and YouTube channels.
One goal I have with this site is to eventually build out a legit crypto news and research site and go toe to toe with the big boys like CoinDesk and Cointelegraph. To do this, we will need really good crypto content creators and journalists that want to help us succeed in those goals. To get these creators, we are going to need funds to pay them as we grow.
Hopefully once we can really get going, we can get some more sponsors to help drive revenue. Currently the site is sponsored financially by carbonZERO which is a validator team that pays me to market their nodes and teams they delegate for like Comdex and Sifchain. But it's not enough to really write home about, but it does help pay for a couple of bills, not much more.
I don't want to have to rely on pasting random ads all over the site, but would rather sponsor projects I use and want to partner with us, so this is where a continuous treasury fund would help.
At BlockTunes, which is built mainly using on Binance Smart Chain, but we have ties into the Hive blockchain through the Beatzchain front end as well as the Hivepay payments platform for tipping.
We are working to revolutionize the music industry through blockchain. We are offering artist services to help them release their music in a traditional manner as well as with NFTs, and get paid through the DAO!
This platform has it's own DAO, but needs help with building that fund so it can start paying for itself.
The funding for this project was NOT cheap and was again bootstrapped entirely by thelogicaldude's own funds.
HiveHustlers and Hivecommerce
The HiveHustlers community was originally created by @nulledgh0st but was taken over by thelogicaldude in January 2021 in an attempt to save the community that is a community focused on entrepreneurs and business development.
This community has has an odd history which lead to the creation of the Hivecommerce token. The COM token, when staked earns the holder a portion of the daily pool of 6 different community tokens that is supported by the HiveHustlers account(@ctpsb, @leofinance, @hivelist,, @oneup-cartel, and @hive-pizza. The rewards given daily equates to 50% of the monthly revenue generated by the @hivehustlers account through curation and post creation.
Funds are needed for this community to help increase stake in the different communities, as well as to build additional DEFI pools and investments that will help generate additional income for the COM token holders. I am really wanting to hire someone to help produce content and curate for the account so funds would be needed to help pay this person or people.
You can find all the information on this project at
Weedcash Store and the Weedcash Network.
The Weedcash store was the first full e-commerce store that allowed for items to be purchased with Hive, HBD, and the native community token, WEED. This site doesn't get much love because the community is still quite small. The Weedcash Store is built and managed by The Logical Dude LLC, but the actual network was created by @richardcrill. Keys are held by the founder, the dude, as well as @jonyoudyer.
We need funds for Weedcash to help build marketing for this unique community, as well as funds to pay ongoing supplier fees to have access to the products we have been selling in the store. We also need funds to help market the store and drive sales, which in turn could help drive attention to the Hive blockchain overall.
The Weedcash Network itself needs funds to pay for marketing materials to present to different legit cannabis businesses in legal areas to help push adoption of the community and hopefully the token as well.
Upcoming Projects
Some upcoming projects coming from the Logical Labs are going to be pretty awesome, and will of course need development and marketing funding to get off the ground and to succeed.
PolyList NFT Marketplace and DAO
This project built on Polygon is going to be an extension of the Hivelist Project and will use the pHBD stablecoin as the payment for the marketplace, giving the wrapped version of HBD an e-commerce use case.
I recently released the announcement for this project which you can read here:
HashCats Social Club NFT Collection on Polygon
HashCats Social Club has been a project in the works since 2021 by thelogicaldude, but is just finding it's way to production. This is a sneak peak kind of announcement for this project as the whitepaper or announcement post has not even been created yet.
This project is going the be a full on 10,000 mint NFT collection with it's own exclusive social network! And with the @blocktunes partnership with @gamestate, we are working on the ability to have monthly metaverse meetups that only people holding a HashCat NFT will be able to attend!
There will be allot of other perks like NFT collections that will only be available to NFT holders, etc.
I have plans for more of these collections and will need funds to help with art and development.
In Conclusion
The Logical DAO is the first step to creating a solid, ongoing business that can be sustainable through any bear or bull market. The last 2 years of being in the blockchain development space has given allot of wonderful lessons and brought some amazing opportunities. It's time to take advantage of these opportunities, but again, one man cannot do it on Hive rewards alone. That one man is running out of money to keep it all afloat and needs help pushing these businesses to the masses!
That's where the DUDE NEEDS YOU!
More info to come on the first LOGIC NFT release!
Be Cool, Be Real, and always Abide! - The Dude's main site - Classifieds, NFTs, DEFI Pool, Online Retail - Community for Entrepreneurs and All Around Hustlers - Live crypto market data, news, and research - Music NFTs, DAO, Downloads, and more - DJ/Producer/Sound Engineer music and services - The Highest Form of Social Media
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But if you must... here is the YouTube channel link:
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Want to shop using crypto, or even start your own online store? Check out the Hivelist Store
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Thank you for sharing this great content, You have been manually Upvoted by @skylinebuds
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sweet. Got the whole month to build up some funds ready to buy some NFTs!
Communities I run: Gridcoin (GRC)(PeakD) / Gridcoin (GRC) (| Fish Keepers (PeakD) / Fish Keepers (
Check out my gaming stream on VIMM.TV | Vote for me as a Hive witness! )
Yeah going to use the next couple of weeks to get all of the variant layers and such together! Excited to help be one of the first to give some solid use case to the pHBD token, plus hopefully can help build some funds to make all this stuff grow! Thanks for your support from the start bud!
I think all your projects are great, I guess it is very possible that you can create the Amazon of blockchain.
I love cryptocurrencies and NFTs, can't wait for the launch of LOGIC and Hashcats NFTs.
Looking like some big opportunities are coming.
Let's grow some DAOs
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