Advancing to Champion 3 - Season 13
Hello everyone! Another season started at the end of last week. I started in Diamond 1. After moving up to Champion 3, I got to open these chests:
10 potions out of 27 chests? That's over 37% of wasted chests. Not good. Another 7 with Merits, with only 2 of them giving out good amounts. Only one chest with energy is pretty weak. The rest were cards. However, none were GF, legendaries, or epics. I was hoping for 2 copies of Arachne Weaver to be 100% done with the epics. I got a few rares and commons but none that I could level up. All of them are just one level below max, so I'm getting close there. Except for Janni Rebel which is already maxed out.
Overall not good draws.
Nice post
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