HiQ №22 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | Print edition to buy yourself, Tribe Token Pt. 2, HIQS Wars, Photography Lovers a.m.m.m
Info für deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie hier.)
By: @quekery
And we did manage to chase the last digital issue before HiveFest through some of the Hive blocks. Since these are irreversible, so is issue №22 irreversible.
Even though we're on our last blocks, we gave it our all again and published this issue on time+201600 (Editor's note: The number of blocks too late, lool.). Why are we on our last blocks? Well, because we are fully immersed in HiveFest preparations like creating a print issue for HiveFest. But as they say: "The first time is still good...". You can read a bit more about it in THE HiveFest cover story and of course pre-order our masterpiece.
Let's continue with FUN. (Editor's note: But the crunch has robbed us of the last FUN. And we are not finished yet: Power Point presentation, travel preparations ...) You can read all about FUN in THE Story of FUN. (Editor's note: Because we are so done, we forgot the title, lolz.)
Also, don't miss THE Story of HIQS. (Executive's Note: This issue is a little too much about you guys, you ██████ self-promoters). We've been getting so many requests lately that we've recapped the current status and THE Story so far.
Then we've got a little bit of PHOTO community in store for you. (Executive's Note: Dude, didn't we already talk a lot about PHOTO last issue? Come up with something new. And what kind of luggage should PHOTO contain? After all, we doubt you'll need PHOTO in your HiveFest luggage, given the long powerdown time of PHOTO). Posts about PHOTOS are probably as old as the Chain itself, even if @quekery doesn't like PHOTO at all. (Editor's note: And certainly not in Mary's Doxxingalmanach).
We'll round off with a fair share of HfH (Editor's note: Which is OBVIOUSLY NOT dominated by Splinterlands.), a salinepinch of Gossip (Executive's Note: Let's hope so, too. Gossip needs to be salty and not some soft-boiled ██████, as it so often is.) and readers' letters. (Executive Note: Well, at least you still managed to do that. What about gaming or apps and tools? What do you do all day? RL? shaking head.)
We hope you enjoy reading and if you can't get enough, buy our (Executive's Note: fucking) print edition.
PS: Once again you can participate in the Commentary Discont Sale and get up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.35 SWAP.HIVE. Just write
!HIQS YourWishedValue
in the comments. After 2 days we will publish a post at @hiq.shares that will handle the sale.
PPS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL!
➀ HiQs MVP - @eveuncovered
➁ Column - HiveFest Stresstest
➂ Print edition to buy yourself
➃ Tribe Token Pt. 2 - We take it to the extreme
➄ HIQS Wars - War of the Tokens
➅ Photography Lovers
➆ Gossip
➇ Hivestyle für Hivians
➈ Reader's letters ★
By: @smooms
Although @smooms said we should skip the digital issue this month and focus on finishing the physical, here's this MVP. I also wrote this sentence extra because of 3 rows and stuff. The MVP - today with...
... @eveuncovered. The HiQ shows legs. Whether we can enter the Olympus of Post Rewards with this is only speculation for now. What is clear, however, is that our MVP likes to be photographed lightly clothed. With the gluteus maximus muscle hanging out, it takes twice as long to paint a fence. (Editor's note: You still have to place the tripod and camera. Not to mention the pictures that have to be taken in parallel).
It is similar in the HiQ editorial office. Sex sells here, too. When we get to see a touch of calf from the HiQ editorial department, however, is still unclear. What is clear, however, is that we have done well to be satisfied with @eveuncovered's calves for now. More to see then on OnlyHivians. (Editor's note: Short disclaimer: This service does not yet exist at the time of this article's publication. LOOL)
Are you the next HiQ MVP and can call yourself the most stylish user of the month?
NEW: Send 10 HIQS & get 100% votes for 1 MONTH!
Every month we look for the most stylish Hivian of the Hive. You can submit your photo too! Send 10 HIQS (+ possible bribe) to @hiq with the memo "HiQ MVP + link to your profile".
We will then publish your picture in one of the next issues. In addition, we will put you in our auto-voter for one month. That means: at least 28 days of 100% upvotes from the smart HiQ trail. ★
(only 1 Vote pro Tag)
By: @mary-me
So the core team managed to publish this issue after all. Even though @smooms bitched and would have preferred to continue working on the print edition so it would be ready and we wouldn't embarrass ourselves.
The HiQ editorial team has the stress of the year at the moment. The print edition for the HiveFest is still not quite finished and the digital one has to be procrastinated as well. As life sometimes goes, we don't have any editorial supporters during this highly explosive times, which means as much as: All the work is done by the core team alone. Our usual helpers are busy elsewhere and we are drowning in work.
However, we also know that we are able to floor it under time pressure. Sometimes we stay up all night and neglect our families. What does one not do everything, in order to bring the project forward. We put our heart and soul into it, and that's a good thing. Whoever acts as a core team member also has the responsibility and must deliver, no matter what happens around.
We are committed to providing you with a digital edition every month. And even if it sometimes seems impossible, we still manage to summarize the most hivestylish topics of the month for you. How we feel about it, we better not mention. (Editor's note: Spoilers! Burnout "incoming".)
Despite all the work and the all-nighters, we love doing it (Editor's note: Well in this case we mean publishing the HiQ.) and the success rewards us. Every comment and every kind of support that comes from the "smartest community since the dawn of mankind" gives us the boost we need to keep going and bring you sexy content.
What would Hive be without HiQ? Who would bring you the red hot news and gossip? Who would provide you with the best tool tips and who the hell would give you the best laughs of the month? And anyway, what other post regularly blows up the block size?
We'll keep going, even if there are sometimes stressful times and we're bumping into each other you could think we were bumper cars. We hold no grudges and live freely by the motto: After the issue is before the issue! ★
By: @smooms
Such a similar article will also appear in the physical edition. (Editor's note: Because of which we postponed this issue. LOOL) How you can get a copy, too? Read on.
Also this year is called. Called for the Gathering of Giants. We don't mean any other event than the HiveFest7 in Amsterdam. We, the HiQ editors, will also be there. Not only in person or as a speaker, but also as a real magazine. It's going to be noice in Amsterdam and the sheer number and selection of speakers makes our nipples hard. If you are interested, on the HiveFest page you will find a handpicked selection of speakers and HiveFest information. Of course you can also see the timeline in the HiveFest app.
To get back to the physical HiveFest issue: As we have mentioned at least 2 times and teased 20 times, we have painstakingly created a print edition for HiveFest. This will be distributed for free at HiveFest to all ticketed visitors. For fans of the whole HiQ kerfuffle, but who don't come to HiveFest (Editor's note: Or those who might want to take an extra copy with them.), the physical edition of HiQ will also be available for purchase at the latest after our return from the land of 420. We will send it directly to you. We'll let you know how much the whole thing will cost. So get your wallets ready and save up some liquid HBD to send to us. Just like YOU are into HiQ, WE are into cash.
But in order to be able to make you this unbeatable offer, we had to put out an issue. Now it's finally in print, which means there's no doubt that HiveFest and their visitors can look forward to our physical edition. The road to get there was very rocky and yet we made it.
"But what are the requirements to purchase a nice edition, you ask? Well, that's totally simple. (Editor's note: Provided you don't want to take the issue directly at HiveFest. In that case you just have to give us a holler and we'll give you a copy on the spot. Provided you have the moola.). Send an email to [email protected], don't forget to include your Hive username and address. We will handle your data discreetly and use it only for sending the HiQ print edition. After that, your data will be deleted immediately.
"How much will this cost me?", you ask? Well, that's totally simple. One issue costs 10 HBD excl. shipping, i.e. shipping is added on top. We will send you the exact price including shipping costs by e-mail. (Editor's note: Sending a large letter costs a maximum of 3.70 €. We now simply equate € and HBD - so a total of maximum 13.70 HBD). If you want to buy your extra issue, in addition to your free issue at HiveFest directly, you don't have to pay shipping, of course. We are no monsters. LOOL.
Realizing the print edition was a journey, we tell you. This enormous project also had to be managed financially. Therefore, we decided to offer advertising space in the issue. Out of just over 40 users contacted, there were some interested parties, but unfortunately only a handful of them (Editor's note: 6 interested parties + one advertising space winner) made it into the issue. An exclusive guard of advertisers, so to speak. We also collected donations from users. There was, believe it or not, one (Editor's note: 1) donor. Do you recognize yourself as a donor in this text? Then thank you again for that, you love-struck savage. LOOL. Since we want to donate 15% of the advertising and donation revenue to HiveFest, our transfer amounts to a massive 108.75 HBD. (Editor's note: Which we hope we've already made, now that you're reading these lines. LOOL.) ★
By: @quekery
More and more tribes. Who is supposed to keep track? But the sheer volume doesn't stop us from taking a closer look at Tribibaba and his 44+i Tribes.
In the last issue we dug up an impressive number of 44 Tribe Tokens for you. However, this list is not yet complete. If you have the necessary BEE to create a tribe token, you can of course also create a new non-ScotBot-on-chain-decentralized-opensource-smart-contract tribe. Nor have we been able to locate all ScotBot-closed-source-Python-Bot-not-anymore-operated-by-the-Hive-Engine-team-tribes. Some were even added to the comments in the last issue.
Among the non-ScotBot-on-chain-decentralized-opensource-smart-contract tribes we even have 2 newcomers namely FUN and LOLZ. The actual tribe of @captaincryptic is FUN and as a bonus on top of that, LOLZ has risen to the Tribe Olympus:
You can get curated with FUN by using the tags #fun, #funny, #lolz, #play2earn and #hive-155986. And best of all, you can collect LOLZ right away, since LOLZ uses the same tags - a FUN LOLZ situation.
If you can't get enough of all the FUN, you could also buy FUNM (Editor's note: FUN Mining Token) to enter a daily FUN lottery. Similar to WORKERBEE, your probability of winning increases with the number of FUNM you hold.
If your thirst for FUN is still not quenched, there are of course also diesel pools. @holovision, THE Brain behind PHOTO and MEME took the liberty of sponsoring the Diesel Pool MEME:FUN along with the Distribution Contract and MEME Rewards.
Once liquidity exceeds 300 SWAP.HIVE, even PHOTO will be added to the rewards - a PHOTO fest for all PHOTO fans. Also in our Diesel Pool HIQS:BEE @captaincryptic has donated 500 FUN btw.. So if you want to have a lot more FUN... oh, you know...
As independent, non-partisan (Editor's note: Even LOLZ governors are of course impartial, LOOL.), non-lool inflationary using glossy journalists and not bribed with a donation of 500 FUN, we found out right away when FUN tags are used at all may put.
The name is program. With all the content even remotely #funny, feel free to tag #fun. Of course we are the first to tag #funny. At the same time, we also encouraged some users to tag #fun.
Anyone who has experienced one or the other tribe has certainly also experienced that early is always better. Of course, this is not intended to be a forecast or a financial tip, but only reflects our observation and experience. If you want to be there early now, you might come up with the idea of accumulating, cumulating, grinding, etc. the tribe of desire. And what are the next steps? Right, staking and curating.
It's just stupid that not every user you want to vote for sets the appropriate tags. So what does the smart Hivestyler do? Exactly, he creates a 2nd account, a 3rd account, ... a (44+1) account ...
"And who's going to serve them all?" So if you don't feel like serving them all, you could look for a service that would do it. There are already a few for that.
The LOLZ project has accounts for some tribes to which you can delegate HP. In return, LOLZ pays a dividend in the form of LOLZ and an APR of 10%.
@flauwy's cartel also has various tribe curations accounts. You could follow these or delegate tribes to optimize tribe rewards. Yes, and we also have something similar in the pipeline. But that is on another page. ★
By: @quekery
There is a war going. The anti-DAOists, whose work stems from a secret channel, have won their first victory against the DAO Fundians. But the HIQS Separatists are holding on.
We, the HiQ, not only have a magazine, a Witness node and a print edition. We also have a token - HIQ Shares (Editor's note: acronym HIQS). Lately, things have been a bit quiet around our token and there have been some setbacks as well. But that is changing tremendously right now.
What happened so far
The original idea behind our token HIQS was to support the HiQ. Before the token, we earned very, very little with our magazine and couldn't afford much ourselfs or even pay writers. So we wanted to come up with a token model that would strengthen us, support our supporters, and also support other projects. We thought about it for a long time, discarded ideas and brought new ideas into play again. In the end, HIQS was born.
The idea was to build two pillars - staking and a Diesel Pool. To fund this, we created a BEE:BEE proposal on Tribaldex. And this was also funded. We used 90% of the funding to build the pool including rewards and 10% went to us. We used the 90% to add BEE rewards and buy tokens from other projects (Editor's note: LVL, ONEUP, LOLZ, PIZZA, BEER, PLN ...) and add them as rewards to the pool as well. Great stakeholders, in turn, should be rewarded in each HiQ by a toplist and with an advertising space.
So the plan was to circulate 5000 HIQS per month. (Editor's note: For sales, raffles, advertising budget, and expense allowances.). And to regularly populate the pool with rewards, which was supposed to make the pool more attractive while still supporting other Hive projects. Buyers could then have staked for advertising or to FOMO into the pool to get some rewards as well.
After about a month the BEE:BEE proposal system was deactivated, i.e. our funding was suspended. At the same time also Diesel Pools, which were funded by Hive Engine itself via the BEE:BEE DAO Fund. Just in case you are wondering that some pools don't yield rewards anymore. Since our funding was and still is on hold, Project HIQS was and still is on very shaky ground - a major setback for us.
You can read the reasons for the deactivation here. But we'll do a quick recap anyway: 3 proposals and 3 pools showed up overnight in the BEE:BEE DAO system, which were funded through just one vote. This raised the suspicion that it could be some kind of scam. In the absence of ideas for a solution, HE deactivated this DAO fund until further notice. Subsequently, the initiator of the pools approached us and asked for a rebuttal.
Moreover, he showed great insight and we proposed a compromise to HE. They thought this was good or considered it to be a good first step. What happened after that? NOTHING!!! The DAO fund is still inactive, the corresponding pools have no more rewards and also our project HIQS is without funding. No status updates, Nada...
The months without funding meant that we could not afford to add significant amounts of rewards to the pool. We did get some donations, but our assets plus donations were and are simply not enough. So we had reduced the distribution of HIQS by 80%. Which of course meant significantly less revenue from token sales. But reducing distribution and collecting donations didn't help much either. People sold their portfolio and the price dropped so much that we already didn't even know what the moon used to look like.
**What happened recently
In our project, which is now almost 4 years old, accounts pile up over time and there is a lot of administrative work. A very time-consuming part of the administrative work is the curation. This can take 1-2 hours per day. For the most part in this 4 years this work was done by @quekery. More recently, however, the curation was often taken over by @kvinna.
Given the occasion, @quekery has been talking a lot about this internally and externally with people, and we've been mulling over curation systems. Since we have a Discord bot, we often thought about involving it in curation. Is Discord actually good for that or shouldn't we move curation to Hive after all? @thatgermandude had the idea to link the curation option to the HIQS stake. That gives the token a whole new usecase and might even send it back towards Moon. Who knows?
So we thought about a variant that works quite similar to engagement tokens like LOLZ, PIZZA, BEER and co., with a touch of ONEUP. And BOOOM, the idea !hiqvote
was in our heads and is apparently also unstoppable. By the way, this variant is much more personal, because the curator has to comment actively to trigger votes.
Following our motto "thought about it for quite a while, found it stylish and smart and put it out there right away", we did a beta shadow drop and what can we say? A lot of people found the idea so stylish that they increased their HIQS stake. And used the feature plain and simple. Could we cope with the rush?
The HiQ Smart Bot on Hive.
As soon as someone drops !hiqvote
in the comments, @hiq.smartbot checks the HIQS Stake and the tags of the post. Depending on the voting mana of our accounts, the HIQS Stake and the tags, corresponding accounts then vote from us with a calculated amount.
@hiq.hive always votes if the mana is above 85%. For example, if the post contains the tag #hive-engine, @hiq.bee also votes and if the tag #fun is also present, @hiq.fun would also vote etc..
So far the theory. The advantage is that @hiq.insertrandomtribetoken only votes if the correct tribe tags are present. The disadvantage is that the @hiq.insertrandomtribetoken accounts and @hiq.hive vote differently often. Also, new people are joining as well and usage is increasing. This has also happened in the last couple of days, lool.
Let's go into the advantage first. (Editor's note: Another advantage is that we don't have to curate as much ourselves anymore, LOOL.) You can theoretically use Tribe stakes in a very optimized way. So make yourselves 44+i accounts and follow @hiq.insertrandomtribetoken. (Editor's note: We don't have that many yet.) Or if you don't want to keep making new accounts, delegate insertrandomtribetoken to @hiq.insertrandomtribetoken and you'll get a cashback of 80% of liquid rewards. Btw, not all tribes have liquid rewards. Just in case, we'll simply power down 50%.
The vote scaling is not exactly an easy quest. For the beta, we have already adjusted it several times. And for the future, we will definitely revise the model again. For the beta, however, @quekery recently came up with a variant that currently does a stylish scaling job:
upvote_weight=100-1.5 stake1.5 1.5mana-85+9
With a Stake of 100 HIQS and 50 HIQS, it looks something like this:
100 HIQS
Quedinger's Equation can therefore vote low and high at the same time. For example, if one account has a lot of mana and the other little, the mana of both accounts can be traded wonderfully. Especially in the lower range of 85-100% only low values are voted. And it would also behave asymptotically in the left direction. Especially there, you could also make slight adjustments.
In any case, the rush has surprised us very much. Command is already being used by a wide variety of people and we've already achieved some diversity. We are excited to see where the course the journey of HIQS is still going. We haven't forgotten the pool, of course, and will continue to stock it with rewards as we can. And all the Poolians will thank you for doing the same from time to time. ★
By: @smooms
Sometimes the author may change, but the article category remains the same. There must always be a community that is featured by us. Today it's all about photography.
In line with the curation function extension of the HiQ Smart Bot, which now also curates posts with #photography, we have picked out the right community for you - the "Photography Lovers" Community. Here you can find everyone that has a camera and lens.
Photo from: @mrprofessordaily
If you want to publish your pictures in this community, there are only a few rules for you to follow:
- Original photography only. If you are not the owner of the photos you are sharing, you will be flagged and muted.
- Plagiarism is not tolerated and will get you flagged and muted.
- Spamming posts into this community will also get you muted.
- Cross Posting is allowed, but will not be curated.
If you follow these 4 hard but easy to follow rules, you can post your contributions to this community. Don't forget to use the #photography tag so you can get juicy PHOTO token curations from the HiQ Smart Bot.
Photo from: @chorock (Note from @smooms: San Hivecisco?)
The HiQ wishes you a lot of fun photographing things. ★
Ad (Sponsored by @reiseamateur)
Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 3 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to [email protected]. ★
1st | @point-fr | 001420 |
2nd | @balte | 001100 |
3rd | @reiseamateur | 000771 |
4th | @kenechukwu97 | 000646 |
5th | @wrestorgonline | 000569 |
6th | @psyberx | 000500 |
7th | @danielhuhservice | 000372 |
8th | @blue.rabbit | 000235 |
9th | @kryptodenno | 000200 |
10th | @umuk | 000160 |
Ad (Sponsored by @balte)
By: @quekery
Short and crisp you get more than a homeopathic dose of gossip in this issue. (Editor's note: Homeopathic would be presumably if the category was empty, LOOL.).
SL Hack
Splinterlands was hacked on 8/27/2022. Well, was Splinterlands really hacked? Or their Discord? Or a team account? Or was it just a "situation"? Or an "issue"? We don't really know. (Editor's note: Hence, yes, hence Gossip.) But some account with appropriate authority briefly spammed quite a few "@everyone" with "links" that were "suspicious".
If a SL team member actually fell for a social hack, this message would fit even better into that category.
HiveFest7 App
If you want to stay up-to-date on @roelandp's HiveFest, we recommend the HiveFest App. (Editor's note: And, of course, our special HiveFest print edition. Just saying.) There (Editor's note: In the HiveFest App.) you will always find the latest timetable. If you are wondering now that this message is not at HfH but at Gossip, we can enlighten you: That the app is an app, we think is a rumor, LOOL.
The Incorruptible.
Irreverent sources to the effect that we have negotiated a deal with a French community. Are they going to out-earn us? Or are they just stress testing diligently? Be that as it may. In any case, no one should now be able to claim that French people are the arch-enemies of Germans. Or are they, nevertheless?
Hive Engine Papers
On 08/04/2022, Hive Engine nodes were bitching so much that many services stopped doing what they were supposed to or even stopped working, including Hive Engine, WOO, LOLZ, Rising Star and us. We put an investigative team on the case and found out the following.:
By: @quekery
Also in the late summer hole, we have again collected stylish info for you - news or tips with FUN and surprise. Let's hit the keys, so that also something comes around here, LOOL.
Lots of DeFi - WOO, WOO.
@wrestorgonline for short WOO offers lots of DeFi opportunities like Staking Rewards, Delegation Rewards, NFT Mining and Diesel Pools. Our favorite is definitely the Rewards for Staking. Here you can claim your rewards. With an APR of over 100% we can't resist.
Also, WOO now wants to use 40% of the revenue from fees to stabilize the WOO:SWAP.HIVE rate. And you can now even vote for WOO's brand new Witness node - WOO, WOO.
Splinterlands goes stable
Splinterlands has now replaced DEC with SPS for Ranked and Season Rewards, which you have to claim manually.
One reason is to stabilize DEC and the big goal is to get DEC one step closer to the status of a Stable Coin (Editor's note: 1000 DEC = 1 $). Claiming works once every 24h and the claimed rewards are automatically staked in the account.
I want Rewards
Splinterlands' Pool Rewards, mentioned in the last issue, are also already live. If you've been looking for them in vain on Tribaldex or Beeswap, we can soothe you. You can add liquidity to the Diesel Pools, but you'll have to claim your rewards at https://splinterlands.com/. Since a picture says more than 1000 hive blocks, check out the picture:
And speaking of rewards. Also SPS Rewards for SPS Validator Node licenses are finally live.
Edit: "SPS rewards for Licenses has yet to be released due to technical issues" (source)
Splinterlands Tower Defense
We can't keep up with writing news about Splinterlands. (Editor's note: Do they ever downshift?) SPLTD will be an auto-battling NFT play-to-earn tower defense game. With custom packs, SPS rewards, NFT staking and a bunch of microtransaction opportunities, but also interesting tokenomics. For example, there will be a pack presale with 250 000 packs, which will start on September 20, 2022. A pack is supposed to cost 8 $. If you pay with DEC, 1000 DEC will always count as 1 $ no matter what the market price is at the moment. If you also pay a VOUCHER when buying the packs with DEC, there is a 3 $ discount. There is even a SPS Proposal where you can vote to have the SPS Rewards for the game filled from the team pot.
Riftwatchers Presale
And we have one more SL news. On September 15, 2022 the Riftwatchers Presale will begin. A pack shall cost 5 $ + 1 VOUCHER. The 5 $ will be paid in the form of SPS. These are to go 100% into the SPS DAO system. There shall be 3 000 000 packs and the date falls directly on the beginning of HiveFest. (Editor's note: Coincidence?)
Actually we thought, that's it with SL News. But we have one more. You can buy Splinterfest tickets now. Splinterfest will take place Oct. 8-9 in Las Vegas. (Editor's note: That's a month after HiveFest. Coincidence?) You can buy tickets with SPS in the in-game store. A standard ticket costs 300 $ and a VIP ticket 2000 $.
PIMP - more than a Tribe.
With all the Tribe action we've been running the last few weeks, we stumbled across PIMP. PIMP is by @enginewitty and is a ScotBot-closed-source-python-bot-not-anymore-operated-by-the-hive-engine-team tribe that is more than a tribe. The ScotBot-closed-source-python-bot-not-anymore-operated-by-the-hive-engine-team-tribe is triggered by the #pimp tag. But PIMP is also an engagement token. Stake at least 1000 PIMP (Editor's note: @hiq.smartbot bought 1000 under the counter, LOOL.) and you can smash !pimp
in the comments. If you are one of the top 2000 stakeholders, there is also a dividend in the form of many tokens - PIMP-Hivestyler incoming.
The same procedure as every month
Did we ever mention that you can claim LARYNX every month here?
Giveaway of the month
We've probably mentioned @noctury's superawesome and creative giveaway before. (Editor's note: If we haven't, we will now, LOOL.) Over at @alex2alex, you'll find a regularly scheduled giveaway, which bears no resemblance to @noctury's giveaway. Best try them both NOW.
Pool of the Month.
Have we mentioned the MEME:FUN Diesel Pool before? (Editor's note: In the cover story, you ....)
Hivebits is talking to itself.
by @crrdlx will undergo a change at the end of this week. Currently it is so that you can ignite the command no matter where as Comment. If the beneficiary is not you, you and the beneficiary will get HBITS. As of Saturday, you will only be able to reply to yourself. (Editor's note: We've never answered ourselves before, of course, LOOL.) You can find more info here.
Hard Fork
When hardfork 26?
"The new release candidate has an informal date of Oct 11th for the date of the hardfork." (source)
Vienna Hive Regulars' Table
This message would have fit perfectly if we hadn't postponed the issue by one week. But for sure there will be another awesome Vienna Hive Stammtisch organized by a user whose name @manncpt we don't want to mention, on the first thursday in october.
will take place.
"On 6.10 the next #HivemeetupVienna will take place at Edison. It's in my last Meetup Report... 😉"
(source) ★
This time we had a week longer to answer our readers' letters, which is immediately reflected in the quality of the responses, which is always above average.
@libertycrypto27 is acquired as a new follower:
So much interesting information in one post. You have just acquired a new reader and a new follower.
That we find noice. Up to a new issue. We hope to put as much information in this issue as in the one before.
@wrestorgonline knows how to defi:
@hiq.magazine don't forget you can use WOO NFTs to mine WOO token and then you can stake that token on HE or our website and earn over 1% daily!
This is our to-woo list:
- Fomoing hard into WOO packs (Editor's node: Done)
- Stake all of our WOO NFTs (Editor's node: Done)
- Using all of our SWAP.HIVE to buy WOO and stake the WOO to grab the high APR (Editor's node: Done)
@trading-tokens trades kind words:
Very cool, keep going ...
Done. To the moon and beyond...
@steevc already on HiveFest with his thoughts:
I'm really looking forward to Hivefest. I'll see you there!
We will be there. In person and in Magazine. We are looking forward having a talk with you in person maybe? (Editor's note: Did you sub us already? ;))
@ganjafarmer loves ... us:
Love it!!! And there isn't a sex token is there? Is that the Easter egg? And keep it up love the work and the hiq investment pool...
That's not the Easter egg but good try. I guess we will never discover the easter egg.
@thatcryptodave the real Tribepicker:
Very comprehensive! And the tribe discussion is a very long and convoluted one... I have dreams myself of starting something (once my IRL life works itself out). I appreciate the effort put into this. Cheers!
This discussion will never end. But the good thing is we will always have stuff to fill the summer hole.
@kenechukwu97 HIQS supporter of hearts:
Nice one guys. This is an adorable project. I'm glad to be part of this. Let's grow this!
Thanks for the support. This is a smart, stylish and sexy project by the way. ;)
@callmemaungthan our asian correspondent:
I found out about this token about 2 days ago. While reading the WOO GUIDE AND HOW TO SET UP post posted by @arkasz, and @quekery was wrote !hiqvote in the comment. Their team come and vote for that post. So, I study about the #hiq and how they are work.When I looked at HiQ, I saw that it was launched in 2020, but HiQ Smart Vote was launched in 2022. If this information is incorrect, please comment the truth. This error may be due to my lack of study.
We launched in 2018. But no one is allowed to talk about this old and dark period of time, LOOL. You understood everything correctly. But we don't come to the post and vote. It is done automaticaly by our smart, stylish and sexy HiQ Smart Bot. (Proudly presented by @quekery, powered by Team HiQuarters.)
@uthantzin knows what's good:
HiQS Token is amazing because it is a little different function to the other Tokens.
We are amazing? Tell us more.
I liked their hard work and their supports to all users.
And we will work even harder. Thanks for the props. ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are great!
The opinion of individual authors does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial staff or the publisher. If an article is published under an alias, the true (profile) name of the author is known. We reserve the right not to print submitted text contributions if the content contained therein is questionable or massively violates the boundaries of morality and order. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @alex2alex @alucian @andy-plays @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cloudlynx @cultus-forex @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @ganjafarmer @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @ischmieregal @jeenger @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @louis88 @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @miketr @mima2606 @misan @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @mwfiae @nessos @nkemakonam89 @oesterreich @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @saffisara @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @syalla @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @tibfox @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @untzuntzuntz @vasupi @vugel @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine
@smooms was involved in:
- Halo Smoomsfinite
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater
- HiQs MVP - @eveuncovered
- Print edition to buy yourself
- Photography Lovers
- Reader's letters
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- Chief of beebay
@quekery was involved in:
- Queker Chief
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Editorial
- Tribe Token Pt. 2 - We take it to the extreme
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- HIQS Wars - War of the Tokens
- Gossip
- Reader's letters
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- CEO of beebay
@mary-me was involved in:
- Mary-R
eaich- Column - HiveFest Stresstest
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- Secretary of beebay
Keep up the good work moving
Aw man @enginewitty, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Phenomenal job yet again and congratulations thank you very much for all of your hard work and continued posting here on the blockchain!
Whaaaa that's so cool! I didn't know about the magazine. Cute to see my little blue-eyed friend featured.
💝 La communauté francophone et notre équipe vous félicitent pour vos efforts et initiatives. Nous remercions toute votre équipe et particulièrement @quekery pour le temps qu'il a passé avec nous sur discord.
Nous félicitons également un à un les membres du TOP 10 :
@points-fr / @balte / @reiseamateur / @kenechukwu97 / @wrestorgonline / @psyberx / @danielhuhservice / @blue.rabbit / @kryptodenno / @umuk
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
At the end of the night he took her back to her place.
Credit: reddit
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @points-fr
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
points-fr tipped hiq.magazine (x1)
points-fr tipped thatcryptodave (x1)
stdd tipped hiq.magazine (x1)
@blue.rabbit(2/15) tipped @klausklaus (x1)
Join us in Discord!
Whoa... that is just packed right full of stuff to digest! Well done, HIQ team, and keep up the stellar work. 😎
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
@thatcryptodave(2/4) gave you LUV. tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Because they only have one tale.
Credit: marshmellowman
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @thatcryptodave
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
Hi @thatcryptodave what does this code mean? and the value 3 ? !HIQS 3
It's a discount sale they detail early in the issue. You can purchase HIQS tokens at 0.35 SWAP.HIVE each with that command. So technically you just told @hiq.shares and @hiq.magazine that you would like to purchase 3 HIQS tokens for 1.05 SWAP.HIVE. (You can probably cancel it if you reach out, or even tag them in another response here.)
Thanks for the info, but it doesn't matter a few more hiqs will allow me to reward the authors even more.
Via Tenor
@thatcryptodave! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @points-fr. (2/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
A poultry-geist
Credit: reddit
@thatcryptodave, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @points-fr
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
Fair enough. 😏
I'm glad you're comfortably on board!
Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | subscribe | <>< daily
Starting Sept 10, you will need to reply to your OWN post or comment to mine HBIT. You MIGHT also find a bonus token! Details here.
But CAT scan.
Credit: marshmellowman
@points-fr, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @thatcryptodave
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
Congratulations @hiq.magazine! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):
Your next target is to reach 3000 upvotes.
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
All the best guys. Finally the english version. : )
The link for the photography community is not working though.
Will definitely join the community to share my photo.
sending some !LUV to you guys
edit it seems i have join the community. I though it is a different community. haha
@ekavieka(1/4) gave you LUV. tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 20/40) Liquid rewards.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Good job!
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
@naythan(1/3) gave you LUV. tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
What a #fun filled post! Thanks for helping us spread the word about our new FUN tribe!
!pimp !lolz !pgm
You must be killin' it out here!
@captaincryptic just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @hiq.magazine.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Cause they're always Kraken
Credit: reddit
@hiq.magazine, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @captaincryptic
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
I got buzzed again from reading without leaving Hive! Keep it up guys, it's really cool!
And yes, your hiqvote is the smartest, most stylish and sexiest! That's for sure!
Amazing stuff. I love this. The more I know about this project, the more I fall in love with what you guys are doing on the blockchain.
I really took my time to read this. First things first 😂, here is my order 👇
You guys did a good job with this. I believe the print edition will also be amazing.
God knows how much I love to see my name on the freaking Richlist. Haha. Legggooo 🙂
hm? werden hier Kommentare gelöscht?
😅 Nein, natürlich nicht. Du hast die Deutsche Ausgabe kommentiert https://peakd.com/hiq/@klausklaus/re-hiq-rhwvnu 👈😊
ah, ok, ich dachte schon, irgendetwas in meinen Aussagen stösst euch auf! Wäre ja auch durchaus realistisch.
Dazu muß ich aber bemerken, daß #Kuh ein durchweg positives Tier ist: Sie gibt #Milch und düngt das #Gras, was will man mehr?
Hallo das ist eine BLOCKCHAIN, wenn hier was gelöscht werden könnte wäre ich sowas von weg!!!
(Es kann manchmal sein, dass auf Grund der API-Nodes nicht alles gleich sauber in den einzelnen Frontends dargestellt wird. Aber wenn du mir das Gegenteil zeigen kannst, bitte unbedingt dass würde ich wissen wollen!)
Diese Antwort lieber @klausklaus hat auch nichts mit dem Inhalt oder HIQ zutun bin nur spontan über deine Frage gestolpert.
Hoffe es geht dir gut und hier noch etwas fürs einmischen: !LOL !LUV !PIZZA !PGM !PIMP
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Congratulations @hiq.magazine! You received a personal badge!
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
What a cracking project, I voted for your witness and got my first tokens today!
@hiq.magazine! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @oscarps. (1/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.