# Stayed with Diamond - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 48 Report Card


Hello everyone, I am harharhar. I would like to share my last season analysis with all of you and put some comment on my performance last season

Match Report


Diamond Rank422
Rating3020 - Diamond III
Rating High3020
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.05 (121/115)
Longest Streak6

It is quite good to have Rating 3020 with more than 50% win rate. I can end the season in Diamond with its highest rating as well.

Tournaments Report


TournamentLeagueEditionsPlacement/#entrantsRatio (Win/Loss+Draw)Prize
Ferexian Modern Silver InvitationalSilverModern Open187/3411.20 (6/5/0)


Custom Prizes1n/a
Fees (estimate)Quantity

I don't spend too much time on tournament this time. I just played once last season and can't win any prize. It is really depending on luck which player is in your group.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
121✨ 47423 Glint + ⭐574.105 SPS

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

I played around the same number of battles as previous one, so the SPS rewards from battle is around the same, but I got more glint this time. Does it mean that we have less SPS reward now?

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(4544.934)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Rented cards for more number of days last season, so the cost is a bit higher. The rental covered mostly max level of cards in modern.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards107.591
Ranked Rewards as above574.105
Brawl Rewards42.323
Tower Defense1.039
Liquidity Rewards110.396
NET SPS835.454

As we got similar rewards last time, the total SPS gained last season was similar than previous one. However, SPS is dropping a lot recently. In terms of dollar value, it is really much less now.

I forgot to open chest for this season. The beauty of current mechanism is that you can leave it to open in the next season. So I should be able to open more in the coming EOS.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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