Splinterlands - Social Media Challenge: a heroic battle with the new 'Five Alive' ruleset.

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Hello everyone! And welcome back to my Splinterlands blog! As usual I'm making my post on Thurday as it's my day off and I have some extra time for my web3 related stuff, so I started the day with submitting my brawl battles for my main account and my alt, both in the same guild AND three smaller alt accounts in my guilds 2nd splinterlands guild 😅 so that's a lot of brawling!

Speaking of brawls.. what do you think about the change where guilds get auto losses when not filling a fray? This really benefits large guilds, so I feel it's a bit unfair to smaller guilds.
My guild is pretty big and we're mostly within the brawl top 3 in tier 2, so it's not to complain, but it's a little odd to see these big win numbers, I mean.. current brawl is half way but look at my guilds top 5 😅 and I'm not even in the top with 6W 0L / 6W 1L with my main and alt...
So, again, a big thanks to everyone in my guild to fill these frays, especially the exclusive ones!


This weeks challenge...

On to the main topic, this weeks Social Media Challenge is the same as last weeks:

🔥 Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

Remarkable Splinterlands moments enough when you're a daily player! I'm a fresh Gold player, most of my Splinterlands career I've been a Silver player with two hand played accounts in Modern. With the recent changes I decided to put some extra funds into my main account and get to Gold, but Modern is a real jungle so I prefer to play in Wild last two seasons, and I'm even earning Diamon season chests for the first time ever 😊


With twelve days left in the season I think I should be able to reach 35+ so that's going to be exciting to open them - another remarkable Splinterlands moment in the making! 😁

The heroic battle I was talking about in the thumbnail is the battle I want to share for this post, it's a 39 mana Broken Arrows / Five Alive / Explosive Weaponry ruleset combination in Wild Gold, both the Life and Death splinterlands are locked out, and where I'm mostly facing opponents with a max Gold deck or a bit lower, this time I was facing a player with a max level deck, literally every card he used was max level, nice deck! Pretty cool to win against such an opponent 😊, of course it happens to me too sometimes, that I'm getting my ass handed to me against a low Silver player, anything can happen in Splinterlands!

Now we can 'only' choose five cards, 39 mana is fairly high, with an average card value of about 7, depending what kind of summoner you're going to play, in my case it was a legendary summoner so that's 6 less mana available for the monsters... With broken arrows and blast, encountering a magic team is very probable, so I felt I needed to protect myself a bit against magic, but at the same time I wanted to hit hard and fast, preferably hitting in the middle of the other team to spread out the blast damage as much as possible to maximize damage and quickly kill the other team before they can do too much damage to my monsters.. that was the plan, but sometimes the plan goes as far as the first round before it's broken... 😅

First look at the battlefield:


Yikes, that's some high level shit there! My tank is there to be fast and dodgy, and I expected magic, but this Chwala has Truestrike! I'm just below O'Shannus's Forcefield threshold and his backline is pretty weak, could I pull this of against a higher level opponent?

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Possibilus the Wise - reason: So many reasons, he's just awesome, the Trample and Reach are very lethal.
  • First position: Noa the Just - reason: Fast and evasive.
  • Second position: Kulu Mastermind - reason: Fast and Weapons Trainer, Opportunity to spread out the Blast damage.
  • Third position: Baakjira - reason: Magic protection, self heal with so much HP is very nice.
  • Fourth position: Deeplurker - reason: Opportunity to spread out the Blast damage, the Poison is nice too.
  • Fifth position: Pelacor Bandit - reason: Fast and evasive, high damage for only 3 mana.

The Battle:


Round 1: Wow my strategy worked perfectly, hitting fast and hard, Deeplurker killed the low HP healer and was able to get another attack in because of the Trample, MORE blast damage killing Pelacor Bandit too, leaving the backline very vulnerable.


Round 2: That went fast, only one enemy monster left, no way he's winning this, Baakjira is healing for 5 every round while my team is doing 10 damage in a round.


Round 3: Deeplurker made the kill, and it's already over!


That's a pretty cool win! 🙂 and a nice RP and SPS reward, of course less than in Modern, but I'm winning a lot more in Wild, and more cards means more fun too, after all, it's a game and you won't last without fun!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

Well, that's my first post for this week, time to do some household chores now, maybe I can find some time to make this weeks Battle Mage Secrets post later today, if not, I'll make it in the weekend 🤑

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!
I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.
