Photo (1.2Mb) -> Pixel Art (4.1Kb) -> Infinite upscale vector (300x lighter)

I am here to write about the concept of storing information on a blockchain, not on a traditional data-center so that you haven't to store the footprint or image link separately from the blockchain because it would be such a high cost to replicate the large file on many nodes of the blockchain participating in its functioning and this, mostly while forever. Images on the net mostly lives ten years in average (and it's better like that, in order to have kind of a self-regenerating privacy by the way, the old is replaced by the new), while on the blockchain they are meant to live forever, costing it's storage up to infinity time multiplied by all the nodes of the blockchain the blockchain has to pay.

When I went to Amsterdam, I took this picture which was taking 1.2Mb on my phone (Nowadays it can be up to 8Mb easily), but usually if you sent it trough Whatsapp it will apply another format applying loss of data before the transfer that's why it weight now around 0.175Kb but it can be worse than that talking about quality or even weight, it's like you have to choose what you need to - Quality or Weight.

The algorithms to reduce the size (more precisely the dimension) is naturally something that hasn't changed a lot, as opposed to this fact, color quantization (which means reducing the number of colors) is something that is naturally difficult because there is 16 millions color possible in most of the modern Information Technology (so and we can ~10M, us human...) and for about nearly as much pixels as colors in image since there isn't any "merging" of color when it is took into in an instant, you have yeah, really 1920x1080 colors multiplied by 1/3 in average which for it, makes, ~1M colors. #AMAZING

I won't enter in the domain of quantization by this article, yet understand that it can be really difficult to compare or reduce following what logic does the computer follows. Here my algorithm I developed took 15sec to reduce it to theses 11 colors in this pixel art while making it appears there is more.

Here we have a 300x compression but it has been rendered like crisp edge in bigger but note on the fly, this means just before downloading from which is the tools to reduce photos to pixel art.

Now there exist scaling algorithms and AI, but unlike movies, it has to take example it "imagine" or procedures it follows, one of the algorithmic set of procedures it exist is xBRZ which can scale up to 6x the pixel art and gives an effect of sand beaches which is for the photo generated above, a photo that has been transformed to vectors being scaled to infinity without loss of quality with ImageTracerJS (I mean with pixa pics, but this alg. which also takes seconds like five) so it can be printed on a building for example without any pixelated effect.

So; we can reduce information and quality to a pixel art with a potential from phone camera to phone storage of 300x and then we can displays it after it has been stored on blockchain at a ridiculous cost at a scale which can be up to infinity!

Pixel art and photo edited from by me.
