RE: CryptoShots: Lets Peek At Their WebPage
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Finding that balance isn't easy. Some want fun, others want rewards. But I hear what you are saying. With Fun being prioritized that will help with user acquisition and retention which should lead to a robust economy.
@costanza we are not selling anything and we haven't done so in 2+ years. We are focuses on development and the game now is mostly free-to-earn backed by 20 K HBD in savings generating yield distributed to players.
Come try it out. We have free-to-earn PvP Tournaments from Sunday to Thursday. And we have free-to-earn minigames on the weekend too (karts, poker, chess).
Hive prizes for all!
More info:
100 percent. I feel it is a fine line and most expect easy returns for any money spent . Trouble is the game can not make everyone rich as it would come at the cost of the game devs and is not sustainable