Splinterlands Social Media Challenge : Drawing : Lira the Dark
Hello everyone
Its last day of splinterlands social media challenge . so I am hare to post my last entry for this week . today a am trying to draw Lira the Dark and share to Instagram
Original Image source : https://splinterlands.com/?p=card_details&id=445&gold=false&edition=7&tab=lore
Its very simple for me to start drawing from its head .. it’s a beautiful lady . so I mush start drawing from its face . I am trying to draw its ful face and include eyes leap nose and others part
Now time to draw full body . this character waring a beautiful neckless a am drawing this and than drawing full body include legs hands and clothes
Not time to color .. this drawing is much difficult so I am using some black color in some parts which need to black. I am also using this color in hair and others parts
Now I am trying to complete it hair . so I am using red black and also purple color to color its hair . its so beautiful…
There is a flower in its cloth . so I am using orange color to for this flower
Well its time to color it dress . its clothe are very beautiful . so I am using blue and red color for this outline then using green color for her cloth . parts are orrnage color as like legs but totally this color is nice.
You can see her legs . I am using black color for this legs and some parts are yellow color . its complete now
Now finalize the image .. I am using some others color in some parts and finale touch to some parts . trying to make this drawing perfect.. Hope you like this
Here's my referral link:*
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p/CaKO1hTBq0K/?utm_medium=copy_link
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121