Cryptocurrencies: a solution that requires a lot of dedication and effort.



In this cryptocurrency business, everyone considers that their choice is the best, perhaps based on statistics, graphs and complex analysis or simple hunches, investors or holders are the ones who have this world in an uproar and interested in being included in this business.

However, in my opinion this cryptocurrency business (including DeFi and NFT) is becoming too much like the history of the so-called dot coms, a business that started in the 90's with the emergence of the internet and ended up devastating the web world at the beginning of the 21st century. I remember a company called Netscape Navigator, the creator of the first internet browser and that generated billions of dollars with its product and with so many other investors crazy to put their money there and live off the profits. Everything was going well, its owners seemed to have God by the goat, until Don Guillermito Puertas (Bill Gates) arrived and forced the whole planet to use his Internet Explorer for free, goodbye Netscape, we will remember you with nostalgia.

Netscape was the tip of the iceberg, it was followed by millions of projects on the web that were vulgar empty shells, that is to say, a lot of facade and nothing inside. The Dot Com crisis caused colossal damage to the world economy, but especially to millions of innocent people who believed in projects in which they should not have invested their life savings. Although it sounds paradoxical, the best thing that could have happened to the Internet was precisely this crisis because it gave order to the business and solid companies emerged that survived and became strong after the fall, such is the case of Amazon, Google and Facebook.

For me there is no doubt, we are heading straight towards a cryptocurrency crisis, although I see it more from the NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) side, the truth is that every day thousands of attractive projects are presented but without much solid basis to certify their permanence over time. Particularly I see with horror how people give their trust to two projects that in my opinion should be last in the ranking of cryptocurrencies: I am referring to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, which when you look at their history or whaitepaper you realize how little serious they are and therefore, do not generate much protection in case of a cryptocurrency crisis. Both offer absolutely nothing innovative, their blockcain are lenses, impossible to scale and unreliable, but the fact that Elon Muak speaks more or less well of them is what keeps them in the top two projects that if I were suspicious, I would say they are Ponzi schemes.

In closing I must remind you that the only person interested in your investment doing well is you, so the more involved you are in this the more necessary it is to educate yourself about the crypto-sphere, a world with many possibilities but also with enormous risks.

