Splinterlands Card Population Spotlight - Episode 4



Splinterlands Card Population Spotlight - Episode 4 15.02.22-22.02.22

In this series I am going to drop 5 Random cards into the spotlight to analyse population decline over the course of the week or period of time. The aim of these posts are to hopefully get people to identify the deflationary pressure rate on certain cards relative to their price and popularity and hopefully help you determine which cards you may need to make a move on (before they become out of reach financially). This week I am have a look at a range of regular foil cards. My analysis is primarily focussed on what I see of each card in bronze and silver level leagues. I hope you enjoy!

Barking Spider

Barking Spider - Reward Series - Earth - Common
Abilities: Blind (lvl 6)

The Barking Spider is a handy low summoning point ranged unit suitable for filling in a cheaper ranged strategy. At level 4 it gains an additional damage point.

Thoughts - It's cheap and one of those cards that remains affordable for most players. However the Barking Spider leaves much to be desired as there is no additional abilities until lvl 6. Not a card that people are seen to use in combat. With 120 burns in the last week, it's obvious it's being sort after on some level but probably more from those trying to level it up as a cheap option in event mode so that it gets that second damage point and maybe, just maybe worth having as an option at lvl 4 in the Silver leagues. With over 100k still in circulation, it's price range has not moved much and despite owning several of these, I cannot recommend no matter how hard I try to make a use of it in my daily strategy. As an investment, there are just way too many other options out there. It will be some time before deflation puts any real pressure on it's price.

Weekly Price Change: $.29-$.30

Weekly Regular Foil Population Change: 105,736-105,609

Barking Spider.png


Nightmare - Reward Series - Death - Common
Abilities: Blast (lvl 1), Phase (lvl 6)

The Nightmare is a fast and health abundant tank with explosive capability to boost right from Level 1. The downside is it will cost you 8 summoning points and you need to get it to level 2 to gain a crucial attack point. That's when speed/damage/health aspect begins to have impact on any frontline.

Thoughts - Another cheaper DEC common that has not been sighted often post Chaos but unlike the Barking Spider above, I do believe we have to note that 500 burns in one week is a significant advertisement for recent popularity. This tells me that players are honing in on the need to have this card in their death arsenal and I am convinced at level 5 in the Silver league this is one 'dark horse' many are not bargaining on seeing and this gives me a bullish lean on this prospects of this card long term both in strategy and as an investment. I own this card but only 1, but am now starting to think after following Nightmare for the last week, it may be time I joined in on the untapped potential of this in my strategy. The recent price movement may be another suggestion for those considering, that it may be worth making a move on before it's price turns into a Nightmare.

Weekly Price Change: $.56-$.67
Weekly Regular Foil Population Change: 159,410-158,827


Silvershield Sheriff

Silvershield Sheriff - Reward Series - Life - Rare
Abilities: Snipe (lvl 1), Piercing (lvl 3), Protect (lvl 6)

The Silvershield Sheriff is a dangerous weapon in any Life lineup. Staring with 3 Ranged Attack that includes the Snipe Ability and also strong in the health department, it makes this backline tank a scary prospect. Add piercing at level 3 and even armour wont stop additional damage from penetrating.

Thoughts - The only downside to the Sheriff is the 9 summoning points required to field it. Apart from that, I would highly recommend owning it and if possible getting it up to level 3 in the Silver Leagues. While I don't use the Sheriff often, I can't help but think this is just one of those cards that has multiple use case in various game conditions and strategies including close range and blast battles. Add General Sloan in for good measure, at Level 4 with the attack hitting a whopping 5 damage with piercing, you may find this card is worth every crossbow it fires. With nearly 90 burns from just under 30k population in the last week and price movement that seen it jump to $6.50 at one point, I think it's safe to say a bullish investment prospect for this card is an order Sheriff and I think the other officers on it's radar agree.

Weekly Price Change:$2.65-$4.11
Weekly Regular Foil Population Change: 29,799-29,711

Silvershield Sheriff.png

Halfling Alchemist

Halfling Alchemist - Promo Series - Neutral - Epic
Abilities: Halving (lvl 1), Redemption (lvl 4)

The Halfling Alchemist is a dreaded card on the field. The starting Halving Ability makes every opponent fear every hit they receive from this weak but nagging backline ranged card.

Thoughts - Here we have probably the most popular card I have analysed to date. There is nothing to be bearish about this card at all. It is popular, it is powerful in any strategy with the Halving Ability as long as you can hide it and it's cheap, requiring just 2 summoning points to play on the field. The value of this card has already seen an eye watering $110 dollars as recently as 2 months ago prior to Chaos. It has since steadied after it's drop and I can't see popularity waning and so I would not be surprised to see it reach greater heights considering the popularity and population of under 4k. It's just one of those cards you wish you owned. For many of us we can dream. And if you do own it...HHHHOOODLLLL! There could be 4 figures in this card if Splinterlands blows out to 5 million players in the future or sizeable renting prospects.

Weekly Price Change: $69.69-$71.97
Weekly Regular Foil Population Change: 3,862-3,860

Halfling Alchemist.png


Cornealus - Untamed Series - Neutral - Legendary
Abilities: Heal (lvl 1), Thorns (lvl 2), Return Fire (lvl 3) Magic Reflect (lvl 4)

Powerful, Scary, Annoying, Unstoppable Ranged Backline Tank! The Cornealus has an 'Eye' on you and your prospects are not good! And yes you should be scared! Starting ability Heal with 12 health making this just the beginning of many opponents woes when they face this card.

Thoughts - Do I like this card? You can answer that question yourself because I know your answer is the same as mine! The Cornealus is the envy of many Splinterlands hopefuls and with good reason. I recently rented this card for a bit of fun and I can say it paid for itself on the first day of a week long rent. It is a game changing card and you know as soon at your battles reach around 36-40 points, your always looking for a way to include it in your strategy. I recently played a sneak/armour battle that included Gen Sloan, Chain Golem, Crystalsmith Adelaide Brightwing, Spirit Haorder, Devine Healer and Cornealus at the back. It was a sight to behold! If Halfling was a card to own, you better add Cornealus to that list. Long term prospects are Extremely Bullish and at time of writing this card just broke a 3 month high, possibly ATH and I am not surprised. For many of us Cornealus is one of those cards that if you don't own it now, may even become very expensive to even rent. Just remember 28 days ago when you could have snagged it for $100 and come back in a couple of years from now and cry tears with me for not buying it then!

Weekly Price Change: $168.99-$221.99
Weekly Regular Foil Population Change: 2,356-2,349



Demented Shark - Reward Series - Water - Common
Abilities: Inspire (lvl 1), Thorns (lvl 6)

The Demented Shark is a valuable asset to any water deck. The starting inspire ability gives a +1 attack boost to all melee cards in play for the user, making this common card quite popular in medium to high summoning point battles where the owner chooses a melee dominated strategy.

Thoughts - Even though the population of this card still stands at over 160k, it's quite clear to see this card is popular relative to price. My personal long term prospects on this aggressive shark is bullish and I think over time this card will still remain somewhat popular option and particularly while the card remains under $5. But be careful not to wait too long as the current burn/combining rates of this card remain high and while it hasn't impacted the price since it's drop after Chaos release, at nearly 3000 burned in just one week, in a year or two from now you may be looking back wishing you had snagged a few to lvl up under $.60 cents.

UPDATE: Not much price movement, but another 3000 Burns so there is still opportunity to get this card levelled up for a cheaper price. So keep in mind that is over 6000 burns so deflationary pressure will come into play soon!

Price Change Since Episode 1: $.49-$.48
Population Change Since Episode 1: 163,807-160,712

Demented Shark.png

Well this wraps up episode 4 of 'Splinterlands Card Population Spotlight' I hope you found some value in this post and hope that you follow to see future posts like this! Feel free to shill your cards you want me to follow for future blogs! Feel free to check out previous episodes and my my streaming channel on twitch (links below)

Episode 1 Splinterlands Card Population Spotlight
Episode 2 Splinterlands Card Population Spotlight
Episode 3 Splinterlands Card Population Spotlight


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Thanks for sharing your insights and keep up educating us about the cards value outside of the game aspects as well.
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