Battle Mage Secrets Is a Eye Opening Strategy In Splinterlands
battle mage secrets increase is a eye opening strategy in Splinterlands
Hello Splinterlands players, how are you doing in your various endeavors?
This week was a busy week for me. I have to be in the examination hall as early as 7:00am to
make sure things are moving smoothly.
I wasn't the one doing the examination, I was supervising students. It was very fantastic but
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The first time Splinterlands weekly battle was changed to Secrets Mage: I was wondering if
Maybe I could cope with it. This was because it was a new challenge. That was when I started
to know some of the rules I never pay attention to. Battle Mage Secrets was a good ideas that
opened my eyes to some rules I thought were complex; and there were rules I did not pay attention to because I don't want to lose battles.
There are rules I think I don't need to think twice before selecting monsters of which I was wrong. My thoughts were that I understood those rules very well, of course not. There are rules I have been playing for long time but did not follow the rules properly, they are:
Knockout: knockout rule is a fantastic rule to play with especially when you have monsters with stun ability in the battles. This was not how I thought about the knockout rule. I was battling when this rule was given to me; I have never imagined that the rule needed stun monsters. Until last week when the knockout rule was given as a battle mage secret of the week; that was when I watched different battles from top players and read their posts. That was when I understood the knockout rule very well.
Therefore, battle mage secrets increased my understanding of the game and kept refreshing my brain whenever I saw the rules. For instance, I can never forget the knockout rule again.
Yesterday when I was battling in Splinterlands, I was paired up with a big player and a knockout rule was given. without hesitation, I selected Earth Summoner which allowed me to use Spirit Shaman- a monster with stun ability.
I selected Grunt as the first monster; this strategy was to enhance massive destruction because the moment Spirit Shaman stunned the opponent's first monster, a double strike of the Grunt would be a massive damage.
Without wasting time, at round 1, Spirit Shaman stunned the opponent monster– the kraken. Despite the ability of the demoralizer that reduced all my melee attacks. The Grunt damaged 8 health from the kraken and that was how the Kraken was eliminated in the battle.
I believe without the strategy of using a monster with stun ability, it would have been difficult for me to win the battle.
Spirit Shaman was stunning opponent monsters each round; while the Grunt was damaging and destroying them.
This is the reason battle mage secrets is an eye opening strategy to Splinterlands game.
I love brawling but there were times that the network delayed me from brawling. The previous brawl was one of them; I traveled to a remote village for four days and networking was my biggest challenge over there. If not for the network failure, I wouldn't have come home on Thursday, it was on Friday I was supposed to leave the place but the network made me leave the place on Thursday.
That was the reason I missed the previous brawl.
I want to share this battle today because I love battles like this. The rule set gave me 25% insight of what my opponent would use. I knew that my opponent would come up with melee monsters in this battle; and that was the reason I attacked in one direction.
I am pretty sure that my opponent would use opportunity monsters. I did not use an opportunity monster because that kind of monster would have activated the engaged ability on monsters with the smallest Heath such as supply runner and Kulu Swimhunter. This would have made these monsters to attack faster in this battle.
What Doesn't Kill You: All monsters have the enraged ability.
Up To Eleven: All monsters have the amplify ability
Click here to watch the battle.
The Kraken: the key element of this battle is the speed; and that was the reason my opponent selected a summoner that gives speed. He must be an experienced player.
I also know that speed is important but I am considering playing the battle with magic monsters since magic monsters attack the health of monsters directly with this type of rule. If I was given weak magic, I would have changed my plan.
Bringing the Kraken was a strategy to draw the attention of all monsters toward a monster; and that was the Kraken. You could see that all the opponent monsters kept on attacking the kraken. Until the kraken was eliminated, that was when opportunity monsters started attacking my monsters with lowest health.
If not this strategy, it was Merdaali Guardian that would have been eliminated in the first round because my opponent came up with melee monsters of heavy attack.
Djinn Oshannus
I knew that The kraken would be eliminated in the battle; this made me use Djinn Oshannus as the second monster so that it could occupy first position. Fortunately when the Kraken was eliminated in the beginning of second position, it was Djinn Oshannus that led the battle to victory.
Nerissa Tridawn
Looking at the caliber of monsters in this battle, you would realize that I used magic monsters more than any other monsters. As I stated earlier, I don't want a situation where monsters have to attack armor before health. If I selected melee and ranged monsters like my opponent; he would have defeated me; the speed, melee and ranged attacks of my opponent were impeccable. He had 4 powerful gold Foils monsters in his lineup.
Venari Wavesmith
After my choice to use The kraken, and Djinn Oshannus, Venari Wavesmith was my third choice. This was because of its protection ability. Battles like at times need protection ability because of the melee and ranged monsters.
Protect ability was the reason behind Kulu Mastermind and Deeplurker not eliminating two monsters when Kraken was finally eliminated. Only Medaali Guardian was eliminated because of the armor.
Merdaali Guardian: it is a non attacking monster with powerful ability; its ability made the Kraken to stay longer in this battle.
Merdaali Guardian was the second monster eliminated in my lineup.
Doctor Blight: one of the most used monsters. Since the day I got this monster, I have never regretted it once. The poisoning ability really worked in this battle. Poisoning Deeplurker, and Kulu Mastermind. It made the battle very fast.
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I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121
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