BATTLE MAGE SECRETS [ENG/PT-BR] Splinterlands - RULE: Melee Mayhem

E no desafio de batalha semanal splinterlands tem a regra "todos os ataques fisicos atacam de qualquer posição"And in the splinterlands weekly battle challenge there is the rule "all physical attacks attack from any position"


Replay - "MELLE MAYHEM" - Battle


No desafio de batalha semanal o que meu inimigo nao fez foi usar cartas com ataque fisico e vou te dizer uma coisa ele veio pronto usou tudo que pudesse anular usou 2 cartas de diminuir um sumoner de diminuir o ataque fisico outra carat de diminuir o ataque fisico enquanto eu foquei na maioria apenas em ataques fisico focando apenas em ataques magicos as vezes acontece isso existe um regra e o adversario nao foca na regra faz outra coisa completamente oposto pegando vc de surpresa mais isso aqui que ele fez anulando tudo foi impressionanteIn the weekly battle challenge what my enemy didn't do was use cards with a physical attack and I'll tell you one thing he came ready he used everything he could nullify he used 2 cards to decrease a sumer to decrease the physical attack another character to decrease the physical attack while I mostly focused only on physical attacks focusing only on magic attacks sometimes it happens that there is a rule and the opponent doesn't focus on the rule does something completely opposite taking you by surprise but this here that he did canceling everything was impressive


Apos as habilidades serem ativadas meu adversario como foi dito na paragrafo anterior ele veio pronto anulando tudo possivel ataques magicos e fisicos so nao ataques arqueiros, antes da partida começar eu ate pensei em colocar um arqueiro bom, mas acabei desistindo por causa da regra nao achei que meu advcersario fosse fazer o que fezAfter the skills were activated, my opponent, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, came ready to cancel all possible magical and physical attacks, just not archer attacks, before the game started I even thought about putting a good archer, but I ended up giving up because of the rule, I didn't think so that my opponent would do what he did


Com o fim do primeiro turno tudo ocorreu normalmente em que todos acertaram seus golpes nos respectivos adversarios nada de anormalWith the end of the first round everything happened normally in which everyone landed their blows on their opponents nothing unusua


Ja no fim do segundo turno ambos os lados perderam uma carta mas como eu nao tenho defesa contra ataques magicos e nem arqueiro vai ficar bem dificil eu vencerAt the end of the second round, both sides lost a card, but since I have no defense against magic attacks and not even an archer, it will be very difficult for me to win


a batalha ja nao esta facil e ainda fui envenenado e acabei perdendo a carta pro veneno restando apenas 2 cartas nao tem como vencer essa partidathe battle is no longer easy and I was even poisoned and ended up losing the card to the poison, leaving only 2 cards there is no way to win this match


E eu nao consegui derrotar a carta que estava na primeira posicao pois os atacantes arraram o golpe e ainda fui envennado perdendo outra coisa pro veneno e por fim perdendo a partidaAnd I couldn't defeat the card that was in the first position because the attackers threw the blow and I was still poisoned, losing something else to the poison and finally losing the game

❗️ LAST TIP ❗️


Da pra ver pelas cartas do meu adversario que ele tem um poder aquisitivo maior e ta ai uma coisa que eu nao gostei depois da atualizacao tenho lutado contra jogadores com cartas boas, cartas em que o aluguel é muito caro ou até o rating as vezes eu tenho 1800 de rating e vem um adversario com 2500 é muita distancia, não ha equilibrio nao da pra ter dicas com jogadores que tem mais grana pra alugar as melhores cartas porque a probabilidade de vencer é maior se vc tiver cartas boas, se eu tambem tivessa essas cartas minhas chances de vencer aumentaria mas acredito que o mais justo seria colocar jogadores ricos x jogadores ricos assim fica mais justo, mas isso nao cabe a mim e sim ao devs e aqui fico com a batalha semanal splinterlands, tenham um bom inicio de semana ate a proxima!You can see from my opponent's cards that he has a greater purchasing power and there's something I didn't like after the update I've been fighting against players with good cards, cards where the rent is too expensive or even the rating sometimes I I have a rating of 1800 and an opponent comes with a rating of 2500, it's a long way off, there's no balance, you can't get tips with players who have more money to rent the best cards because the probability of winning is greater if you have good cards, if I had too these cards would increase my chances of winning but I believe that the fairest would be to place rich players x rich players so it is fairer, but that is not up to me but to the devs and here I am with the weekly splinterlands battle, have a good start to the week to the next!


❗️ Habilidades da partida ❗️

❗️ Match Skills ❗️

ddsdsads123589912.jpgphysical attacks attack from all positions
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5 SPS DROP 👇| 6 CARDS Splinterlands 👇
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see you soon!
