Do you want tips to improve your deck? Here are the best current summoners
Below I bring you the best current summoners, which without a doubt if you want to improve your deck you should acquire them, as well as some tips about these summoners
Eternal Tofu

This is one of the current summoners with the most picks and the truth is that the Thorns ability is very strong because every time they attack a card from a melee it returns 2+ damage, the tofu gives this ability to his cards so it makes the cards that are with them very strong in addition to the other abilities that are also strong like Snare, or the ones you have to choose which one you choose due to the battle rules at your convenience.If you choose triage + Scavenger, the backline card is practically impossible to kill if it is a good card because with these abilities it heals too much.

This summoner is so player because in his abilities there is poison, this ability grants the possibility of poisoning the enemy so that the card that is poisoned is practically one less enemy card, this makes that when you get water or death they are the most picketed, so if you want to improve your deck and guarantee victory I recommend this summoner.

Lorkus strong ability is Life Leech and it is the one that many people decide to use this character as a summoner since for each life damage to the enemy the card that has this effect is healed, so it is essential in cards that do magic damage since these end up healing, a good summoner for fire or death
Quix the devious

This card is usually used when one of the battle rules is that they are only melee type cards, since being a dragon you can use all the elements and since you only use 4 mana it is a better choice, it does not contribute much in terms of skills, however it is used for situations like this.

Reklah's fort, which has the ability reflection shield, units that have this ability do not receive damage from blast, magic reflect, throns or return fire, which are abilities that almost all enemies have and could eliminate your strategy, with this great summoner granting this ability to yours without a doubt you have a great advantage
Lux Vega

Lux Vega is a very exotic card since it is the only neutral summoner, however it has some balanced abilities that are not very attractive but still many people use it, in addition to the fact that this card has a great economic value, it is good to have it.

Akane is one of the summoners that are beginning to be seen and many will ask why and it is because she has an ambush, an ability that gives her the advantage of anticipating the enemy and attacking before starting the battle, thus giving a great advantage in battle.
These are personally the best current summoners, what are you waiting to add them to your decks, with these you will be invincible, go for them!