Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: Quix the Devious



Hello! The challenge for this week was asking to include a dragon in our battle so I did a game with Quix The Devious :)

I m at gold league and bought a Quix for the challenge. At that level, i can use any card on gold level status.



You can find the video HERE

Let's talk about the line-up

The match was Modern, with Fire & Regret and Lost Magic with Mana 38 ruleset.

  1. Coeurl Lurker in the first position. This card is really good on high mana games. It can stall basically every monster with low speed. My Quix and Lira are backing him up.
  2. Riftwing in the second position. This is another one fast card to stall the enemy.
  3. Ureus is in the third position. Three sneak cards together. I wanted to clear things from behind and since there were no magic cards, i set it in 3 position since it has a shield.
  4. Silent Sha-vi is in the fourth position. Again a sneak monster. With the ability of being super fast.
  5. Dhampir Infiltrator is in the fifth position. Last sneak monster on my line up.
  6. Lira the Dark is in the sixth position. Fast monster with opportunity and a big buff on speed. Perfect for what I wanted to do.

Things I could change

I could change very few things, to be honest. This line-up is really solid so probably I would not change something. The Lurker is an amazing card when it gets buffs such as Quix's and Lira's.



Quix is a good card as a summoner. It can be used in no magic line ups and against full range teams.

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