



Very good morning to all the people belonging to this beautiful community of hive and the Splinterlands world, I hope you are having an excellent week, today again I bring you a great battle that I liked a lot and I am very excited to share with you, let's see how we did in this battle, the cards used and what kind of strategy to carry out, let's go to battle!




Before starting the battle I knew it would be an interesting fight, my opponent uses water splinter and has only three monsters on the battlefield, however these three monsters were very powerful, their stats were very good, they had high health and attack points, so I knew I could not trust and I had to create a strategy to annihilate those three monsters.
The battle begins and the enemy summoner gives his monsters a point of speed and a point of shield while my summoner gives my monsters an additional point of magic attack, the powerful abilities and tanks of the enemy monsters were noticed very quickly, because in the first round one of my monsters had already been eliminated, my tank was very close to death but thanks to the skills of two of my monsters I could restore his life.
For round 2 I managed to kill an enemy monster and there were only two rival monsters left in the battlefield, it seemed to be an easy battle but the truth is that the enemy monsters are very strong, the battle continued and for round 3 there was only one enemy monster left and I had three standing monsters, now victory was almost a given, for round 4 my monsters gave the last blow with their powerful magical attacks and I got the victory of the battle.




For this battle we have 26 mana points available to spend, which is a very good number to make good plays and combinations.

The standard rules of the game have not been modified, which means that we can use any type of card and splinter on the battlefield.


Cards used

Let's see which monsters to use in battle and what their stats and abilities are:
Obsidean: In this battle I decided to use the summoner Obsidean which has the ability to increase a point of magic attack to all allied monsters, this time I was very convenient this summoner because my monsters mostly possessed magic attack, thanks to this summoner I managed to increase my attack in a significant way.
Venari Knifer: this powerful monster when receiving damage from melee attacks returns the damage to its attacker, it has 7 health points, 4 speed points and two melee attack points, it is a monster with high health points and a perfect ability for a tank.
Mycelic Morphoid: is a terrifying looking monster that seems to be two bodies in one, this monster has no skill and statistically has 2 health points, one point of speed and one point of melee attack, the truth is that it is a monster with low stats so it should be placed in a good position to get a lot of benefit.
Wood Nymph: this goblin-like monster has the ability to restore a portion of the health of the allied monster located in the first position, statistically it has 2 health points, a speed point and a magic attack point.
Goblin Psychic: this powerful goblin has the same ability as Wood, it restores part of the health of the allied tank, besides that statistically it has 3 health points, a speed point and 2 magic attack points, it is a very useful and efficient monster because besides healing the allied tank it has a good magic attack.
Regal Peryton: this is a monster with a very beautiful and striking appearance, its wings with different shades of purple are spectacular, it has a higher probability of dodging melee or ranged attacks from monsters that do not have the Flying ability, statistically it has 6 health points, 5 points of speed and one point of magic attack.



I knew that the enemy monsters had many health points, so I had to be efficient in the attack and take advantage of any opportunity to weaken my opponent, that's why as a strategy I decided to take advantage of the ability Venari Knifer using it as a tank, this because all the enemy monsters had melee attack, so placing Venari as a tank to take advantage of his ability and weaken the opponent is a good strategy.
This way I was constantly doing damage to my enemy every time he attacked, but for this strategy to work my tank had to endure as much as possible the enemy attacks, this is why I used the Wood and Goblin skills to restore his life in each round, this way my tank could endure much more in the battle, this was a very key point in the battle because my tank was about to die in the round in the first rounds but I could restore his life and thus be able to continue executing the strategy.


Used chips

In this battle I am using earth splinter, this splinter is very powerful, its monsters have very good stats and skills, the weak point that I have noticed in this splinter is that its monsters mostly have low attack points, so it is a splinter with little attack, as for its design I must say that I like it a lot, the green color is characteristic of this splinter and its monsters have very varied designs, from fearsome monsters like Mycelic to beautiful monsters like Regal Peryton.

On the other hand, my rival uses water splinter, for me this splinter is one of the strongest in the game, because it is very complete, its stats are very good and its monsters have powerful skills, its design is also very varied but its monsters are characterized by being aquatic, like sharks and sea dragons, if we compare the two splinters used in this battle I must say that they are very similar but the water splinter has better attack but for me the earth splinter has better skills.


What would you try differently?


Although the proposed strategy works perfectly, I think it would be a good idea to change Regal a few positions higher, I would say in second position, this because Regal is the second monster with the second highest life points so it is the best option to replace the position of the tank in case Venari was eliminated from the battle.

In this battle I could not take much advantage of Mycelic because the enemy monster had the Opportunity ability, so no matter in which position I placed him, being the weakest of my monsters he would be attacked, however as a recommendation I suggest using him in the last positions that are a little safer and thus take more advantage of him on the playing field.


See You

Well friends of this beautiful community of hive this has been all for this publication, thank you for reading this post, I hope you liked this battle that was very interesting, continue having an excellent week and see you in the next publication, see you later.


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