Just joined the .eth club!
A little over a week ago, I won a ridiculous cartoon NFT from NiftyGateway and immediately sold it for a whopping $2,374.70 which basically doubled my crypto portfolio. It took about a week for the funds to reach my account and I've made some awesome moves I'm quite proud of - things I've been learning about and wanting to do, but haven't had the funds until now.
Last night was probably the last move I'm making on this run of funds (until I can figure out how to unlock my free CRO that is staked on Crypto.com since I started an account in late 2020). I bought an ENS domain.
I now have jacobwayne.eth.
That about ate up the rest of my ETH but I will say that it only cost about $45-50 total since gas fees have been relatively low at 35-40 gwei. I was telling my friend about some of the things I've been doing but a lot of it was over his head - so I just text him a list of short snippets. Here's the list in order of most recent actions to earliest actions:
• I bought jacobwayne.eth on ENS.
• I bought 10 million more UFO token (20 million total now).
• I submitted the form and paid 1000 MTR to make a Texas Lair on Den.
• I bought a NFT from CryptoTab Browser on OpenSea that will allow me to mine BTC at a higher rate than my current CT hash rate.
• I bought 2 more NFTs on NFT Showroom.
• I bought 1000 CRO to stake it and unlock my $250 that Crypto.com is holding locked (from signing up in 2020).
• I bought Hive and staked 70 or so to make my total staked on Hive 100.
• I put nearly $200 into NFT Showroom to buy some NFTs on Hive.
• I bought about $40 worth of DTube’s DTC coin so I can start posting videos on DTube.
• I bought $300 of ALGO and moved it to their native app (now about $650 total).
• I bought $450 worth of MANA on Gemini and moved it to MetaMask.
• I bought $250 worth of BAT on Gemini, keeping it on Gemini and Brave Browser.
• I bought $374.70 worth of ETH on Gemini (for gas fees) and moved it to MetaMask.
• I sold an NFT on NiftyGateway for $2370 something and it deposited to my bank account allowing me to do the above 👆🏻.
I'm excited to continue learning and I learn best by just doing whatever it is - so I'm glad I continue to put more walk into my talk.
Nice gains! :)
Thank you! It was an awesome thing that happened haha