Splinterlands social Media Challenge : Drawing : Doctor Blight
Hello everyone
Its time to take part in Splinterlands social media challenge, today I am going to draw one of the most new character of splinterlands yeah that’s Doctor Bright
Original image source : https://splinterlands.com/?p=card_details&id=352&gold=false&edition=7&tab=lore
Some Materials I use to draw this character
- White paper
- Black Pen
- Color Pens
- Highlighter pen
Its very common for me to start drawing from its head , because total image depend on head . that means mouth , eyes teeth and others. So I am drawing this properly
Now trying to draw its full body . you know that its much difficult for me because this character is with so much element , as its holding a stick in its hand and in another hand its holding a lamp . I am drawing this properly . also drawing a neckless in its body and its cloths . I am trying my best to do
Now time color. I am using violet color in some of its body part . its actually is border to shadow or highlight, as you think
Now using yellow color in its eyes , hand stick and its belt . this color make this drawing more good . I don’t know . I am using this color to make this image better
Now using black color and in its eyes and red color in lamp. Which is holding in its hand
Its Time to use blue color , I am using this color in its full body , because this color make this image more better , some people using different color , I think blue is better for this character
Time to finalize the image … I am using yellow color as light of this lamp and trying to make this drawing proper . gibing some final touch to every part and try to make this drawing perfect
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p/CY8STRxhOfr/?utm_medium=copy_link
Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd
This one is far better, bro.
Keep up the good work and keep practicing.
Thank you