
Red and White Modern Master Gaming Facebook Cover .gif

Hello world and fellow Hiveians

The last time I posted about GU was almost 2 weeks ago but I have a good excuse for my absence. I was on vacation with my loved one, and I didn't get my pc with me so I couldn't play the games for the last weekend's event but I tried to make it up for this event! You would notice that I made some changes to the old Light deck because I played some games at the start of the event and went really bad. I would show you what changes I made and what I want to buy in the future!

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Report from Weekend Event

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This time my score was terrible because I didn't manage to complete the 25 games, the updated version of my deck was doing well but I started my run too late on Monday morning and I didn't have enough time to complete it. I was frustrated because it was my second straight weekend that was pretty much lost but then I decided that I am going to try hard to ascend the rank and my next rewards would be better! So I am going to try to reach Diamond at least for this weekend!

Reformed Light Deck

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New cards were released from the last time I upload an article, so we are going to review some of them in the future but for now, we are going to review the cards that I thought are a great fit in our deck!

Cards added in the deckCards that were replaced in the deck
Aging VeteranBlind Martyr
Vesper of ConcessionShield bearer
Intimidating UplifterBattlement Luminary
Militant TheistSerene Blade
Parthene RecruiterBattle Cleric
Prayer of the DesperateHoly Enchanter
Athenian ArcherZealous March

The next target card that I want to add to my deck is Sern, the moderator but I will not be haste to buy it. I will test my deck these days and if I can't ascend through the ranks, I will proceed to new changes. The logic behind the recent changes was to make the deck more aggro and try to take control over the board from early in the game. Also, there are cards like Asterius and Prayer of the Desperate that are game-changing and create winning conditions instantly.
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Watch the Action!

Now you can see one battle for my latest weekend grind and watch how my deck performed against a Nature deck! I am expecting your comments and your thoughts about the battle in the comment section! I hope you will enjoy it!

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You'll get better opening hands if you run more doubles because of GU's special mulligan.


Maybe you are right, I will follow your advice, especially on some really useful cards! Thanks for the feedback!
