The impact of Bear in Hive and SPS
Good day everyone? Going through #leofinance this morning and I saw someone talking about hive current price. If you look at the recent price of hive compared to last week, it is crystal clear that #hive is going down. Generally, crypto is down which also has its impacts on hive because hive is also part of the crypto. A friend of mine was saying that considering long term investment is very good. He said "one needs to vigorously search for good projects for longtime investment. If you are looking for good projects to invest, go for the following- #bitcoin #ethereum #bnb #ripple #avalanche. The aforementioned projects are good and I am assuring that your capital is secured. Though, bear season may have little effects but your capital can not vanish in a night like some coins. People have invested in projects; and overnight, there was nothing left for them again. I also have invested in a project; when I was waiting for my investment to yield, I was amazed because the whole thing went down". Well! Those projects that he mentioned were good but some are very expensive. One needs to invest huge amounts in Bitcoin which is not easy. 1BTC in my country is more than 20 million. I can't imagine investing 20 million in a project, that is a lot of money one can't afford to mismanage.
As we were chatting in our group chat, I also suggested that they should invest in SPS (Splinterlands governance token). He said, "what is SPS?" I replied that, there is a game called Splinterlands; it is not just a game, it is a #play2earm game; you get reward from Playing it. I hope you know what play2earn is? The participants earn currency and other valuable items like cards, Merits and many more. Splinterlands is one of the #play2earn games on the planet. I am the one of the witnesses of Splinterlands; I played Splinterlands almost every day since I understood the game. Friend, if you want to be part of the game; register Here.
I also stumbled on a post about the best traders in the world. I shared my view on the leothreads I was learning about crypto and stock trading yesterday; and after a few hours of learning online, I stumbled upon a post about people that traded crypto in the past. I came across some names, they are: George Soros: I called him the most genius trader. I can't imagine a stock trader making $1 billion in a single day. After reading his article, I thought about it for hours because it was a wonder for me. I never imagined there was or will be a person making such an amount of money. Jesse Livermore: I called this a gifted trader. He started with $10k and get a return of $500k at an early 20. If I had such a skill at my early 20, I would have become one of the wealthiest young men in my state right now. Before Jesse Livermore reached 30 years old, he was making a million in a day.
Takashi Kotegawa: I knew that there will be people like Takashi Kotegawa that sit in their bedrooms and make millions today. Takashi Kotegawa was sitting in his bedroom and making money. He started with $13000, 8 years later, he made over $150,000,000 from trading stocks.
Brawl News I wasn't late to participate in the ongoing brawl. 5 hours to the end of the brawl, I entered my battles; out of six battles, I was able to win 4 after setting up my monsters and summoners while two of my opponents have not set up their monsters and summoners. 3 hours to the end of the brawl, one of my opponents did not set up his monsters and a summoner set it up. After I received the notification that one of my opponents had set up his monsters and a summoner. I clicked the battle to watch it, and I was defeated in that particular battle. Therefore, I won 4 out of 5 battles. I am waiting for my last opponent to set up his monsters and a summoner.
The impact of Bear in hive and SPS
Checking the price of hive today, the price of hive is $0.29; the price of SPS is $0.018. we don't know when the bear season will come to an end again.
I believe the situation of the market has negative effects on SPS and hive.
Well! I still believe that many traders are making opportunity of the current price, getting more profits.
The best thing is to use the best monsters in the best position
I was given a rule today to battle; the first challenge I had was that the monster I wanted to use as the third monster wasn't available. I was contemplating on a monster to use as the third monster. Though there were many monsters I could have used as the third monster, I preferred to use Djinn Oshannus as the third monster in this battle because of the fog of war ruleset. The rule could not allow melee monsters to attack in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth position to attack. If not that the monster I used in the second position possessed reach ability, it wouldn't have been possible for the monster to attack. Hence, I wasn't border to use melee monsters in those positions again except first and second positions.
Rulesets I was given two rules in this battle, they are: Odd Ones Out: when the odd Ones Out is given; only monsters with mama costs may be used in battles. That was the reason there were no monsters with even mana costs while selecting monsters to use.
Fog of War: Monsters lose the sneak, snipe and opportunity abilities Range monsters can still be used but such monsters can only attack the opponent monster in the first position because snipe ability has been lost. Therefore, ranged and magic monsters with snipe ability can still be used but such monsters will not be able to snipe.
Click here to watch the battle.
LEVEL: 2 ⭐⭐
The best position to place Torhilo the frozen was the first position. I knew that my opponent would use magic monsters because of the nature of the rulesets. It was crystal clear that my opponent would use magic monsters. The purpose of Torhilo the frozen was to reduce the magic attack because of the void ability. Unfortunately, only a single monster had a magic attack. Torhilo the frozen was eliminated in the round 4; by the time Torhilo the frozen was eliminated, two opponent monsters were already eliminated.
LEVEL: 3 ⭐🌟💫
Only monsters with reach ability can attack in the second position in fog of war rule. When a summoner with reach ability is used in this kind of battle, any monster can attack in second position. Kulu Mastermind led the opponent in the 4th round and was also eliminated in the 4th round.
LEVEL: 4⭐⭐⭐⭐
ABILITY: Protect
To prevent direct damage to the health of my monsters; it was necessary to use a monster with protection. 'Noah the just' from the opponent lineup, reduced the armor of all my monsters. Until Noah the just was eliminated, that was when the armor was restored. The armor delayed the elimination of Torhilo the frozen and flying squid.
ABILITY: healing
Merdaali Guardian was to keep on restoring a certain number of health per each round. The additional health restored by Merdaali Guardian was the reason Torhilo the frozen was difficult to eliminate.
One of the major things I love about Nerissa Tridawn was the magic attack.
ABILITY: Healing
SPEED: 5 Health: 5
Water Elemental was an incredible monster to use. The best position was the last position because if the monster led the lineup, it would not have been able to attack.
What are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click My Referral Link to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that changed the lives of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives. Register today, and you will thank me later. Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV on discord where you can get access to the discord channel. I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful. “Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands Thank you for reading my post. Watch out for the next battle challenge.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121