Rising Star Weekly Update - Level 126, Rank 114 - Broke 4000 Cards owned
Rising Star Profile
Here are some quick stats about my account.
- Rank:
- Level: 126
- Missions: 7883
- Mission Ego: 29720
- Lesson Skill: 46264
- Card Fans: 38878
- Card Skill: 37636
- Cards Luck: 9314
- Cards IM: 587
- Unique Cards: 361
- Total Cards: 4000
- Joined 8/12/21
- Packs Purchased: 3
- Boxes Purchased: 10
- Pizza Slices: 6
- Pizza Box: 4
- Coffee Cup: 1
- Risky Whisky: 1
- Cans of Petrol: 5
- 2nd Edition Birthday Cake: 2
Card Buying Binge 186+ StarBits
I a little nuts in celebration of breaking 500 on Drum lessons. I decided to go out into the market and spend everything I had and the cheapest cards I could, with the goal of increasing my bulk card count to help improve my rankings. I've really been trying to climb back up and rankings, but it has been extremely difficult. No matter how hard I try to push it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference. It looks like rankings have gotten really competitive in the past three to four months
As as you can see these are the cheapest cars in the market, they're all the new common instruments that people shun because they only have one luck, and don't add much to your lesson stats.
Since total cards is 30% of your ranking, I figured they were good to target. I added over 1000 luck but None to drums or even really my 2nd best lesson. Adding these were really only for ranking purposes and not increasing game play. Now that I think about it, it's kinda nuts but I am happy to be in the 4k card club... Is there one?
Next Buys - Growing my Fan Base to 50k
I'm still pushing to hit 50,000 fans, and I should be there by the end of this month at least it started next month depending on my income. My income is going to drop significantly here this month as I go on vacation and I will be way less efficient at playing the high roi missions, especially the five missions that pay the most. I'll be lucky to kick off half a dozen really long missions a day, and my earnings will probably drop a ton.
Back to Regular Goal
500 Drum Lesson Luck
On the next post my goal is going to go back to my old goals, I still desperately need to add 500 luck to the drums a week because as I hit 50,000 fans I believe that my ego will take another sign ificant increase that will cause me to lose ground again
1000 Fans
Cuz we all know the only way to continue to earn more in this game is to continue to increase the fan base so that you can become more efficient on each mission and earn the maximum can I think that will continue to add fans at a clip of 1,000 per week for the foreseeable future
5 Uniques
Vegas according to continue to add unique parts as well this gives me an opportunity to continue to help boost my rankings I'll be at much slower I still believe these is very important things to do
New Goal - Run 2 Music lessons a day
I think I need to add 5k Skill a week if possible. I believe went I cross 50k, my ego per missions will take another increase on the base missions. The only way to offset the increase in fan base and potentially increase to my ego permission after getting 50,000 will be to increase the number of music lessons I am perform ing each week, My overall goal is to add two per day this is the reasonable goal I think that'll help you
Major Milestones
- Starbits Millionaire
- Level 50 to Unlock Starbits Millionaire Mission
- Level 55 to Unlock Local Mini Tour Support
- Level 80 to Unlock Country Tour with Cheap Rehearsal Room
- 5 Cans of Petrol
Thoughts and Comments
Let me know what you think I should do next, or how to improve my band better. I got PIZZA, LUV to tip if they are working.
Before it was a blast buying this many cards this week I do think it'll be good to get back to my regular goals coming week s continue to focus on growing my stats, by ranking, and my earning potential
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The NFT based music career game built on HIVE