Just joined the .eth club!


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A little over a week ago, I won a ridiculous cartoon NFT from NiftyGateway and immediately sold it for a whopping $2,374.70 which basically doubled my crypto portfolio. It took about a week for the funds to reach my account and I've made some awesome moves I'm quite proud of - things I've been learning about and wanting to do, but haven't had the funds until now.

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Last night was probably the last move I'm making on this run of funds (until I can figure out how to unlock my free CRO that is staked on Crypto.com since I started an account in late 2020). I bought an ENS domain.

I now have jacobwayne.eth.

That about ate up the rest of my ETH but I will say that it only cost about $45-50 total since gas fees have been relatively low at 35-40 gwei. I was telling my friend about some of the things I've been doing but a lot of it was over his head - so I just text him a list of short snippets. Here's the list in order of most recent actions to earliest actions:

• I bought jacobwayne.eth on ENS.
• I bought 10 million more UFO token (20 million total now).
• I submitted the form and paid 1000 MTR to make a Texas Lair on Den.
• I bought a NFT from CryptoTab Browser on OpenSea that will allow me to mine BTC at a higher rate than my current CT hash rate.
• I bought 2 more NFTs on NFT Showroom.
• I bought 1000 CRO to stake it and unlock my $250 that Crypto.com is holding locked (from signing up in 2020).
• I bought Hive and staked 70 or so to make my total staked on Hive 100.
• I put nearly $200 into NFT Showroom to buy some NFTs on Hive.
• I bought about $40 worth of DTube’s DTC coin so I can start posting videos on DTube.
• I bought $300 of ALGO and moved it to their native app (now about $650 total).
• I bought $450 worth of MANA on Gemini and moved it to MetaMask.
• I bought $250 worth of BAT on Gemini, keeping it on Gemini and Brave Browser.
• I bought $374.70 worth of ETH on Gemini (for gas fees) and moved it to MetaMask.
• I sold an NFT on NiftyGateway for $2370 something and it deposited to my bank account allowing me to do the above 👆🏻.

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I'm excited to continue learning and I learn best by just doing whatever it is - so I'm glad I continue to put more walk into my talk.


Nice gains! :)


Thank you! It was an awesome thing that happened haha
