Smart NFTs for Gaming Through Altura
Do current NFTs provide enough utility for gaming? Traditional NFTs represent images which seem limited in transacting data. Videogames use items that have specific properties and interact with an environment. Moving items between games can lose their primary purpose and history if only the image is the available representation. As a result, Altura plans to improve NFTs into smart NFTs for gaming.
By Altura's design, smart NFTs would include baked in data such as item title, description, game origin, or if the item is part of a verified unique collection. The amount of damage, rarity, and trait properties would be associated too. Ultimately though, these characteristics are up to the game developer and how they interact in the videogame environment. Outside of the videogame, this original data is still part of the NFT and tracked as part of its identity. Since there is extra data that needs to be stored, this is where Altura wants to provide a solution.
The metadata of a smart NFT would be stored on a blockchain to remain immutable. This extra layer of data that is verified on the blockchain needs to be associated with the NFT. So as a solution, Altura will provide an API tool to keep tracking for game developers. The synced metadata is what allows for a smart NFT's capabilities. For game developers that don't use Altura's tools, a NFT asset would be used as the basic image. Creating this infrastructure then, Altura provides an NFT marketplace to support exchanging their smart NFTs.
Altura's NFT marketplace would be the community hub that partnered game developers would integrate. In theory, a videogame could use another videogames NFTs and retain item progress and functions if they choose to. New games could have a pool of users with item assets to build around instead of starting from scratch. Also some blockchain games will just launch their NFT's through the Altura marketplace to raise money. Cryptoblade Kingdoms is one partner that recently launched part of their land sale through Altura.
Altura's main goal is to provide the infrastructure for developing smart NFTs into blockchain games. Smart NFTs will include item properties and progress rather than just a image. One method of making NFTs into smart NFTs is by storing extra data on the blockchain and syncing it to the NFT. Basically, Altura wants to provide smart NFTs for gaming through stat tracking API tools and hosting a supported marketplace.
Seems to be interesting, I am looking forward to see how this new platform performs in the future. Thanks for letting me know about it! :)