This Lineup Always Works Against The Water Monsters. Splinterlands Social Media Challenge.



When I have the freedom to use any monster for a battle as the Mana limit is 99, without any doubt I use the Water Summoner and Monsters. 4 Rare Water monsters with 1 Epic Water monster this lineup couldn't be better than it.

Hello and welcome back to my other splinterlands post.

Today in this post, I will share a battle where I used Water monsters against the enemy Water monsters.

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In this battle I used:






  • MEDUSA (RARE WATER Monster).


  • For this battle, The battle rule was "Standard" and the mana cap was 99.

  • You can watch this battle from splinterlands. Click Here



Dodge: Has An Increased Chance Of Evading Melee Or Ranged Attacks.


Inspire: Gives All Friendly Monsters +1 Melee Attack.


Protect: All Friendly Monsters Gain +2 Armor.


Double Strick: Each Round Monster Attack Twice On The Enemy Monster.

Now it's time to meet my monsters:

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Once the ruler of the jungles of Azmaré, SERPENT OF ELD was forced out from the Palace of Eld by a band of agitators. From then, this monster drew back into the water and became the worst enemy of Azmaré souls.

But still, when I use this monster in battle, it shows its true power by ruling over the enemy monsters. The benefits of using this monster are:

1. With 3 Melee attack, this monster is a huge threat to the enemy monsters Health.

2. 4 Speed and the Dodge ability make this monster almost untouchable. Most of the enemy monsters miss their targets while attacking this monster.

  • SERPENT OF ELD cost only 07 mana.

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These Sharks are very tough in the ocean. This monster DEMENTED SHARK is reckless and targets aimlessly which often ruins its life. But because of DEMENTED SHARK aggressive temperament, this monster is very suitable with its Inspire ability.

The benefits of using this monster are:

1. In the battle, this monster can help to increase the Melee attack power of all the friendly monsters.

2. With 1 Armor and 6 Health, this monster can survive a long time in battle.

  • DEMENTED SHARK cost only 06 mana

  • Interested to buy this card? Check it out in Splinterlands Market

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The so-called rat VENARI WAVESMITH has lived thousands of years while spending their time on skilled up in the mechanism and the Technion. They are the creator of advanced machines which #splinterlands have ever seen.

I always feel free to use this monster in battle because I know this monster can change the battle. VENARI WAVESMITH is worth using in a battle because:

1. Using this monster with Water summoner ALRIC STORMBRINGER will allow +1 Magic attack power which is pretty awesome because Magic attack never misses the targets.

2. And the Armor ability will add additional +2 Armor to all the friendly monsters.

  • VENARI WAVESMITH cost only 05 mana.

  • Interested to buy this card? Check it out in Splinterlands Market

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AXEMASTER is known as the most bizarre group of people in the history of the ΛZMΛRÉ. They lived in the cave of the jungle. This hybrid race monster is the protector of the cursed treasure of ELD.

This is the monster that has made my Water monster line up so strong that I can easily fight with the enemy monsters and most of the battles I won. The most reasons for which I chose this monster for battles are:

1. AXEMASTER will not miss its target because this monster comes with 4 Speed at level 1. And still, now I didn't see this monster miss its target.

2. This monster is blessed with Double Strick ability which allows this monster to attack the enemy monster twice at a time.

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The Gorgons who live in the waters have the ability to turn living beings into stone. Medusa is the only Gorgon to reveal herself to others without turning them to stone.

This is another monster that I used in the Water monster lineup only because this monster cost less mana but it can play a good role in the battle for my win. If you used this monster, you will be benefited because:

1. Using this monster with Water summoner adds an additional +1 Magic power which makes this monster more damageable.

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The monster WATER ELEMENTAL is a form of water summoned by the Water summoners. After WATER ELEMENTAL completes its duty, it goes free.

Using this monster in battle cannot be regressed. When I have a chance to use this monster, I never miss that.

1. As it comes with 4 Speed, this monster attacks before most of the enemy monsters in a battle. And 2 Ranged damage is good enough to kill a monster.

2. Another reason for using this monster is its Heal ability. At each round this monster gain +2 Health because of its ability.

  • WATER ELEMENTAL cost only 05 mana.

  • Interested to buy this card? Check it out in Splinterlands Market

Now it's time to talk about the battle:

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  • The Inspire ability from COMMON monster DEMENTED SHARK increase the Melee attack power of itself as well as the SERPENT OF ELD.

  • The Armor ability from RARE monster VENARI WAVESMITH gives extra +2 Armor to all the friendly monsters.

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  • SERPENT OF ELD and AXEMASTER were the fastest monsters in this battle. As we all know fastest monsters attack first so these two monsters start attacking the enemy monster SERPENT OF ELD.

  • My Ranged attack monster AXEMASTER hit twice at a time on this enemy monster. At first hit, damaged the Armor completely and then again damaged the 2 Health. At the next hit from SERPENT OF ELD, enemy monster lost its rest of the life and opponent's lost his powerful Melee attack monster SERPENT OF ELD.

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  • The enemy monsters weren't sitting peacefully. All the Magic monsters were striking on my SERPENT OF ELD. Though this monster comes with Dodge ability, that didn't work against these enemy Magic attack monsters. 3 hits from 3 different enemy Magic attack monsters cost me SERPENT OF ELD.

  • The rest of the monsters in my team were working together to weaken the enemy monsters by damaging their health. MEDUSA and VENARI WAVESMITH did 4 Health damage of the enemy monster ELVEN DEFENDER.

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  • At round 2, AXEMASTER shows its power again. This time it was enemy monster ELVEN DEFENDER. AXEMASTER killed the enemy monster by hitting twice at a time. At this point, the victory was certain for me.

  • Rest of the opponent's monsters were trying to fight back against my monsters. They killed my other Melee attack monster DEMENTED SHARK at round 2 but that is all they could do.

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  • At the next round, the rest of 3 enemy monsters were absolutely demolished. those 3 enemy monsters didn't get a chance to attack in this round.

  • At first AXEMASTER killed opponent's monster ICE PIXIE.

  • Enemy monster ELVEN MYSTIC was killed by the RARE monster VENARI WAVESMITH.

  • MEDUSA from my team killed the last enemy monster ENCHANTED PIXIE.


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No more today, Goodbye to all, and have a pleasant day.
I will be here in the next post.
I wish everyone safety.

Use a face mask and hand sanitizer.
stay home, stay safe.
