Flash Loans : Future of DeFi
When you are trying to take a loan the conventional way from a bank or a person, the lender requires some sort of collateral from you to make sure they get their money back in case you fail to keep to your end of the deal. That's not all, you'll have to fill out some paperwork and when paying back, you have to pay with interest over a period of weeks, months, or years.
Flash loans allow you to loan crypto tokens and pay them back in seconds through one transaction without collateral.
What are Flash Loans?
Flash Loans are a new decentralized form of lending that allows DeFi traders to borrow and return crypto tokens in a space of one transaction without providing collateral or any other personal information.
Flash Loans have some properties that make them different from the conventional form of lending and borrowing.
Flash Loans use smart contracts. Smart contracts are tools enabled by a blockchain to make sure that the terms of transactions are met and if not, certain actions included in the smart contract will be taken. In the case of flash loans, if a person took out a flash loan and doesn't pay back the capital or the trade doesn't make a profit, the smart contract reverses the transaction making it look like it never happened.
Flash Loans are unsecured loans. This means that collateral is not needed to secure the loan. Typically when lenders give out loans to borrowers, they require collateral to secure the loan they gave out in case the borrower fails to pay back the loan. However, in the case of flash loans, instead of providing collateral the borrower is expected to pay back immediately
The process of getting and paying back a loan the conventional way takes a lot of time. There'll also be lots of paperwork to be done, collateral will be needed and it takes weeks, months or even years to be paid back. However, flash loans are fast. The smart contract for a flash loan taken must be fulfilled within the same transaction block that it was given out for the loan to the successful.
Flash loans have a couple of use cases, one of which is Arbitrage Trading.
Arbitrage trading is a process in which a trader purchases an asset on one exchange and sells it on another exchange to take advantage of price differences. It is as simple as buying low and selling high.
DeFi traders can take advantage of the price difference of crypto assets in different exchanges with the use of flash loans and earn profit. Let's take, for instance, you spot a difference in the price of a crypto asset on Uniswap, you can take out a flash loan to buy that crypto-asset from Uniswap and sell it on Sushiswap for a profit. You then pay back the flash loan you took and go away with the profit.
Despite being introduced to DeFi by open-source bank Marble, flash loans have gained a lot of attention among DeFi traders through the years. Flash loans still in their infant stages have seen a lot of attacks from hackers through different DeFi protocols, therefore, making a lot of new DeFi users skeptical about it. As a result of these attacks, a lot of DeFi protocols have strengthened security.
With the evolution and more secure DeFi protocols, flash loans have the potential of bringing an increase in market efficiency and also allowing DeFi traders to trade with a lot of money without even owning it.
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