Breath of Life || Movie review


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About Breath of Life :

Breath of life is Nigerian drama (Nollywood) this movie was released on 2023, due to its amazing storyline it was popularly known by all Nigerians and all over the internet which makes me to eager to see the movie for myself and believe me it was worth it.

Review :

Breath of life is a movie about a young man (Mr. Timi) who lost everything including his family and he was traumatized this lead to him questioning his belief (in God). He was angry and upset, he stopped socializing with people and never leave his home.

Everything is about to change in Mr. Timi life as he employed a housekeeper Elijah. At first it was difficult for Elijah to service Mr. Timi as he was upset with every little thing Elijah did. And also warned Elijah not to mention God while staying in his house. With time Mr. Timi got familiar with Elijah as Elijah brought back light into Mr. Timi lives, he started associating with Elijah sharing his past with him and trying hard to move on with life.

Sadly Elijah was sick and needs lung transplant. Mr. Timi tried everything to save Elijah requesting for lung transplant from different hospitals but no one was winning to help. With love for Elijah, Mr. Timi decides to donates his lungs for Elijah which leads to his death. Before his death he will everything to Elijah calling him son and appreciating him for everything.

Elijah was healed and he got married to Anna who was his lover and he reopened the church working as a pastor.

Thoughts and Opinions :

The movie was awarded as the best movie of the year. Which a lot of people was not happy about. To me I was happy that the movie got the award it’s deserves. A lot of work was put into it and the storyline was exactly what many people faces in life.

A lot of people have gone through a lots in life which make them stock in their past, patiently waiting for death to strike. But if we can have people like Elijah around who’s ready to breath a new life to us and help us come out from our shadow and embrace the future.

Positives :

Breath of life is a movie that shows that we can be of help to people and also teaches that no matter what we face in life we shouldn’t give up on our faith. There’s reason for everything and we are destined to be of help to someone in future. Mr. Timi tried everything possible to Kill himself after the death of his wife and daughter but he couldn’t succeed cause God was keeping him to be a life saver for Elijah and also to help him heal from his pains and sorrows.

Observation/ Criticism:

Okay this is the part in Breath of life I didn’t like, I wish there was a way the writer would avoid the death of Mr. Timi. It was heart broken when he had to die to save the life of Elijah.


Breath of life has taught a lesson of life that need to be addressed.
Love was the greatest weapon, believing and healing was the process we all need to take a step at a time. No matter how dark our problems is there’s always a breath of life that changes everything and every situations.


Love is really something good that man has to depend upon, because without love is always division that tend to result to unfruitful yield that is always negative.
