Death Race: Sprinting to 0 HP


The goal is to get there just after your opponent.


I am determined to find and play decks that I enjoy right now. Even with a player base content to all play the same 5 decks and squeeze whatever profit (and life) is left in this game.

If $3-$5 per week is material to your life, then by all means, I encourage you to grind that money. In fact, I'll probably give you some L's with this deck to help you. For everyone else, let's see what this is all about.

The Deck

the deck.png


I could see taking the heirlooms out. The 1/1 life 'steal' doesn't proc frenzy. Maybe Vanguard Axewomen instead.

General Strategy

You want to win by 5. Maybe 6. You'll see in my gameplay vid that you do have the reach to finish off Control Light at 7 (so satisfying!) but that's low probability territory.

You accomplish this by doing face damage with almost every card you play. You're frenzied practically every turn. We sprinkle in some cards that take advantage of all that face damage (including your own). Finally, we weather the storm of our own creation with leech through zombies and a few other tricks.

Face Damage / Reach


Combined with Soul Burn GP, and we can do a lot of face damage. Barbed fly is particularly excellent here. For the cost of 1 HP (compared to a no-text 3 mana 3/4 creature), we get a powerful ability. Around 5-6 mana you can expect the opponent to play a Guild Enforcer or similar to try and stabilize the shit show you've unleashed on them. Ray of Disintegration removes him while keeping the party going to with 2 more to the face.

Even if their board develops substantially and looks threatening, ignore it. We can't out-control our opponent, so don't try. Throw it all at the face. Win or lose.

Note: if something like Dark Ritual would bring both Gods down to 0. Cast it. Your opponent dies first!


That's right ladies and gents. We've found the perfect deck for it:


This is an objectively terrible card. Except here. It does everything we need:

  • Hits opponent in the face
  • Heals us for 2
  • Requires removal from the board (4/1 stats)

Think of it this way: you're paying 3 mana to get a 4 HP swing plus a 4/1 creature. Let's say they use a ping GP to clear it costing them 2 mana. They get some favor, but you traded 1 mana to your opponent for 2 damage, frenzy, and 2 HP healed. Worth it. If for some reason they can't immediately clear it...oh boy.

Rounding out our leech are the usual suspects:


Cursed Obelisks is slightly questionable given that our desecrated shrines take up another spot on the board. They also make fabulous Light's Levy targets, and you see those a lot in the current meta. I just hold them a few extra turns against light, and against everyone else, they're a huge pain.

Our deck doesn't revolve around these cards. Instead, they are there to give us the extra bit of HP needed to die second.

Synergy Cards

OK, so the damage is flying. Everyone is taking damage and we're going to be frenzied. How to capitalize?


Almost everything you cast or do is going to proc these guys. Decaying Rhino is huge value. Even without frenzy, you're playing a 5/5 rhino that isn't confused. Compare that to Nature's Rhino - it doesn't even go where you want it half the time. In this deck, you have frenzy so often, that he's almost always a 5/6 when your opponent has to deal with him.


A bombfly, blight bomb, and necroscepter in the opening hand sounds nice. Desecrated Shrine is ok, although it probably just gets cleared without doing anything for you. Bombfly is guaranteed to do damage to something.


Man this one feels so good. I enjoy re-watching it. Control Light is so painful to play against. Unfun, boring, all the negative adjectives. Yawgmoth and Rhyan played a 45-minute mirror match with control light today. zzzzz. That makes beating control light all the better. Top deck for perfect damage? Yes, please.

In this game, I had 2x Curse of Greed instead of Brimstone, but it felt 'meh'. Card draw and more damage to the face is way more fun.

Anyway, our opponent is at 8 by 5 mana, and that's exactly how much healing he used. The game starts to transition to his favor. The order starts coming down and line in the sand, but we are able to keep up a ton of pressure from hand and GP. He barely makes it to 7 mana and Lysander's Mercy (yes, they will always have it at 7). I go ahead and flash the GG sign as usual (because even though I hate control light I try to rise above it). My good manners are rewarded with the sweetest top deck to finish him off.


Feels good man.


I really enjoy playing off-meta decks that I come up with on my own. Tweaking them and discovering/remembering a card that fits perfectly is so satisfying. I hope you give this deck a try. It's a fun ride.

Can you weather the storm? Ping me in discord and I'll 1v1 you if I have some free time! If you're also playing wonky decks, I might even play multiple games. 😄


Looks fun, I will save it for next week. This weekend is for an armor warrior junk deck :D


Success always for the games you play @kstreet, I hope this game will be successful in the future. 😁


Barbed fly was a star in this game. I liked to see them in the purple frame so I decided to buy two shadow ones for myself while they are so cheap (0.12$ for each). For this archetype, it is an incredible card.

Desecrated Shrine - a great one, I used it for my deck with Faithbreakers in the center. But it has one disadvantage - if you are losing, it becomes your gravestone. A buffed Switched Duelist can ruin the whole plan.

Hemovore - yes 🙂

Cursed Obelisks... ...also make fabulous Light's Levy targets" - and for Bound by Her Will. Nevertheless, they are huge pain as you said.

Necroscepters - they are powerful and people know it so they try to get their relic removers in mulligan. A ruined early 3-mana move is a tough hit so... I always doubt if I should have it in my experimental decks... 😕

Mass raise / Impfestation / Outnumber the living (when you are playing against an Aggro deck) are interesting alternatives of Obelisks and Necroscepters if not all these 1-damage spells like Eucos in Eclipse, Bar Fight, Savage Strike, Wildfire, etc, etc 😕

Maybe Deathwatch Curates? Guild Enforcers?

I experimented with Aggro Death this week either (Over the Line, Necronomics, Corpse Explosion). Probably, I'll post about it soon.


Curates are a really solid idea! Definitely worth testing. Maybe taking the heirlooms out for those (or the obelisks). Healing 3 HP each turn when you're both low health is huge, and their stats are solid, too. I'll definitely try them out.
