RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Community Proposals Guidelines
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"The burden of proof for a Community Proposal will be higher than normal proposals and require at least 10% of staked SPS voting in favor and having at least 2/3rds positive sentiment to advance to a full vote after the 7 day voting period."
For me the 10% is too high !
I mean 10% of the voting staked-SPS is fine, but when I see that in the last finished proposal 221.210.628 staked SPS took part what is less than 30% of the totally staked-SPS from (744,252,423) than this 10% means
33,6% of voting staked SPS.
I don't think that you really should need more than one third of the really voting staked SPS for this.
For me 10% is too low!
What do you say to that?
It's your word against mine, right? Who wins?
Thank you for your oppinion.
You understand that 10% is for me absolutely fine if taken from the voting SPS but when it is taken from the staked SPS it would be (with the last passed proposal) 33,6% so more than one third.
What is your oppinion and from what basis it should be calculated ?
For me the question is not who win and who loose but maybe we can find an acceptable compromise and have no looser but we are maybe two winner ... would this be possible or at least imaginable ?
You're asking him to compromise and also to not insert himself squarely into the conversation and centered around him? Best of luck my friend.
Yes, I don't like the game "who is the winner and who is the loser" and as you can see we are all losers now when it comes to tournaments because some people really wanted to come out as winners and showed no willingness to compromise.
Use a running average of the the total votes for the last 10 proposals and then raise the percentage to 20-25%. So if the last 10 proposals averaged 220M total votes then you'd need 44-55M to "pass" the pre-proposal stage.
I would definitely agree with this as it would be much less than the requirement of the proposal, tbh I have not checked the last 10 proposals but from the last successfzll proposal (to the time I wrote this) it was 33,6% as I wrote above.
So I voted "NO" with the running proposal and I will be curious if we get in the future any proposal to the main phase with this guidelines ... we will see ...