Splinterlands - Tutorials Overview



Last updated January 11th 2025

Hey everyone and welcome back to my Splinterlands blog, it's about time I'm going to make this post because whenever I can, I like to help, guide and advice new players in their Splinterlands journey, and many times I end up searching for explainer posts I made in the past about certain topics for them to read, this sometimes takes too much time because.. well... I made quite a lot of them over the years! 😅

When time passes, the game is evolving so some posts may be a bit out dated, especially when I mention card prices but in the core, the game is still the same so it's still mostly relevant.

So, in a way this post is really just for myself, and of course anyone else to send starting players to so they can read up on the topics they want to get explained. 🙂
Over time, posts like these just gets more and more to the back until no one is able to find them anymore.

Also, when you are a new player and want to have a topic explained I have not covered yet, let me know in the comments and I will write it down so I can cover it in the future! 🙂

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I'll start with a post I made just yesterday for a starting player and then just put up links for every topic with a small description what the post is about. 😊

Starting a Free 2 Play Splinterlands account


In this post I explain step by step how to set up a Free 2 Play Splinterlands account, I've also included some tips to help you get started.

Save some money when buying cards!


In this post I explain about the different options to buy cards and save some money!

A Guide to Deck Building and Card Combining


In this post I'll explain everything from the different card rarities to the importance of summoners, building your deck, how to level your cards and what to look for when you start upgrading your Splinterlands deck.

Card levels explained

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In this post I explain the very basics of the game, starting with card rarities and then explaining the importance of summoners and monsters, leveling them up and how to combine cards.

How to make blog posts yourself


In this post I explain step by step how to start making blog posts, it's a fun and great way to fund your Splinterlands account with something extra!

Tournaments explained


In this post I explain how to join and play tournaments as an extra way to earn more SPS and why this is important.

How to buy cards


In this post I explain a better way to buy cards then the in game market and the different options you have. When this post was made, another option I use these days didn't exist but it's an even better option than monstermarket I mention in this post, it's Aqualis Market so check it out when you want to buy cards.

Brawls Explained


In this post I explain step by step what brawls are, and how to join and the important things to keep in mind when you join a fray.

Battle basics, rulesets and card placements


In this post I explain some other basic parts of the game, important to know for starting players. This is an older post so the new rulesets are not included. The basics haven't been changed so it's still relevant.

Getting started in splinterlands


In this post I explain how to start setting up a new splinterlands account and more important things you need to know as a new player.

The importance of speed


In this post I explain the importance of speed, it's the most important stat in the game I think and overlooked by new players.

More Splinterlands content to read...

Discussing tactics so new players can see what goes on in the mind of a splinterlands player and hopefully learn a thing or two


In this post I talk about thinking what the most obvious play looking at the rulesets would be, and countering this and how it's in many cases better to use many small monsters than one or two big ones.

The obvious, not so obvious series


In this series I talk about three or four different tips, obvious for experienced players but unknows for new players.

You can find part 1 here.
You can find part 2 here.
You can find part 3 here.
You can find part 4 here.
You can find part 5 here.
You can find part 6 here.
You can find part 7 here.

This is it for now but when I make a new tutorial post in the future, I'll add it here later.

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Nice collection on posts already 👍


Thanks! I like helping people, it was so much searching for my own articles, so this was the best solution 😀
