Realm play-2-earn Game - Day 62 in Season 10 - its getting harder now that there are only 23 days left until the end of the season


I'm continuing to really love playing the game realm, which is a world strategy/builder type play-2-earn game on the wax blockchain.

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Its day 62 in Season 10 of Realm. We are about 3 quarters of the way through with just 23 days left until the end of the season (it finishes on the 20th of Feb). I think things are starting to get harder now. The better players (or players with better NFTs) are starting to try harder and playing more about now, as they try and jockey to get a good finish in the rankings so that they can pull in better end of season rewards. I saw this happen at pretty much the exact same spot in season 8 and 9, and as such, I'm likely to drop a few places in the ranks (and have already lost 2 places since my last post).

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The table above shows my progress to date (inside the red box), with my stats as of today (yellow area), compared to my stats on previous updates (white lines) and then the change since that last update (green boxes).

My main aim now is to try and finish off in the top 75 as that will award me a 3 star Explorer as part of the end of season rewards. I already have a 3 star explorer, but I'm generally short on 3 star leaders, so another one will help with missions and the like.

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I've managed to pull in 5.8M reputation from missions which is what is needed to get you up levels and also ranks. At the same time in season 9 I had only pulled in 4.2M reputation, so thats 1.6M more than this time last season which I'm pretty happy about. A number of things have contributed to that:

  • An extra 3 star general (which I won in the game), making missions easier,
  • I bought a rare caffeine equipment card at the end of last season and placed that on one of my 3 star generals giving a small boost to his power of making mission requirements easier,
  • Having extra business cards on the leaders that I run missions with (which increase the amount of mission reputation you get from a mission),
  • Having 2 rare metal detectors on my best two leaders running missions (which boosts all mission rewards, including the reputation gained per mission),
  • The leaders I run missions with are also that bit better compared to last season because they have levelled up and so will complete higher level missions a little quicker on average because the number of helpers they can take on a mission has increased,
  • Generally I've been smarter this season to make sure that I'm using my equipment better in order to get more reputation from missions.

So these things have all added up to make a decent difference on mission success and the amount of reputation I gain per mission completed.

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The pic above shows the rankings around me. As said, I'm really keen to finish within the top 75 in order to land better end of season rewards. I'm fairly confident that will happen as long as I keep grinding the missions. Looking at the table, there is 300K reputation difference between me and the person at rank 67 (5 below me). Thats around 2 days worth of missions, so hopefully I shouldnt drop that much through the ranks now that the better players are turning it on for the run to the end of the season. In any case, I will be fighting and doing as many missions as I can in order to maintain a top 75 spot, because it will make a big difference for me in the next season (I really need those top 75 rewards in order to progress again next season).

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I've managed to dump 4k more into staking since my last update. I'm managing to sink around 2k per week, with the aim of getting to 50K staked (or better) before season 11 starts. I'm well on track for doing that. I really like the 36.5% APR, and the tier 5 staking boosts will also be a nice little help in the next season.

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This weekend there has been a double experience event which is great for helping to level up your leaders, so I've been taking advantage of that as much as I can as I have quite a few leaders close to leveling up. I've also used an experience boost NFT to add an extra 20% to that, and I'm trying to run 8 missions at a time in order to have more leaders gaining more experience during the event (I normally only manage to run 6 missions at a time).

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I've started to track my rewards during the season, mainly to figure out if the effort I'm putting in is worth it or not. But to be fair, I just like playing the game anyway, and I might as well play a game where I earn something, but atleast I now know what I'm earning !

The table above adds it all up and also shows the values in RLM, WAX and HIVE. So far its been about 31 HIVE worth, and this past week or so I've had some decent luck with ships getting a business card, an engineer helper card and a green token ! I hear people saying ships are not worth it, but I simply dont agree and theres the proof. If I end up in the top 75 I'll also land another 3 star leader, a piece of rare equipment and another green treasure token (which I'll be able to swap for another 1 star leader using the other one I currently have in hand). I'll also land another helper card in a few days time when I finish level 23, and then I'll also have to add in a line for all of the RLM I'll have earned by the end of season, which should work out at around 20K. So I'm looking at having a decent haul by the end of the season - maybe around 80+ HIVE worth of goodies. Thats not bad considering that I've stopped investing into the game now (I made my last investment into the game in season 9 and am only planning to reinvest winnings from within the game going forward).

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My plan over the coming week is as follows:

  • With only 23 days left in the season my focus will be on grinding missions in order to earn as much reputation as possible,
  • I'll also be aiming to keep chucking RLM earned into staking as it really helps increase my RLM earnings due to the 36.5% APR (which gets paid daily in game).

Thats my round-up for this week. I'm really enjoying season 10 so far and I'm looking forward to seeing what my end of season tally will be.

Heres a link to the game for anyone thats interested (this is not a referral link).

Credits: All in-game pics are screen shots from within the game. The excel table with the stats is my own.


I just opened up Europe the other day. I'm still working on trying to move my rank. I'm sitting around 260 right now. It's pretty slow going!


Opening up Europe should make a difference as the missions reward some nice reputation. I just keep grinding the missions and thats what helps me. I mostly play it on my phone so that I can do it during the day at work. I just go on every hour or so and quickly start of any missions that need to be started.


I keep mine open in a tab all day at work. I need to work on my beginning of the season strategy. I think that is where I am lacking.
