
Hello guys welcome back to my hive blog. how are you all my friends, I hope you have a good day today, and may God always give health to you and your family.
today I will return to writing about splinterland to take part in the weekly social media challenge, different from my previous post which wrote about my journey in splinterland for the weekly social media challenge, today I will discuss one of the new cards in splinterland, a card that although you have money you still can't afford it.curious about what card it is? please read my post to the end!

I'm sure you must know this card, this is a new soulbound reward card issued by splinterland, a card that has the ability to attack with magic attacks. the name of this card is riverboat captain, a card from the water splinter. This card is still not available on the market for now, the only way to get this card is through the reward chest. This card has the ability to attack with magic attacks, has 6 mana, 2 magic attacks, 1 speed and 4 lives and the ability to blast for level 1 and stats will increase slowly every time players level up their cards by combining them, the rarities for this card are rare, so to get a max level card players need a combination of the same 115 cards. Here in the picture below the full stats on each level .

interested in this card? let's see what he can do in battle. I will attach a battle when I use this card to win a battle

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in the battle this time I got 2 rulesets. i.e. holly protection and weak magic, with 35 mana and only the fire splinter not active this would be the perfect fight to watch

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as you can see in the picture, this is a battle between death splinter against watersplinter, where I use water while the enemy is death splinter, the perfect counter that the enemy uses against me, but let's see, I have an advantage where my cards have higher level than the opponent.for the battle this time I used a very strong card combination in the silver league, namely a combination of keyla fremdule ​​as a summoner and demonshark in first position, flying squid in second position, deepluker in third position, riverboat captain in fourth position and kulu swimhunter in position 5. while the enemy also uses a very strong combination. enemies use thadius brood as summoners, harklaw as a tank placed in first position, arachine thug who has reach ability in second position, silent sha with sneak ability in third position, uraeus with sneak ability is also placed in fourth position, dhampir stalker in position to 5th, and carrion shade in last position.

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in the first 2 rounds no one died, both on my part and on the opponent's side. but almost all the cards have been hit and injured, so far my team/line up works pretty well to defend against enemy melee attacks.
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at the beginning of the third round I was able to immediately kill one of the opponent's cards, and then slowly started killing other cards one by one, the combination between my cards was powerful enough to make my opponent lose their life slowly this made me confident again to move on to the next round.on this round i lost my tank to. but I still have flying squid as a replacement. so to enter round four I still have a bigger chance to win than the enemy.

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entering the fourth round my line up started to show its aggressiveness by destroying opponents one by one. until when entering the last round the enemy only has 2 cards left to fight me, but that's not a big problem for me, because the enemy only has cards that can't attack, so only my card can attack the enemy, and the enemy loses his life slowly until in the end I managed to win this match with a bit of ease, my opponent couldn't beat me because of the combination between boat river which has the ability to blast to remove holly protection. This is enough to give me a big advantage.
I was able to win this match thanks to the riverboat captain, because this card has the ability to blast, with this ability I can remove the holly protection ability so that my attacks on opponents won't be in vain.for me this card is good enough to use, even though it only has 2 attacks, but its blast ability is quite useful in battle to injure enemies, the card is also quite good to use when combined with summoners who have the ability to increase magic attack abilities like Alric Strombinger.

interested to to watch full match? you can wacth by clikking this link
thank you for reading my post, don't forget to follow if you are interested in my post.
NOTED: thumbnail created whit canvas and other image get in splinterland games
