RE: Nidhoggr Adjustment Proposal: Addressing Airdrop Balance and Improving Tactics


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Card changes should be up to the company. The community can/should give feedback, but a DAO proposal feels we're forcing their hand.

Normally I think that the proposal system is used for too big of changes that are driven by the community. In this case, the reverse is true, this is a minor change that the community can inform the company about, without it making a major impact on the mechanics or economy - just a few odd games here and there.

Edit: And the fact that the team made a bit of a mess with this card - it is worth correcting considering what went in to get it produced.

I prefer balancing to be done by adjusting mechanics (e.g. changing how abilities or rulesets work or adding new ones) or introducing new cards (e.g. for Nid there could be more Dragon Blast cards that synergize with Execute, or new cards that have a direct synergy similar to Rik's Kindred Will), or even via other systems (e.g. Glamour).

Mechanics changes are far more risky, because there is a lot of complication and unintended consequences occur that impact everything.

Furthermore, I think we need a clearer system for pre-testing and for balancing cards, which includes key players from the community. A well-informed and small team of experts would likely do a better job in making balance changes than a public democratic process.

I agree.

I think that the bigger picture is important here and I reckon that should be that the community can make an impact on the gameplay in some way, but ultimately, larger decisions should be up to the company and team. The reason is that most people have very little understanding of what needs to happen, will look to benefit themselves, but also bear little responsibility and exposure. The entire ecosystem can suffer, but an individual only pays a fraction of the cost.

Stake gives a voice, but that doesn't mean the voice is correct.
(This isn't aimed at you in particular) :)
