Splinterlands Town Hall - Full Text - December 18th, 2021 - Part 2 - Q&A
Aggroed: Yeah let's do it all right so we're gonna go pull this up thank you LibertyLass for pulling these together it looks like we just have three pages of questions so that's not too bad and then that should leave us time to go answer just user questions I should have started with the agenda for these where the town hall begins where we as developers and the game kind of give some general updates from the team and what we like to talk about then we'll go answer questions that have been left for us the previous week in the ama channels and then if there's time remaining we'll go answer brand new questions from the audience live and so my request is because there are three pages and because there are at least 100 people in here that have questions that we try not to linger too long on any particular question that we just kind of power through these somewhat so without further ado LibertyLass is great about kind of breaking these into different types of questions so this the first set there's only one in it but that's a development question can you reveal the tech specs needed for the oracles which I think he's referring to your validator nodes Matt is this going to be a sign up for beta testing or is there going to be
Yabapmatt: I don't know what the tech specs are but we're trying to keep them as minimal as possible I don't it's not you're not going to need some like ridiculous server but we don't have the exact details ready I just say like when it's ready for testing I was hoping it would be by the end of the year it's probably going to end up into January but we will have a post we’ll put in official updates with all the information and anyone who is interested will be able to take part
Aggroed: Awesome so these are some suggestions and requests many of these we're gonna go punch out to feedback feedback.blinderlands.com but I do want to be able to go address some of these could you add more dec burn methods how about additional purchasable in-game items like profile image background image skins and etc Matt
Yabapmatt: Yeah I mean there's all sorts of things that we have planned to be able to be purchased with dark energy crystals including a lot of the things you mentioned profile images all that stuff skins and again it's always been a matter of priorities and resources and
as we start ramping up the development teams even more and as Hardpoint and Kbux or organizing them our top priorities have to be things like land sps validators modern wild format all that stuff but we hope to have additional teams of developers working on all the other things there is such a big list of other things that we want to put in which includes a lot of things to be able to be purchased that would burn dark energy crystals
Aggroed: All right could a text box be added to this pop-up to show the minimum earnings in a battle at each league example if I win a battle in gold three two or one with no guild alpha promos or gold foil cards what would my earnings be not super important right now but very useful with the advent of modern to compare relative earnings across ladders when deciding
which one to climb
Yabapmatt: Yeah that is included in the next question also so we can't show a minimum earnings for leads because it's very variable and it depends on a lot of factors so it depends on the market price of dark energy crystals how many dark energy crystals get put in the reward pool and then it also depends on the amount of battles and the each battle like based on the players ratings and all the other bonuses get certain amount of reward shares that is used in conjunction with the size of the reward pool to calculate the amount of dpcso there's no there's not like any minimum amount that we can put down ecause like for example six months ago the amount you earned was a lot less the dark energy crystal price was a lot less than it is now and in the future it could go up it could go down we don't know so there's no way we can we can have a minimum it's all based on all those factors I mean we can I think it might be good to add some more information into the site to explain how that works so that that might be something to
Aggroed: I’d love to see this as a broader picture of we need a rewards page that explains all the different rewards in the game and how we're doing with them so maybe I’ll go add that to feedback or maybe I’ll use my undue influence in the company to go push that but whether it's that specific data or just generally speaking I think we need we're a play-to-earn game so what you can earn me think we need to display more prominently but obviously the just getting chaos legion out is by far more important so even I’ll tell you sometimes people will tell the audience hey that’s just not the priority now I get told that too
all right can we please get this? release schedule updated once a quarter and actually I guess that's a broader question for I think mostly Hardpoint we need how can I think we've gotten enough of our product roadmap done specifically for Splinterlands that we should figure out ways to display it is that your consensus as well what do you do
Hardpoint: Yeah so so what the goal is with that is we're still organizing internally and starting to build out kind of like how we're thinking about it the flow of it so we haven't really published it because it's been still organically changing I think we are as you said we're starting to solidify on what we think we can get done and I would love for people to kind of
see what we're thinking at any given point and us to try to keep that more updated and the idea would be is that we just give it the huge star next to it's that priorities change requirements change all that kind of stuff and if we do then we can be more open with it whereas if people are going to be super frustrated with us that this is not hit on a specific date we don't want to create that kind of perception but we do love to communicate and try to tell you guys hey this is what we what we're thinking so I am 100 on board with this I want it to look pretty be nice be out there easy for us to keep up to date and you'll see more in Q1 I think that's really what my hope is early Q1 you'll start seeing something show up from us
Specifically that question was about the all the sps release schedule I mean I
think we should have one that's good for Splinterlands in general the sps one yes yeah absolutely should be updated somewhat regularly and we’ll get an update out to that with the
current state of affairs shortly and
Aggroed: Ideally I’d love to see that as like a website like roadmap.splinterlands.com
and that way anybody that ever wants to see a roadmap they don't need to go ask
us or yell at us or tell us when this when that and then I would imagine whether it's weekly or monthly we are updating that and I know everybody wants us to be held to like certain dates I think we give ranges if we fall back on a certain range that's fine we just need to go communicate it so the more that we can actually build out I’d love to see rewards.splinterlands.com and I’d like to see roadmap at splendor roadmap.splinterlands.com so hopefully these are these are things that we can add to the list okay can we get the following for tax reporting reason an export feature for the balance history a current conversion into usd and euro was provided for each income and then he talks about how he does it do you guys want to talk about the tax reporting that we're doing
so yeah I mean go ahead Matt
Yabapmatt: I mean so I understand this is important for people I mean we all understand this as a company and yeah it is something we very much want to make we want to build out tools as best as possible for people to be able to download their transactions and everything from the game I don't think we have any type of eta on that but we are trying to it's definitely in our big list of priorities I think it is one of the higher priorities behind the major features but in the meantime people are going to have to be responsible on their own for getting their information for their tax requirements we can get that available
Aggroed: Do you think it's fair to say we can get it out by April or is that still too much of an unknown
Yabapmatt: So if I may jump in here just so everybody knows I know this question gets asked every single week and kind of like what Matt just said is that you know we've we can't officially say we're definitely gonna get it out but I will tell you this feature is on my mind every week and when I shift and look at the strategy and the people on deck it is one of the projects that I’m trying to figure out how to get it in how to make it happen and what we can do to get this in people's hands and definitely Aggie that the April time frame for people to do taxes in the us and I know other countries will need things like this too we're it's definitely here it's just we gotta kind of keep everything running and I think we're the reason why you guys keep hearing us play a little loose on this is the amount of data that's behind that is very significant and it's not just like go put a button on the website and press download like or just go make it so that we can query this data like you guys are talking about like literally 100 hundreds of millions of rows of data and how we build that out we don't want that to bring down the game and the platform so we just got to be very careful about how we do that but it is on our minds it is on this sort of schedule that we're trying to kick around and as we hire resources and that it is a constant project that we are discussing
Aggroed: All right we have level 1 through 10 cards that we can combine it might be
nice to have a card enchant option where you can get a plus one stat for sps it will burn sps and give it more utility and for each level of the card it will cost more sps to enchant it
thoughts Matt what do you think about burning sps to go enchant our cards
Yabapmatt: I’m not sure specifically about enchanting cards or adding more stats beyond the current way we have to combine cards that have facts but it's a good to mention like our thoughts on sps and utility in general so I mean we're kind of the whole goal of this whole
thing was to have like a player run player owned game right and sps is really the vehicle for that we obviously are also aware that it's no coincidence that kind of a lot of the big explosions that have happened in the game as far as all the numbers and players and values and things coincided with the release of sps and we think that's because generally the user base in the market for this is aligned with that goal so overall everything we do kind of going forward is based around providing value to sps so I don't think it will be that exact mechanism like enchanting a card and getting more stats but like everything that's going to be happening in the future is going to somehow involve sps whether spending sps maybe sps will get burnt for some things or just generally encouraging people to stake it and using the voucher system but that's our overall goal with everything we're doing is how does this go back and provide value to sps holders because that's really what everything is about is sps is the governance token for Splinterlands which means that everything that happens in Splinterlands everything it's Splinterlands does well if the assets do well it should always benefit sps holders in every way so that's just a high level of how we think about sps
without specifics of exactly how that's going to manifest in the game
Aggroed: Is there an eta for the rental bug where a bug user can rent a car then cancel the
contract and when the 24 hours is over he can snipe the same card for the same price
Yabapmatt: I don't have an eta but Kevin and I were talking about that specifically yesterday
we have a lot of changes that we'd like to make to the rental system like quality of life changes and things but since that's a high importance bug that is causing actual problems for people I’m gonna leave it up to Kevin on when and how that exactly is fixed but I know that's a high priority
Aggroed: Okay economy question when a user converts their sps or dark energy credits into credits or dark energy crystals in the credits what happens to those tokens does Splinterlands sell those sps or dec on the market immediately or hold the tokens in a wallet
Yabapmatt: Yeah I guess all these questions or a bunch of them seem to be about dark energy crystals and how the economy works so maybe I’ll just talk about that and we'll knock out a bunch of these but very specifically any time anything is used to purchase credits that's income for Splinterlands the company and that's our tokens they're not burned or anything like that that we have available to use to hire developers pay for server costs or whatever we need to do to run the business that being said we don't and we haven't I mean there may be you know I don't want to say 100 it's like never happened but in general like we sell sps or dark energy crystals we don't want to be providing sell pressure on the markets I mean if we need funds for things we have fiat purchases and we have purchases with other crypto currencies that we would use so we’ve kind of just been stockpiling sps and dark energy crystals from those deals and we don't if we never have to sell them that would be that would be the best outcome just and we could potentially even use them for additional promotions or whatever or we could just have a big stockpile order of these tokens
Aggroed: I want to see I want to see liquidity pools foreign yeah we just know that lots of people need access to tokens they can be hard to get and it's a way that we can go provide access to that without necessarily like selling putting pre selling pressure on the market which we don't want to be responsible for but we do want to add liquidity so that's a nice middle ground for those of you who don't know liquidity is kind of everything like that for those of you who want token prices to go up and want like big investors of whales to come into this it's all liquidity tokens really can't go up in price that much if they don't have enough liquidity because bigger investors are not going to get into tokens that they don't think they'll be able to sell or that they themselves will affect the price too much they don't want that so that's a good point of like a lot of the things we do with sps from the foundation bao fund currently and getting these liquidity pools and farms on pancakes swap and alpaca finance and sushi swap like these are all super important for just getting more people into the token and that's a good thing for us to use our tokens to help support and then as far as just dec economy and just how that works like why do we design it this way why does the reward pool increase when the value goes up which pushes the price back down or provides price pressure so I first want to say like we don't we don't do anything we don't directly control in any way external market prices and we also don't like freak out if prices go up a lot or go down a lot and like oh no we have to go change everything we kind of try we design these systems in a certain way and they're presented for everyone to see exactly how they work and then people can use that information to make their own decisions on third-party markets or whatever they want to do and that is what it is so the reason there's kind of a couple different ways that the tokens can work and there's the bitcoin way where it's just basically there's very low and decreasing in inflation and it's all used to for the miners securing the network and then it's basically just like whoever buys it earliest gets the richest right and the most money kind of flows to the people who buy the tokens the earliest or have the most faith in it in that sense and a lot of what's been happening with recently is kind of a different model hich is really in a lot of ways a more a fairer model for distributing tokens in my opinion and it works a lot better in a lot of different circumstances in our opinion also so dark energy crystal was designed sort of with that in mind which is that it's not they're not necessarily tokens that you just buy in and hotel forever and just get tons and tons of value you you can still earn value from these tokens but you get that from playing the game so what we really want to incentivize is not just a bunch of people to buy the token and just hold it and do nothing with it we want to incentivize people to play splinterman we want to incentivize people to buy Splinterlands cards and assets either from us or the market or wherever and so that's how the dark energy crystal token economy in particular was set up so it's not just oh I happen to buy dark energy crystal the longest to go so I made the most money off of it because that doesn't actually bring as much value to the ecosystem as someone who buys a bunch of cards and plays the game a lot so that's why the value for dark energy crystals goes to players who play via the reward pool and obviously the more cards and collection power and other things that you have the more you'll get from that so the whole economy designed from dark energy crystals is focused around that it's rewarding players it's rewarding asset holders not just whoever happened to buy dark energy crystals first so the question is then okay well why isn't everyone just gonna be dumping dark energy crystals and why isn't the price just gonna tank to zero and that comes around to we also have to provide value for dark energy crystals within the game and I think that's something we've done considerably in the past and we continue we plan to continue to do in the future so there'll be lots of things in the game cosmetic things and also things that provide value through earnings that can only be purchased with dark energy crystals or that have discounts with dark energy crystals and that's why originally we kind of had I don't want to call it the peg break but we always splinterlands the company always valued dark energy crystals at a certain price so even if the market price was lower than that we would still accept them at a higher price and that's a way where just a very simple way for us to provide value to dark energy crystals if players wanted to buy things in slower land and the market price was lower than that they could buy the dark energy crystals on the market at a lower price and get value in Splinterlands gain at a lower price due to that so that's generally the economy design we've used in the past and we're planning to do in the future now that always things require changes here and there as we can't anticipate everything that's going to happen but that's always going to be our thoughts and plans around dark energy crystals so it's not this thing where you just it’s not a bitcoin like system where you just try to buy and hold as much early and hope the price goes up a thousand x or whatever really you would wantdark energy crystals if you want to buy the things in the game that require dark energy crystals and then otherwise you know you want to you want to play the game you want to get as many cards you want to rank up in order to earn them as much as possible yeah
Aggroed: I couldn't I couldn't agree that more all right I’m going to skip over some of
the economy questions I feel like that that did a nice job and I want to be cognizant of time okay
I just want to answer the last one really quickly why is the sps sushi pool not included in points for the daily airdrop no sps pools are included for the daily for the airdrop of sps so dark energy crystal pools are included and there's the one that's dark energy crystals to sps but that's included because of the dark energy crystal pool and that's why the fsps pool is not included because it's not a dark energy
Aggroed: Yeah but then when are we adding liquidity rewards for sbs liquidity providers
Well so we already have it and that's actually something that's brought up not
in this question but I know this is taking more time but I want to talk about its people have asked about that so there's kind of two ways we can provide liquidity rewards one is we just give out sps to people through the game website or whatever for providing liquidity which is what we do with dark energy crystals through unit swap but a much better way that we've been taking advantage of is getting farms and getting pools on third-party platforms so there are liquidity provider rewards for being in the fsbs sushi pool you earn sps and you earn sushi tokens through sushi swap and similarly on pancake swap there are some pretty significant rewards it's on alpaca finance there’s probably other platforms on baby swap I think there's ones I don't even know about that are offering liquidity provider rewards for people who had spf liquidity so that that is already available it's been available almost since the launch at least on pancake swap and the reason why that's so much better is because it's a huge marketing and promotional opportunity so I think overall we're giving out less sps than we would have so it's a better more efficient use of the funds the sps funds available for liquidity rewards and instead of it just being you know available on our website for the people who already play splendor landing on our website now these pools are featured on the websites of pancake swap baby swap alpaca sushi swap all these things and you're earning tokens a lot of people may not be as interested in earning sps but who are outside the Splinterlands community and haven't really come in yet but now they have the ability to earn cake and they earn sushi and to earn alpaca or whatever all these things are so ultimately it provides more liquidity than we would get otherwise and it provides more marketing than we would get otherwise so I think it's definitely the best way to go and were in we want to do as much of that as we possibly can to help increase the liquidity which I talked about how important that was earlier for the token and just increase the marketing the places where people see and learn about it
Aggroed: Chaos legion questions in light of the vast inflation of the k of the cp pool collection power pool relative the number of players by the influx of chaos legion cars will the power requirements for leagues be changed
I believe we are planning to reduce the power requirements for modern format leads not for not for wild format it's also one of the big reasons why we're very excited for modern format in general it's just going to make it you know a much better experience for the newer players or for the players who haven’t don’t have all the older cards to compete and compete in higher levels and against more equal opponents
Aggroed: Can we see the number of chaos legion packs that have been opened on the blockchain anywhere Yes I believe that you can I don't know off the top of my head the easiest place to see that but I’ll try to look at that maybe I can post it with discord later
Aggroed: Wills the second airdrop card be dropped when the two million packs are sold or will both be dropped when three million packs are sold The plan is for the next both of the next two airdrop cards to be dropped at the end of the current sale phase I think that ends on like January 12th roughly so it'll the air drops will happen between January call from general sale on January 17th I know everyone's been asking these questions we are working on the next two airdrops cards and the stats and the required minimum packs to get one and we're hoping to have that information released roughly next week
Aggroed: For the general sale if I hold 30 vouchers can I still buy a thousand packs and get 30 bonus packs for these vouchers or do I need to hold the appropriate amount of vouchers for the packs I’m buying in this case it would be 150.
Can you yeah no so if you have 30 vouchers then you'll get 30 you can use them to get 30 bonus packs the max bonus packs you'll be able to get if you have vouchers would be 150 in that case but if you only have one voucher that you spend you'll only get one bonus pack if you have 30 you'll get 30 etc
Aggroed: Wild versus modern questions will modern account power be segregated from a regular account power
So I don't I don't think the account power will but I am what we're planning on right now and again this is planning so things may change but is that it will be one you'll have the one ecr pool that will go across both formats so players who have lots of collection power and have lots of the older cards if they choose to play in modern format even though they'll be able to be in higher leagues they won't be able to use kind of their older cards that allow them to get them there and they’ll be using up their ecr which might be better suited they basically they may be able to earn more in wild and that's how we want it to work is that it kind of is a natural free market thing where players have a certain ecr pool to use and they could they can kind of choose the best place to play so naturally players with the older cars will gravitate to wild and vice versa hold on I think this
Aggroed: Question is a little bit more like you know let's say I take a super powerful
champion level deck and then I add ten level one common chaos legion cards to it
how high of a rank can I get in the modern format right can I use the collection power
from the wild format cards to push me all the way up to champion level again in the modern format because I have that collection power or because that collection power is not from the chaos legion set do I have to have chaos legion or modern format card collection power to be able to rank up
So the answer is you can you if you have enough collection power from the old cards and level one chaos legion cards you will be able to at least from a collection power perspective get up into higher leagues in modern format but what I’m trying to say is that that doesn't make a whole lot of sense right because a you'd have to be able to actually win enough battles using your level one chaos legion cards to get into those higher leagues which may or may not be possible and then also you will be using up that same ecr pool so it's not like you'll also be able to then use your older cards to play in wild also so you're kind of giving up rewards for doing that so it doesn't make sense so that's why we're trying to design the system where like yes you can do that if you want but it doesn't hey I don't know if it would be possible even if you only have level one cards from the newer sets and b you're just literally giving
up rewards because you would be able to earn a lot more using all your old cards in wild format
Aggroed: How does Splinderlands manage users data like email password and linked wallet addresses how do you protect those against attackers I’m also curious about Splinterland's own sps and dec wallets and other overall security too yeah so
I’m not going to talk specifically about what we do around security because that itself could be a security issue but we take our security extremely seriously and that is a specific area of focus on the development team security itself that includes player information and also even more importantly it's the wallets that we control I mean one thing specifically around wallets with tokens is that the plan is for those to be moved into multi-tig wallets controlled by the top voted sps validators so that that would be the most secure version where it’s not just one entity controlling those wallets in one key but it's actually the validators collectively and it needs a certain number of their signatures to move any of those tokens so that's kind of a longer term plan for that so
Hardpoint: One other thing too on that front is that I’m going to be hiring VP of Security that specializes in crypto security and development security so actually we're looking for someone that's very seasoned in that very senior I’m looking for that role it's not on their board yet but if you guys know anybody that's in the industry has a lot of experience with that I’d love to chat with them so little big shout out for that we do care about it as a big huge priority for us
Aggroed: Question what's the latest from crid curlax it’s from the splinter bites craig curlax is a well-known goblin traveler he speaks only in extremely annoying rhyme and riddle but on the upside he's said to know the secrets of the universe I’m gonna broaden this a bit to like Nate if you're still around any who now owns splinter bites and the sort of like updating of the little tidbits of lore and sort of like hilarity that might ensue from our punchy little lines
Nateaguila: No for sure I and it's funny that specific splinter bite is actually one of my favorites every time I see it I could just imagine coming across this guy in the splinter world and what that would be like but yes it's funny you guys should mention that I noticed that now and then in mavericks or elsewhere someone will post a little screenshot saying hey you know this kind of needs to be updated or hey this kind of doesn't jive like there's something there's an issue here or something so it is on our radar it is a task that I’ll be assigning to the narrative team we're going to maybe not give a complete revamp to all the texts that you see there but we will we will be updating it we will be revising it a little bit and then we will be adding a lot more so
expect to see new stuff pop on there soon
Aggroed: Awesome all right that's the end of those questions which means it is 10 30 so amazingly we have 30 minutes left to go answer general questions so yeah please don't keep asking your questions over and over it takes me a while to get through all these but I’m gonna start a little bit up and then I guess I’m starting from 10 28 and I’ll answer questions down from there so any ideas to expand on the quest eg weekly or seasonal quests that require different perimeters to be met Matt or Richard are we adding additional quests is somebody on that
I would say no one's on it right now because there's lots of stuff we are working on that I consider a higher priority but that's one of the many like cool features we talked about some others earlier like avatars and skin things so yeah as players of the game we would love to add new quests to new rule sets all sorts of new fun things but yeah like priorities and resources go allow us
Aggroed: feedback.splinterlands.com get new quest voted up and we'll make that the
priority of the sort of player derived changes that we make I’m looking at 1028 from djs Matt commented earlier about wasting ecr in modern or wild format you were saying there's a double pools for the two formats but only one ecr and Matt is confirming that there is one ecr and separate reward pools biz is asking will future use of vouchers factor in the supply of vouchers and or assume that players have had ample time to acquire vouchers or will they sort of assume that players are starting with zero vouchers when the new promotion is announced for example with rift watchers would it be one voucher for each bonus pack like with chaos legion general sale hits or might it require two vouchers or 10 vouchers or 100 vouchers for each riftwatcher or pack based on the amount of vouchers in circulation at that point
Matt captain of all things economy
Yabapmatt: Yeah so I was starting to type responses in chat I guess I shouldn't
have done that but I didn't know if we were going to go through all these
but yeah so I don't know we're going to determine future voucher costs for things
at the time those things because get live and come announce so what works planning for rip watchers and that’s we’re figuring out the details of that we're going to look at the state of the voucher system how many people have how many people are getting and figure out what the what a reasonable cost would be that kind of is
both provides value for vouchers and sps stakers and allows you know enough people to get involved in them and just one thing people should note is that it's also possible for things to cost less than one voucher so voucher is a divisible token
so if it makes sense things might cost a half about her or point one voucher for rift watchers or other promotions then it all depends on the value of whatever the
thing is that you're getting for the vouchers how much it'll cost
Aggroed: Matt is asking are you going to review new chaos legion legendaries it's pretty sad that some of them are not used at all and they do not fit in anywhere
really in the champion league for example very good looking cards but nowhere seen zybax avoid dragon it feels so feels so not right that so cool cards have no usage
in the highest league thoughts so
Yeah I mean us always kind of review everything and we always wanted to especially with legendary cards but in general we prefer the card to be useful I would say we don't want to jump the gun on anything so a lot of things are going to change when wild and modern formats come out so I’d say at the very least we're
probably not going to be changing anything until that's out for enough of a period of a time where we can really see what the state of things is at that point and then I’m hoping also by that point that the sps proposal system will be live and these things
will be less of us saying we're changing this even if it's based on player feedback to someone makes a proposal to change something and players can just vote on that in which case it's kind of open to anything there so that's what I would like to see
Aggroed: Tame Sean is asking would it be one daily quest and one season reward
between the two leagues as well or would we get one for each league will the seasons be staggered or will both seasons end on the same date
Good questions I can say there's still going to be the same daily quests and you can just pick whether you know I mean you don't have to pick but you know if it's a fire splint request you could play two pirates winner games and modern and three and in wild and doesn't matter or five and one or five in the other it's just your same questit doesn't matter which format you play in season rewards I don't wanna say for sure right now but we're gonna figure that out in a way that makes sense and then as far as staggered I think seasons are gonna be the same it's just gonna be the same season it's not gonnabe separate seasons for each of them because it's already enough of an ordeal when seasons end so just be the same season and
Aggroed: Kermawa is asking at 10 31 will there benew free playable cards when modern format was introduced aren't there already new free playable cards
Yeah the modern format is not gonna change what the like the three cards
that everyone's allowed to play with are that'll only change when we release the
next major set in a year or more later
Aggroed: Channel magnetic is asking airdrop requirements for the next few cards do
the rarity and then do what the minimum number of packs are to guarantee an airdrop
I believe that they are going to be legendary I don't know what the airdrop requirement numbers are they may be different than ones in the past so we are going to release that information hopefully before Christmas if possible
Aggroed: Philippe Cayenne which is probably not the way to pronounce that pretty please update the mobile app I guess that's just a suggestion Hardcool is asking is there a guaranteed promo card like in the last pre-sale like 50 packs bought question mark and it sounds like we will give guaranteed minimum is that correct
Yes and I think we are also going to do a guaranteed minimum for gold cards like
we did for dr blight which we haven't done in the past but anyway the numbers may be significantly different than they werefor dr blight for that
Aggroed: When phase two ends will the general sale then start instantly or will there be an interval between them
There's gonna be an interval and the exact dates and details are in the post we made about that so you'll have to look that up
Aggroed: Crypto ape is asking can we please please get a splinter lance joke
set a card similar to magic the gathering unsets have stuff like aggroads sideburns Nate’s pen mats abacus
That sounds awesome I don't think we're gonna be spending time on that but if
any if any community members wanna take a stab at that we would be happy to promote it and show it if it's done well
Aggroed: How many packs do we need to buy for guaranteed air drops in pre-sale too
that question has been asked and I’ll skip any updates on the achievements
page in game
Achievements is one of those many cool features that didn't get up the priority list high enough so I don't have any information on that right now
Aggroed: Mick is asking an interesting question could we use some amount of vouchers to go trade for potions what do you think of that
Yeah I think one of the things we talked about as far as like the many future
uses of vouchers is potentially new potions or even existing potions being able to be purchased with vouchers so I don't have like details on that but that is something we have I think said officially that we're looking into as one of the uses we plan for vouchers
Aggroed: Yeah I seem to recall that airdrop cards will have potions finally but those
potions will require not only the dark energy crystal cost but also voucher cost if you want to apply potions to them which I think is totally awesome will there be separate leaderboards and will the rewards be the same for the wild and modern format
There will be separate leaderboards I don't want to guarantee that rewards are
going to be the same but I mean that's that's the plan at least at first and then like with everything we’re gonna have to see how modern and wild goes we're gonna do our best to plan it out and set everything in a way that makes sense ahead of time but I think it's almost impossible to really predict how everything's gonna turn out
so based on what happens in player feedback we'll see what if anything needs to be changed
Aggroed: If the general sale sells out within the 24 hour grace period to count
for air drops will this affect the number of packs to receive each airdrop
airdrop 3 has 12 million packs count for it
Yabapmatt: Yes it will I mean because the number of guaranteed packs is based upon you know how many cards would have been given out were those cards available in packs up until that date so the more packs that are sold or the less that affects that that amount and that will affect what the guaranteed amounts will be so for those we may not be able to tell up front but we could probably give a range like based on if x number of packs sell in this period of time the guaranteed minimum will be this and if this number of packs will be that so you know people will be able to at least make decisions based on that I also I gotta run I wasn't really planning to stick around for this long because I gotta go start doing all the stuff we've been talking about that people have been asking about on the calls so it's not
that I don't wanna be here talking to you guys answering questions all day it's just that I feel like it's actually more important to get more time into building this stuff so I just want to say thank you to everyone here at participating and for all your questions it just really shows how interested and supportive of the game you are and we all are 100 aware that the community and the players are everything 100 everything and that's why everything we do is going in some way towards getting more players increasing the player base increasing the rewards that players earn and giving the players more control and ownership over everything that we possibly can so thank you to everyone here that makes all this possible and
Aggroed: Matt I just want to say we are one month out from the general sale of chaos legion how'sthat
Yabapmatt: Yeah no that's awesome and like but I also just want to reiterate taking
another minute that as much as we are all excited for the general sale and like everyone would be able to just buy their pack like we did it this way on purpose to
make sure that if there was not a case where a whale could buy come in and buy
up all the packs and no one else had a chance to get them right so the we have specifically said hold on we're gonna hold off on selling our packs and we're gonna set aside three 102:22million a fifth of the total over a two month period and we're going to say to the whales who want to buy the bulk pack purchases or that they want to come in and buy a million dollars worth we're going to say no you guys have to wait and give all everyone else their chance to buy packs first the only caveat is
you need to have sps state you don't need to spend sps you don't need to spend anything you just need to you know show that you are committed to this product in this game and then you have the chance to get your packs and get the first airdrops and other bonuses before all the whales that want to put in you know a bunch of money into the game well obviously we love and want to take care of and are an important part of this but just want to make sure people are clear on that whole thing
that's happening
And on top of that what's really cool Matt about what we're doing so yes you can just stake sps and you get vouchers there is markets on hive engine where if you're like I don't have enough sps I’m not getting the voucher drops fast enough you can go out to the market and buy a voucher send that back to yourself in game and use it to buy a pack right now like it's not exorbitantly expensive if you're really concerned about it and you don't have sps you can also go to the market and get you some vouchers and buy it and that's one of the cool things about vouchers is there is a market for them you can go buy them you can sell them if you're not going to use them so there's a lot of utility already right there for between players
Aggroed: The next question here so thanks Matt thanks for being here enjoy everybody enjoy time working thanks Matt
How are the bulk sales going Aggie well we've sold I have like over six million dollars in commitments and we have until the 28th for me to go take orders and et payment so if you guys are interested in participating in the bulk sales you have 11 days left you can contact me I guess if you're if you're just looking to do the minimum you can contact bribro and the two of us can go help you out but if you're buying a hundred thousand dollars or more we will provide you with the legendary potions if you're buying a million dollars or more we will provide you with the legendary and the alchemy potions and if you're buying those mounts and you have a guild so that you are bringing in large numbers of people there are some other aspects that are available to you it can't just be you and a couple bros it really has to be like a professional organization where you have started a company or have a dao and or have a real organization it's not just you and a couple friends that's not what this is for it's to bring in mass amounts of people question can we have tech support update especially with respect to the large dollar tickets that require dev action waiting over a month sir
Hardpoint: Oh sorry about that I was replying to somebody what was the question
can we have a tech support update especially with respect to large dollar tickets that require dev action okay so golden girl definitely if you have high dollar stuff definitely ping again and we apologize for the delay there it is actually high priority for us to get those done and we've actually been prioritizing those high dollar ones over incoming there are certain issues where things have gotten blocked for
various reasons and we definitely apologize for that but just so you guys understand when someone submits a ticket with a high dollar like we don't just go do what the ticket says you guys realize we have to actually go and sit down and try to audit all the details behind that ticket and figure out what's going on this is this the real person
who submitted the ticket we have to do a lot of validation so there's actually a lot of work that goes into making sure your tickets are assigned properly now I just wanted to mention something else that I can get a chance to earlier which I always like to kind of come out and say hey support teams doing great and they're killing it and but literally they are guys in the in this last month we've been taking in 130 tickets a day compared to over 200 last month and the staff has been literally working around the clock we I don't think the sun sets on the support team so number one they're just crazy killing it we've saw we have about 1937 unsolved this month so far that are
still being ground through but so much this month versus last month when we look at the number of tickets resolved versus incoming is the first month where we're actually making a positive dent in the backlog but more than that which is really exciting to me from a tech perspective we have seen a consistent month over a month decrease in the total number of ticket vole so we have seen it half every single month and December right now we're on track for the lowest amount of tickets we've had since July so we are super excited about that we still have a backlog we're working for and there are tickets that are blocked for various things but it is very high priority so if you guys have a decent amount of money out there definitely ping back in our discord swipe now I have exciting things to say if you guys haven't seen it yet if you go to support.splinterlands.com right now we just launched an entirely new support site hosted by our zendesk partner and we are starting to fill out with knowledge base articles you can submit tickets and those tickets that you can submit to that new site allow us to capture more data quickly to move your tickets faster through the process so if you already have a ticket in there you don't need to go do it again we already got you but if you're adding a ticket that is the place to go eventually and what's coming soon is sup live chat in game to talk to our support agents and that we're going to just continually maturing the process of technical support so we're really excited about that and I wanted to say this again I say every week and I can't say it enough guys thank the support team give them high
fives when you can these guys are dealing with people that are grouchy their money's at stake they're trying to do you guys a solid and be there be conscientious work as fast as they can through your things guys just a huge shout out to them to the support team just all across the board they're just working tireless to make this thing experience that much better
Aggroed: Ishtingo is asking how do you guys feel about the current speed of pac sales feel they're slow on target exceeding expectations how will we ever get a super cool penguin card so super cool penguin card if you want to get your own card art into the game you make sure that you and your friends are one of the top six purchasers when we do pre-sales and then you can design your own legendary card and if you wanted some badass penguin in the game that is the time to do it wink wink in terms of selling the cards the if you I guess I think they're right on target we’re purposely metering out packs we want it to go slow but even still we're expecting December to be the the highest sales month in company history and three and a half years of doing this and then I think January for actual like general sale is going to blow that away so the company is in the strongest financial position it's ever been in it continues to get into a stronger financial position we are hiring as a result we're up to 70 odd people hopefully by the end of December we'll be up to 100 and this company is going gangbusters I guess I get the privilege of talking to some of the biggest companies in the world and that they are interested in what we're doing and how to do it I don't know if you guys saw but even melania trp launched like an nft
platform but it doesn't take long for people to say when will these have utility and there's nobody that understands how to give tokens utility better than Splinterlands so to me it's really exciting to just see how much this whole ecosystem is growing and honestly I feel like we're at the vanguard of it so pac sales are going great I think they're right on track in fact I think they're a little bit stronger than I even anticipated so there's probably not enough for everybody just saying all right we have 10 minutes left and I got 100 messages so I’m going to cut off new questions here
but I’m going to keep taking these any future plans for an update to the mobile
app how are we handling mobile Mr. Hardpoint
Hardpoint: Mobile we're were kind of keeping it alive right now but we really have big plans for it over Q1 you guys are gonna see that start showing up in the road map we know that everybody we want to be where everybody is and we know mobile is where everybody is so like what you're going to see in Q1 and Q2 is us really dig our roll up our sleeves and start really tackling the mobile product and you guys are going to see a lot of good things coming out this next year for mobile thank you
Aggroed: All right any idea if the in-game marketplace for assets would allow purchases with different payment options so you can buy credits through the app
and then you can spend those credits to go purchase stuff and when you purchase
credits it can be fiat dec hive sps bitcoin litecoin eth ere and a bunch of
other things so I would say yes do it through the app that's what our credit system is for Chronuch is asking do we need to open packs to receive the airdrops for
the new cast cards will they appear in our account what is the airdrop percentages based on base per amount of packs we buy so yes you buy the packs and that's
actually enough to guarantee you the airdrop you don't have to open the packs
and what are the airdrop percentages based it is based on the amount of packs and
it's based off of how far along into the sale it is so there's a couple different factors that go into this so we're not ready to tell you just yet what the minimum number of are but before the end of the sale we'll make sure that you guys know so that you can plan around it and make sure that at the very least you have the minimum or
multiples of the minimum to get as many guaranteed cards as you're hoping for Matt is asking the question if there will be guaranteed gold foil card airdrop for a certain number of packs will it be possible to combine packs purchased on separate accounts the information changes a lot now probably not sorry about that it's going
to have to be through one major account is my guess maybe that could be changed but I highly doubt everybody's just saying Yabapmat and Yabapmat‘s amazing and we're stokedhi can I ask a question about the voucher I bought some only from phase
one pre-sale like five voucher only then I bought voucher in the second pre-sale like 45
then I still have airdrop cards for free well just buying vouchers doesn't help you actually have to go and buy the packs the airdrops just give you the like vouchers just give you the ability to purchase packs but it doesn't help you unless you actually purchase them
Dyne is asking at 10 46 will it be possible to change the tournament specifics so we can make tournaments where both players and creators are rewarded that means different play times like any time one hour rounds for example this can be combined with streaming these
tournaments so people can watch their own game be judged by excellent players so they can learn to play better and therefore earn more so yeah what you do like some of this is around oh man I don't want to go into a full answers here there’s sort of a the hack for that is you set the number of players and it doesn't start until you reach that number of players and then you just make sure that there's a little bit of buffer between how much players have to spend and how much the prize pool is and that's where your earnings exist I haven't seen that be super popular I do think that it happens but it's not the biggest thing around Bandano is asking can we get the option to export all our balance histories as a csv file also recording
our histories for more than 30 days would really help keeping track of income and expenditure thank you that's what the tax project is about so I can't tell you exactly what that looks like because it's still in progress but we're working on it Biz is saying nope is not a
question nazredin danette is saying is the Splinterlands team looking to outsource customer service no were going to do that internally and we maybe we're still looking but I can't tell
Well let me if you want me to talk about that I can we might outsource like you know layer one or layer two as we get bigger so that we don't have to hire 400 people to be available 24 7. but our core tech support will always be in-house and those guys are the guys that know
everything about the game know how to make sure everything works but just as we get bigger it's more reasonable to assume that there might become another layer just to help regular players with very basic questions
Aggroed: Okay moving down zitron is saying at 10 49tech people said there's only one person working on the kyc could please add more people to it so they can finish it fast because it's been a month since I’ve requested to fix my kyc issues
I guess that’s yeah we've got people working on it all right one person
Aggroed: Crypto Ape is saying would it be possible to get more filters on tourneys to be able to fully edit them when we start them for example to be able to ban specific cards specific sets I think people would be more likely to join things like bronze level tournaments if people can't just come with level one high cost cards and wreck everyone we do some of that there's some rule shifting that you can do but it's probably not as precise as you might want there’s two parts to this they both have the same answer go to feedback.splunalians.com that sounds like a feature that you'd like to have added that doesn't exist it's kind of like a quality of life feature so please do that at feedback.splingerlands.com and I think we just got through everything yeah we got we got to the end so we're going to end four minutes early which is great anyways as for normal the way the way that I think about this whole thing is
I start by drawing a circle around myself and I say I want to make sure that at me as a hand I am growing my skills are growing my network is growing my net worth is growing and
I am leading a productive life and then I draw a bigger circle and I say I want to make sure that my team is having quality experiences that they are growing as people that they get kind of the responsibilities and job that are exciting to them that they feel passionate about that they want to work on and I want to make sure that that the folks that are exhibiting passion
creativity competence and peaceful behavior are getting to be exposed to bigger and bigger things as our company grows and rewarded for it as well and then I draw one last circle and it includes the entire ecosystem here and I think every single day I wonder how can my time be spent to provide more value more entertainment better opportunity to the people that are there and sort of I think of the world this kind of like a video game and when you were born that is your spawn port and in the dream that I have of what this world looks like it doesn't matter what country you're born in or who you were born to you have equal opportunity to succeed as everybody else on the planet and I think play to earn games can deliver that
better than any other process people group or organization in the world and so this is part of what I work on day in and day out I feel blessed to be surrounded by my colleagues and the partners here that are passionate and incredibly talented individuals that they're working their tails off every single day to try to try to help people around the world many of whom they'll never meet but that we all find it's super valuable to just say hey we're from Splinterlands we're here to help so I’m grateful to my team and of course none of this is possible without a legion of amazing fabulous fans that tirelessly hold our feet to the fire that help us go and do more work than ever and help us build systems that will help them like what this is the dream this is we're trying to trying to make the world a better place and it is made possible by the minnows and the whales and the participants and the traders and the flippers and the commentary and the streamers and all of that so I’m grateful to this community it has been a life altering experience for me I get constant feedback from players of how much this game has changed their lives and so this is a mutually beneficial relationship as all voluntary relationships ought to be and I am grateful to you guys that you all work with us as we try to build something totally awesome and world changing as we believe it to be so with that thanks everybody I appreciate your time and let's go be awesome together thanks all see you guys
Part 1 - News & Update
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