DEC and lower Energy capture rate in splinterlands
Hello Splintergang,
Today we will be dicussing about what is DEC and ECR and impact of lower ECR.
ECR or Energy Capture Rate is rate basically determines how much Dark Energy Crystals you will get for each win in splinterlands.
Dark Energy Crystals are one type of reward that is earned from Ranked Battles in Splinterlands. It is used for ingame purchases or you can sell it on pancakeswap for money in your wallet.
Factors determining DEC per win are:-
- The league in which you are playing.
- Your ECR.
- YOUR win streak
- No. of Goldfoil,Alpha cards played in a battle
ECR is the main factor according to which you will recieve DEC. A player's Energy Capture Rate (ECR) gradually diminishes every time they play a Ranked battle, then regenerates with time(1% every hour).
When ECR is full, it is at 100%. Each battle you play will reduce your ECR by 1%.
For example if your ECR is 100% then 1% will be reduced making your ECR for next batlle 99%. Similarlyif your ECR is 50% then it will be reduced to 49.5%
and if it 25% then its reduced to 24.75%.
So, it clearly indicates that the higher your ECR the higher DEC you will get.
And it also indicates that ECR reduces slower if you capture rate is low.
Does it means that you will earn less DEC per day if your ECR is low??
Yes and NO.
If you play play more games than an average player than your low ECR does not matter as you overcome your lower ECR with more wins.
And if you play not more than 30-40 games in a day than its benificial for you to keep your ECR as high as you can to gain more rewards.
Hope you guys liked it. :)