Community Engagement Challenge: Training mode has comming! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: トレーニングモードが始まった!
I see that the subject of this article is about the training mode released on 2025-02-04. You can choose Ghost Modern by card type so you can practice. So I actually tried to play it.
Wow... I'm losing so much... 😭
Well, well, the opponent is a bot with all cards at the maximum level. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to lose.
In ranked matches, you don't often meet people who have such a good card lineup, so the feeling is a little different. However, it is still a useful mode for research and practice because you need to have the right cards so that you don't lose even if you meet someone who has a good card lineup.
The entrance to this training mode is in an obscure location.
Clicking on the area circled in red will take you to the training mode settings screen.
There are three levels of difficulty (Easy, Medium, and Hard), four levels of available cards (All Cards, Modern, Ghost Cards, and Ghost Modern), and five Summoner level caps (Novice, Adept, Intermediatem, Advanced, and Expert).
The Summoner level cap is a little confusing, but when you choose one, the level cap for each rarity is displayed, so you can actually check it. After that, press the SEND button and the rest is the same as the usual battle.
The opponent's Rating and Power are both 0, but the appearance is the same as when battling in ranked battles. The battle and result screens are the same.
This is the same as in ranked battles. The only difference is the entrance, so there is nothing to worry about.
However, there are no rating points, no SPS or GLINT rewards. You can enter with confidence and try all kinds of strategies.
**But! There is only one thing that really disappoints me! Why isn't there a REPEAT TRAINING button added? **
The lack of a REPEAT button only allows you to end with the CLOSE button. After pressing the button, you will be taken back to the Battle Result screen, and you will have to click on the small TRAINING button in the upper right corner again.
It is very, very disappointing that you have to click on TRAINING, set up, and press SEND button for each round. I wish they would have added a REPEAT TRAINING button here as in the Challenge Mode!
However, matching is fast, and if you choose Ghost Modern, you can try out cards you don't have, so I'm satisfied with almost everything.
I'm not sure if it's a problem that I can't win at all and it's stressful.😡
The biggest advantage of the training mode is that you can try out the cards without buying them. It would be a shame if you buy an expensive card and find that it doesn't work well with the cards you have.
Can it be combination with the cards I have on hand to increase my win rate, does it match my play style, are there other cards I need? It is great to be able to check various points.
It can also be used as a simulation of ranked battles if Modern is selected on the available cards. Is this a great way to practice without lowering your rating?
However, the opponents are set to have all cards at the upper limit, so they are quite strong.
I feel stronger in training mode battles because I can't get to the point where I can hit someone who has a solid set of cards in actual ranked battles. 😂.
So I think if you practice in training mode, you can improve your win rate in actual ranked battles.
However, I am deeply disappointed that there is no REPEAT button. I hope this will be fixed in a hurry. I must throw my opinion to the official. 😤
The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.
今回のテーマは 2025-02-04 にリリースされたトレーニングモードについての記事ですね。カードの種類で Ghost Modern が選べるので練習が捗ります。というわけで、私も実際にプレイしてみました。
難易度は Easy, Medium, Hard の3段階、使用可能なカードは All Cards, Modern, Ghost Cards, Ghost Modern の4段階、サモナーレベルキャップは Novice, Adept、Intermediatem, Advanced, Expert の5段階ですね。
サモナーレベルキャップがちょっとわかりにくいですが、選んだ時にレアリティ別のレベルキャップが表示されるので実際に確認してください。そのあと SEND ボタンを押せばあとはいつものバトルと同じです。
しかし!本当に残念な事が1つだけ!なんで REPEAT TRAINING ボタンが追加されていないのですか!
REPEAT ボタンが無いことで CLOSE ボタンで終わることしかできません。ボタンを押した後はバトルリザルトの画面になってしまうので、また右上の小さい TRAINING をクリックしなくてはなりません。
1戦ごとに TRAINING をクリック、設定、SEND ボタンを押さないといけないのが凄くすごく残念。ここはチャレンジモード同様に REPEAT TRAINING ボタンを追加してほしかった!
しかし、マッチングも早いしGhost Modernを選べば持っていないカードも試せるしほぼほぼすべて満足いく内容です。
また、使用可能なカードで Modern を選択すればランクバトルのシミュレーションとしても使えます。レーティングを下げずに練習できるっていうのが大きいのかな?
しかし、しかしつくづく残念なのは REPEAT ボタンが無いこと。これだけは急いで修正してほしい。公式に意見を投げておかなくては。😤
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。