BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! Super Sneak

This post is an entry to the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!



Description: All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.

Info: Choose a summoner that increases/reduces Melee attack or Mylor. Keep a monster with Shield, Retaliate or Thorns in the last position.

The Battle


Battle RulesetsDescriptionInfo
ARMORED UPAll Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.Use magic attacks, but the opponent will do the same, so focus on HP. Is countered by Rust or Wizard of Eastwood's summoner ability.
SUPER SNEAKAll Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.Choose a summoner that increases/reduces Melee attack or Mylor. Keep a monster with Shield, Retaliate or Thorns in the last position.
LOST LEGENDARIESLegendary Monsters may not be used in battles.There are no special tricks for this ruleset.


Lorem ipsum

Quix the Devious - One of my 2 available max level dragon summoners, but it is an average fit to this rulesets. Maybe Lily waw a better choice.
Djinn Chwala - My oldest dragon tank, good fit in melee-heavy games, unfortunately, my enemy use only one melee character.
Arkemis the Bear - My best natural big tank, armor and halfling ability good for almost every game.
Djinn Renova - I used it very often, both the 2 support skill is ideal in almost every game, and the 4 magic damage makes her very good DPS.
Time Mage - Nowadays teams with a lot of armor are very common. So decreasing armor and speed is always a good option. 3 magic damage for 4 mana is also a good value.
Supply Runner - It has good support abilities which are good for this game.
War Pegasus - I select it because the armor desctruction skill.

Battle - Replay


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

No. Unfortunately my enemy chose the perfect strategy:


Battle Results


Do you like SUPER SNEAK ruleset? Why or why not?

Yes. I like to use melee monsters in the middle of the lineup, this a good opportunity for this.
