Rising Star Weekly Update - Level 128, Rank 1222 and Spent 99K StarBits to hit my Goals.

Rising Star Profile
Here are some quick stats about my account.
- Rank: 122
- Level: 128
- Missions: 8250
- Mission Ego: 32339
- Lesson Skill: 52846
- Card Fans: 48988
- Card Skill: 42392
- Cards Luck: 15413
- Cards IM: 727
- Unique Cards: 459
- Total Cards: 4043
- Joined 8/12/21
- Packs Purchased: 3
- Boxes Purchased: 10
- Pizza Slices: 6
- Pizza Box: 4
- Coffee Cup: 1
- Risky Whisky: 1
- Cans of Petrol: 5
- 2nd Edition Birthday Cake: 2

Building A Lead Over Ego

The classic race of fans versus ego continues. Think I've done quite well lately to build this up as best I can. There are still an occasional day or two where I will pop more drunk fans than I have buffer and my ego starts to climb.
Overall I think I'm doing well and I think if I continue on the same Pace I will build a significant lead of skill over potential drunken fans and fans I am buying. Most of this is due in my mind to my continual pursuit of musical instruments to advance my drum lessons, and my attempt to do two musical lessons a day. This should add at least two days worth of ego for each day I run him. This will offset anything that a generate, and another day or two of offset. If I keep this up I will eventually have a significant buffer. I'm not sure what kind of buffer I need but I did manage to pick up about 8,000 drunk fans one day last week, and hit 4 to 5% ego. All the extra earning was nice, I did not like all the negative impacts it had.
It also seems that as I continue to advance in the game, my potential for drunks increases, and the number of drunks I pick up from missions also significantly increases which only requires me to build an even bigger lead for when they all come at once.

Card Buying Binge 99+ StarBits

Another week another three goals nailed. I added 1,000 fans, 500 luck to my drum lesson, and I added five unique card to the collections. Well the uniques are slowly helping my ranking, I am pretty stagnant into 120 range. I think it would take another significant investment in either bulk cards or all the new cards to help boost me up towards breaking the triple digits to the double digits.
It does seem lately that either fans or uniques are getting more expensive as I struggled to come in under my $100,000 budget most weeks. This budget is purely based on what I earned in missions each week outside of the millionaire mission. Millionaire mission right now is just being held back for future determination of whether I buy a significant number of packs, or if the star bit price regains, I may sell some for Hive to rebalance between my games. Right now Verizon store is probably one of my big holdings and I could use a little rebalancing and asset allocation into dry powder for some of the new games that are coming out. But at the current prices it's likely I'll just buy more cards.

Next Buys - Growing my Fan Base to 50k
I should hit 50,000 fans next week if I allow myself to splurge a little bit then by 1200 fans versus just the regular 1,000. I'm currently over 50,000 fans but I do have to consider that I have 1300 drunk fans that will be removed in a little while. Although not much will change when I hit 50,000 other than changing my target goal to be 75k.
The goal of 75,000 is a significant goal that at the current Pace will take me more than half of next year, but I hope to speed things up as my account grows and I earn more. I may have to spend one week a month just buying both cards or something else or maybe a pack every now and then to see if I get lucky in openings
I'll be happy now that there are some new cards out, that should help me acquire unique cards more cheaply but eventually those will run out as well, and I'll be left trying to buy unique cards that are all into 8 to 10,000 star bit range. This will likely exceed my budget, and I will have to pivot for a while to do something else. Maybe I will swap out uniques for bulk cards and try to spend less on the bulk than a wood uniques allowing myself to build an extra allotment for the next week to buy unique cards. I think I'll quit chasing unique cards once I have all of the rare cards and common cards. Epics are likely to expensive outside of instruments.

Major Milestones
- Starbits Millionaire
- Level 50 to Unlock Starbits Millionaire Mission
- Level 55 to Unlock Local Mini Tour Support
- Level 80 to Unlock Country Tour with Cheap Rehearsal Room
- 5 Cans of Petrol
Thoughts and Comments
Let me know what you think I should do next, or how to improve my band better. I got PIZZA, LUV to tip if they are working.