Weekly Running Update.. Going Longer!
I've been sticking to my two runs a week recently, but upped one of them to a slightly longer run.
I was really just feeling like going a bit longer last Sunday, so I hit my longer route and did an 8K, and then this Monday I did a 10K... building up probably unnecessarily gradually, but that's they way I roll, or run!
Last Sunday's 8K...
This was horribly cold and wet!
I headed out up the local circular 10K route (it's actually nearer 12 once you add on the 1 K between the start and my house) when it was raining, which was fine.
By the time I got to around 4.5K I turned back, thinking I'd walk the final K, always having intended to do just 8K, it's sort of half way between my usual 5K and the 10K I was building to.
However I ended up jogging the last K as it was so cold and wet even though I had three layers on.
My poor old RonHill jacket as basically had it's days, good now for warmth, NOT waterproofing!
This Monday's 10K...
Overcast but warm for late December, and very enjoyable!
I felt pretty good with this, took it easy. I had plenty of fuel as I'd polished off some curry from Saturday, left over to Sunday, and finished off a box of quality street, I probably had excess calories even after this run from the night before in fact!
I didn't do the usual circular, which is 12K total, but pealed off early which makes it around a 10K total distance, nice to have the option!
Other runs...
I also did a couple of my usual five Ks - I do these Tuesday or Weds and then the long run Sunday or Monday if I've had a long weekend.
I think it's time to up my game to three runs a week, although this will likely be after the Xmas week/ weekend!
I think you should also share the photos of the route you run.
I'll keep that in mind, if I ever pause for a break!
The weather can make long runs less fun. Just have to do what you can.
I'm guessing The Beefy Boys is not a veggie eatery.
Hahaha, not exactly, they are very popular around here though, but not especially cheep. They do have veggie options, at least I imagine they do!
This shows that you usually have a long run
That’s really awesome!
Yeah, sometimes the weather can just be against some of our activities but It's amazing how you still had to run.
It was fine when I set out but you have to do it whatever!