Coin Flipping through WR with Aggro Light


Hey everyone! I just wrapped up my weekend ranked coin flips reaching 4 wins in 9 games (almost 50/50!). I expected better (I'll explain why), but with this sad win rate, there's not much point in me trying for a legendary. 3 MJ packs will have to suffice.


Sadly, I deranked to Diamond before I could get that fourth win. I almost gave up at 3 wins and 1340 MMR, but I rolled the dice and lost the next game before winning the one after. I'll have to do some ranking up this week.

The Deck



This deck was inspired by TriggerHaven, and the idea is to shore up Light's weakness: going second. The solution is to jam it full of reactive cards.


If I had another Thaeric Extortionist, I'd run both.

You wouldn't believe how many of those 9 games I couldn't buy a Light's Levy in the first 4 turns or mulligan. You know. When they are worth a damn.

The other idea here is to leverage echo and roars with


I'm not sold on the Lion. He definitely won a game for me, but you basically never want to play him alone. You need 4 mana to play him along with a 1 mana roar card. This makes him effectively a 4 mana 3/4. He's got upside, but the starting stats are bad. At least he isn't frontline anymore. He seals the game if you are ahead on board, but is otherwise just so so. I should say: that's my impression for an aggro deck. A midrange deck I might feel differently about.

If I had 2x Prayer of the Desperate, I'd be running them. Probably dropping a Holy Enchanter to do it (which I also don't love).


Going first or second: give me a Light's Levy! (Jesus!)

This is an aggro meta. 9/10 times, your opponent is dropping something on their first 1 or 2 turns that you can grab. You want a Levy.

Going first: compliment that Levy with a 1 mana card. E.g. play a vexing vicar turn one and Light's Levy what they played your next turn with your pip. If you (like me) can't find a Levy, then next best is two 1 drops. Pip them out immediately.

Going second: 3 reactive cards. Levy + axewoman + archer is the dream. Depending on the opponent's god, how you play your first turn going second can vary a lot. For example, if you can Levy their first turn drop, consider leaving it on the board (except against light). For instance, why sac an axewoman to kill it? 1-2 damage isnt' a big deal and you grab it next turn.


My big oversight during this game was missing that my opponent pipped at 5 mana. This was a dead giveaway that he did not, in fact, have Land of the Dead. If he had, he would have saved the pip. Had I picked up on this, I might not have gambled with the Prayer of the Desperate when I did. Knowing I likely had more time, I might have built my board one more turn. Luckily, we failed successfully and get the win.

Actually, the motivation for this video was actually putting my audio editing skills to the test. 😄

Thanks to youtube I applied:

  • High/Low pass filters
  • Compressor
  • Multi-band compressor (oooh fancy)
  • De-esser
  • Audio ducking! (check how the game sound gets quiet when I talk! oooh! aaaah!)

After all that, it still doesn't sound quite as good as I'd like. While doing the EQ work, I heard so much echo! Then I realized: my acoustic guitar is sitting on the wall next to me. Certain pitches cause it to reverb all the time! The EQ work even showed which frequencies it 'likes'. Definitely need to take that down. Maybe put up some drapes instead...

Next deck?

It may be worth going back and trying a mid-range light deck. Something that features a few of these:


It would keep most of the reactive cards I'm using now, but would rely a lot less on board + buff. Aggro is just so fast right now.


Your voice is quite calm. I would yell, stutter, worry :D Probably :)

Doesn't recording the video distract you from the game? I stopped recording gameplays because I couldn't help analyzing my actions from the point of how they would look in the video, and it made my concentration worse.


The trick is to play the game long enough where you don't care if you win or lose a match. 😄

I'm basically just stream-of-consciousness anyway. Just saying what I'm thinking out loud. Watching people like @CopperPitch helped me a lot when I was getting started (this is my first card game like this). How/why they are making the decisions they make. Even when they make mistakes. In fact, them making mistakes (and then explaining them) was often the most helpful. So with that, you worry a lot less about sounding smart on your vids.

Thanks for watching!


:D I should watch streams oftener. I watched CP on Twitch several times. And this is generally all my experience with Twitch :D


It seems very fun playing the game, Actually I don't really like playing games but after seeing you play the game I became interested in playing the game. @kstreet 😁


Glad to hear it! Hope you enjoy!


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