Ted Lasso the story so far


Major spoilers, review, personal assessments and assumptions follow.


The first season showed that Ted Lasso is one of the most feel-good series ever. The case of the - always positive energy - American football coach who accidentally goes to England to work for a soccer team was hilarious from the start and over the course of the season, he got to know the main characters on a basic level. Not great, not mediocre.
The series in my opinion takes off in the second season. There he goes down deeper existential paths, does exemplary character development, and S02E09 starring Coach Beard is a cinephile masterpiece with clear references to Martin Scorsese's amazing and underrated 1985 comedy After Hours.
The third season so far has pulled back somewhat from Lasso's dominant presence, has much longer episodes and seems to have a clear socio-political agenda. All three of these characteristics have both positive and negative aspects, which I will try to analyze in the following sheet.
Let me point out the "elephant in the room" first: While I consider myself to be in complete agreement with all the fundamental principles of "political correctness", I disagree abominably with the way it is often imposed in so-called "pop culture". And the reason I'm not a fan is the blackmailing way she tries to dominate ideologically, because I think she alienates a lot of people who could potentially accept her demands. However, if there's one show that gets these requests right, it's Ted Lasso, for that and during the course of each episode I might get irritated, but I always say "Respect". Or let's say I can't help but admit that S03E06 in Amsterdam, where the agenda is now clear, is the most even episode so far (like Netflix's Booksmart a few years ago, it's infuriating in how it throws its checks in your face political correctness, but objectively it's a great coming-of-age movie, like Superbad about 10 years ago). The most important element of this particular episode is its many subplots: Ted's graduation, Jamie's bromance with Roy, Billy's mutual friendly outing with Trent, Leslie's outing to the jazz club with the young carer, and of course the meeting Rebecca with the Dutch ex-military and current foot fetish. Essentially, we don't just see Coach Beard's late-night extremes again.
The problem with Ted Lasso this year is that there is no element of surprise at all. That is, e.g. there's a strong love energy between Keeley and Jack, which is expressed quite retroactively 2 episodes later. Or Nate manages to get a date with the waitress at the Greek restaurant he's been eyeing again several episodes after we realized it. Or it is simply not possible in the episode that will be shown on Wednesday that Rebecca and the Dutchman will not be reunited. And why he's heard from the psychic that she's going to be a mother (and Dutch has a little girl apparently), and he says at the end to himself (us) that they "made love" and Rebecca in the previous episode says that the phase was "transcendent" and "he'd like to see his dick"... Fortunately, Ted Lasso probably doesn't hate the male sex/reproductive organ, because the last episode's scene with the tied penises in training was one of the most painful things i have seen No, it's not funny. If there was a similarly traumatic phase with the female sexual/reproductive organ I don't think anyone would find it humorous, rather horrifying and rightly so.. So yes, surely Rebecca and the Dutchman will make it a serious bond to begin with, with math precision in the next episode. If not, the scene where Rebecca throws the water in the dryer and the definition of "Alpha Male" doesn't get to kiss her would be the most "gay" (sic) thing I've seen in the episode and the series in general. More than Billy and Trent's mutual confession (definitely the episode's strongest moment), more than the - again unrealistic but ok - choral pop song on the bus at the end of the episode, even more than pillow fight of the group in the hotel that avoids the "machila", but it cannot be taken as satire with the choice of direction, music, etc.
On the other hand, as much as I want to cry, I can't help but accept the pros of this particular perspective: The Dutchman who makes the incredible rudeness (sorry), pants (sorry), @@@the (sorry) move to throw his cell phone to the river to begin his acquaintance with Rebecca on equal terms, perhaps an example that appearances are often deceiving. Ok he looks macho but deep down he is sensitive and respects the woman he just met. And maybe "a gali gali" let these things be done even though our "all-wise" people as another Pythia, says the complete opposite "in boiling iron sticks". Or let's say where you think Sam will be the exponent of a correct but superficial of anti-racist rhetoric, snaps his father who, when he meets Rebecca, looks at her with embarrassment, in contrast to the black chef of his restaurant, whom he treats with enthusiasm. Is it reverse racial racism or ageism? It will show.. How with just one the Amsterdam hotel worker slams the degrading culture of sex tourism.
That's why I haven't decided if the third season will be the best or the worst for my tastes.
The only thing that is certain is that the match will be played around Ted Lasso, which also has her name. As I said, in this season he is not the focus and I really have no idea what will happen with his case. All the rest -badly- are expected:
He will eventually give the anointing of the coach to Roy.
Jamie will lead the team to the top.
Rebecca will become a stepmother to a happy family.
Keeley will be yet another love firework for Jack.
Billy will live proudly, as he deserves, in an inclusive professional and social environment.
Nate will leave evil Rupert's team and apologize to Ted etc.
In conclusion, season three has the potential to make the show one of the best comedies of all time, or another watered-down construct of the show for so-called "snowflakes" (a derogatory term I don't use, hence the put in quotes).
PS Of other series being played and completed this year, Succession is obviously the top one. He is progressively living up to the high expectations he created from the start and the time has come for the Succession. Also early on it looked like Kendall was the favourite, but in this masterpiece you can never be sure. Unlike Ted Lasso.
Barry also started as a conventional comedy, but in its third season it took a surprising turn with impressive direction and established Bill Hader as a top creator, since he was already a distinguished comedic performer. I think this year's fourth will be even better, judging by the episodes that have been shown so far.


Looks like a great movie for your demographic

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