we gunna make it by rfy

Saturday. This is a rare "quiet" day for us. Maybe I'm going to work on art today, if I feel like it. All about how I feel! (No obligations!)




[Felt pen, paint pen, linter pen, and colored pencil on cardboard with digital embellishments.] Breaking down the personality to rebuild it requires a guide, a teacher... If you don't have one already, you can conjure one!




"Menace Practice..."

menace practice.png

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments.] You think being evil comes NATURALLY? No way! That shit takes PRACTICE!



"There's No Reason to Think That"

theres no reason to think that.jpg

[Digital drawing created on an old laptop using MS Paint!] Strange symbolic creature trying to shooo folks away from knowing THE TRUTH! (What is THE TRUTH? Wouldn't YOU like to know!?)





[Digital drawing created with a no-longer-supported, free app on my phone.] He's a monster, but at least he's wearing a hat! (And he's clearly bright eyed---perhaps bushy-tailed, as well, although we can't see his lower half...)



"Psyclops Bunny"

psyclops bunny.png

[Sharpie and colored pencil on cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] A powerful psychic bunny, Harry tries to protect humanity, but it's tough because humans are constantly trying to kill themselves and other people... (He needs a raise...and medical benefits...)



"An Energy"

an energy.png

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] A microscopic organism found in the brain-matter of artists that transmit electrical micro-pulses to the cerebral cortex causing hallucinations and euphoria. Some artists are so full of these little critters that they practically vibrate! Science is fun!



"Reptilian Warrior"

reptilian warrior.png

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Some think that the Reptilians are a monstrous, shapeshifting race of creatures that has infiltrated the highest levels of government and big business, but if they are an "advanced" species (as a former anthropology major I disagree, completely, with the idea of an "advanced species" cuz that's just NOT how evolution works), then they must have gone through a Neolithic phase, as well, right? Stone tools and weapons? I mean, no species is just BORN knowing how to make lasers, right? Maybe there's a planet somewhere with iguana-like creatures attacking each other with spears and pointy rocks right now! (Maybe?) Lizard people... SHAPESHIFTING lizard people... Gotta love it...




"Escaping the Fortress" by Richard F. Yates (HF) & Felicity Echo Hanson (TT)

escaping the fortress.png

[Charcoal pencil and crayon on paper with digital embellishments and color.] This is a fun one. I originally drew this cartoon / slash / geometric thing on a big sheet of paper back in 2014, but recently, my two-year-old granddaughter, Felicity, got ahold of it and felt it needed a little sumpin-sumpin. I agree! It's much more interesting now! After she gave it some much needed energy, I photographed the piece and added the digital colors. NOW, it's DONE...(for the time being. It might evolve further in the future.) ---RFY (HF) & FEH (TT)




"Dream Logic Poetics"

dream logic poetics.png

[Acrylic on cardboard with minor digital embellishments.] If a poem grew out of dream logic, it might be composed of twittering lights and slashes of gold. It might cry in concentric circles and fold into itself in an ever progressive attempt at reaching the speed of light...or the speed of dark. Avoid alarm clocks whenever possible...



That's it for this post! Still enjoying making stuff (way more than SHARING it!) Maybe I'll tokenize some more stuff today. Only time will tell.... (I think...)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
