Nerf + Nerf + Shield = VICTORY
My Line Up
My summoner choice: CONTESSA L'AMENT
No magic allow, hence it should be wise to reduce range dmg.
Accompanied with SHIELD tank, my tank will likely take very little dmg.
Position 1: HARKLAW
After nerfing range and melee dmg.
SHIELD is the best way to add that advantage.
No magic ruleset hence no need to fear opponent spamming magic.
2nd Tank.
Demoralize opponent melee sneak monster and to allow my backline monster to soak the hit minimum or potentially no dmg.
To pick out low hp monster.
Meat shield, unlikely it will die.
Mostly likely just a vase or charm for good luck.
Position 5: CRYPT BEETLE
Nerf the melee dmg with demoralize and most likely no dmg will be taken.
Round 1:
For the look at match. The only way my line up is main tank die to THRONS and the backline start to fall.
However, it is unlikely that this will happen as i've manage to nerf my opponent to 1 dmg and also the ruleset does not allow magic monsters.
Round 2:
BATTERING RAM slowly picking out opponent's low health monster.
And my backline standing strong!
Small dent on the front but no big issue.
Round 3 & 4:
BATTERING RAM took out another monster.
And fortunately at round 4, BATTERING RAM miss a hit on opponent's CURSED WINDEKU, if not he will have died.
Round 5:
Slowly chipping my opponent monster away.
Round 6 to 10:
The remaining monster will be taken out by HARKLAW.
You may click the link for the gameplay.
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia
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