Splinterlands Town Hall - Full Text - December 10th, 2021 - Part 2 - Q&A


Aggroed: It's great because this is really the first question for Matt. Here, so, can you clarify how the airdrop math will work for chaos legion? Can you kind of run through some of that?

Yabapmatt: Yeah! So I don't, I mean the exact numbers we're gonna release when we
announce the airdrop card bfore the first air drop happens which will be at the end of this phase, two sale in January basically the general math will be the same we'll just be adding two new cards at once. They're the majority of the cards that are going to be airdropped are
going to be legendary just the set is denying that way where especially with the use of potions we want to have more legendary cards in the set overall than we do now. So I would expect that at least the first two will be legendary cards.Then the chances of getting them
will just be based on the chances as if those two cards were in pack and they're I think there's like 16 legendaries in the set now. So with those, they'll be 18 and then there's
that chance of getting them so but what the point is we'll release the exact numbers, the exact chances, the exact amount of packs you need for guaranteed legendary. We'll probably do something an amount of packs for a guaranteed gold foil which we hadn't done in the past. We'll announce all that once with the cards that will be airdropped as soon as
that's ready.

Aggroed: Sweet. Okay so guild dec dark energy crystal costs for buildings are insane now
because they were worked out when dec was at its fixed or pegged rate dare we hope land dec cost will reflect the current value and I guess I would put that at when we're considering building upgrades are we going to use the peg value for dec or are we going to use the market value for dec

Yabapmatt: I think going forward. We're just gonna be using the market value for things pricing things in dollars and using the market value for things as much as possible just you
know because we'll keep running into this the situation right initially. We'll design land. We'll put it out at some rate that dark energy crystals are at and then who knows the things could blow up again and they could go up 10x and then we're back in the same situation. So, I think the whole idea of originally you know having a fixed rate for dark energy crystals
had its merit and worked well for a while, but yeah, going forward I think it makes sense just to use market pricing and price things and dollars to make it easier.

Aggroed: Yeah! The one caveat I have to that is that if dec falls below the soft peg of .001
or 1000 dec to a dollar then, we'll honor the market price up until it falls below that. Then we'll accept it at that is that your understanding as well.

Yabapmatt: Yeah! I think so.

Aggroed: Okay! The next question is actually one of my favorites. I think I’ve ever read because this is just such an in-depth awesome question. Any news on what have moth rook goat helm and tunnel works adventures been up to? So, these are the companies that came to explore Praetoria. these are from the land sale and

Yabapmatt: There's the third too. I don't remember the name.

Aggroed: Yep! So, I guess there no. So the original author of that is not here, But, are we continuing that storyline? Are the sort of three phases of land being considered in the three in any shape? Like, we think through and create the land rollout.

Nate Aguila: Yeah! We can just actually. The exploration companies was something that I had come up with that. I had tried to interject with the past writer and said, hey look this I think we could do something like this because while I was doing the ui, I was trying to think of how we can make the shop pages more flavorful and what not in fact if for whoever wrote the question here is I believe this is the icon. I’ll share it in the discord. This is the icon for the goat helm exploration company and that sigil represents I think it was the first exploration company because the land sale was phased and the first phase was we were planning on having each phase be this exploration company. What's interesting is that the groundwork even back then was being laid for some of the storytelling that we have now meaning that at the time we wanted to give players the feeling, the immersiveness of feeling that they were being presented with this opportunity from an exploration company
that was tasked with going and exploring this new land unknowing to
the fact that there were as a hidden agenda from these exploration companies because for those of you who have gotten any of the chaos legion set. There's some interesting characters in that set. One of which is the chaos agents. So, chaos agents have been
infiltrating the kingdoms and governments have been planning themselves as advisers to
powerful people and whispering in their ear hey, maybe you should do this. Maybe you
should do that, and manipulate world events without the common person even realizing that what's going on. So the idea behind the exploration companies is rather interesting because as they went to Pretoria to and they, the investors, you guys, they told you
guys who are all battle mages in this game, hey if you invest with us, we'll go get you a little plot of land over in this new area but that was actually not their primary goal. Their primary goal was to actually go explore these ruins and these the supernatural events that they knew were occurring but of cours they couldn't tell you about it because then who wants to buy a haunted house right or land that is cursed by weird voices and everyone's going crazy
so what they what they told investors is, hey this land is awesome let's go here give me some money. I’ll give you a pot of land and blah blah blah and all that holds true it's really cool land. So, don't freak out on me about that it's not bad real estate it's good but the story behind the exploration companies is that there was a little behind the scenes maneuverings
going on to get everyone over there and it's gonna come to a climax as we go through the storytelling because it turns out that all the people who own land in Pretoria are battle mages and wouldn't it battle mages are going to be pretty important to try to combat the chaos legion which pops out at ground zero where you guys bought this land. Now it's a perfect stage that's been set for this epic battle between the battle mages and the invaders so
we'll see what happens.

Aggroed: Awesome. All right, dark energy crystal reward pool size is automatically increased or reduced depending on the value of dark energy crystals. How often does the dark energy crystal pool check the value and change the pool size hourly daily or only on season start days.

Yabapmatt: We publish the current market rate to the hive blockchain for dec every 10 minutes. I think it uses the rate uses the average over the last hour of those price feeds and hopefully the not too distant future that's going to be moved over to the sps validators as one of one of their many jobs running sds validation software is to
to publish those price feeds and it'll take an average of all the price feeds from the validators very similar to how the high price feed works.

Aggroed: I’m sorry Matt,. validator is not a term I’m familiar with. I don't really know all this blockchain stuff. I’m just a boomer living in a Gen x body. Can you tell me what a validator node? Can you tell me what you're building? How it will interact with the ecosystem? Shat's gonna change is the validator system rolls out?

Yabapmatt: Well, yeah, that's a loaded question. So, validator is also a term I’m using
instead of oracle. Initially we were calling them oracles but I think at this point validator is more appropriate. So, in the sps white paper at sps.splinterlands.com you can read about
kind of our high-level initial plans for the oracle system which is the same thing that I’m referring to. We talk about validators, but generally, I guess I’ll refer to the hive blockchain on which the game operates. We're kind of, we're building our own delegated proof-of-stake system as the governance model for the game and for the sps token. So, I’m not going to go into all the details of delegated proof of stake but you guys can look that up and that's what we're building where basically everyone who has sps staked can vote on validators that they want to be in charge of validating everything that happens in the system. The top voted validators will have, will be the signatories on multi-fig wallets on hive and binance smart chain and ethereum and other chains on which sps is used and basically they will read
transactions from the hive blockchain. They will maintain the state of everybody's sps balance. All the transfers, all the staking, all the rewards they will validate, all of the transactions that everything is done properly. Then when there are proposals in the sps governance system, they will track those proposals and the voting and they will actually
sign and broadcast the resulting transactions from a proposal. So just a real quick example,
let's say there's a foundation which currently ag road and I are controlling the fund in
but the fund will ultimately be turned over to the governance system. So, they'll have a pool of funds both in hive accounts and in finance smartchain wallets and someone can submit anyone can submit a proposal that says we'd like to spend a hundred thousand sps tokens and send it to this wallet address in order to to do something to pay for something to get a liquidity pool whatever someone wants to propose and the players can vote on it based on their sps stake. If the proposal passes the sps validators who are chosen
and voted by the community will actually be required to submit signatures in order to have that transaction be published to the finance smart chain in this example and have it go through and the coolest part really is that all this happens without any input or action from
wonderland's the company or or any of us talking. So, even if we were to all disappear and go away, all this would still be able to operate and sps balances and staking and rewards would still be able to happen and you could check your balances and transfer them and claim. You rewards people would still be able to submit proposals that the transactions would be able to be signed by the signatories. All that stuff which is really the whole point of this that it's all going to be piece by piece moved to the community to operate 100 and it's going to take some time with one piece at a time. It's going to happen but it's coming together really well. Like I said I’m expecting the first kind of test net by the end of the year, early January and then you'll be able to start using your sps state to vote for your validators. Then soon after to submit proposals so for people who are new to the blockchain space like agro I know you're pretending to be. It might be a hard concept to wrap your head around
but you might do some reading about how hive works and delegated proof of stake. Then I think it'll really click for a lot of people once it's live and operating and you can kind of see it
happening for real. So, hopefully within a month or two with the latest that'll be the case

Aggroed: Yeah! I think, it's a ridiculously awesome project and yeah, I’ll play possum a little bit on my knowledge of blockchain at this point, but I’m just so proud of what our team is doing. There's like whether it's the content team, whether it' the marketing team, whether it's the development team, or even like the admins, the support, everywhere I look my thought on the team and the hires that we make is that, good is not good enough. What I really want in this company is just like exceptional people that are deeply passionate about this product, this community, this mission of bringing people rom normie land into crypto and so far I have been astounded at just how much we've been able to do that. All right, I guess next question. Let me get back into this, hey y'all is Splinterlandss investing in r d to make the game interoperable across multiple blockchains to be able to play Splinterlandss games while being in a metaverse that runs on another chain and having the battle chain on
different block chains synchronized with the main battle chain on hive or is this type of interoperability something that the hive developer team should look into?

Yabapmatt: Yeah! Well, I think that actually falls right into what we were just talking about with fps validators and oracle so that's how you kind of achieve the cross chain use case is that you need some type of you need someone basically sending the messages from one chain to another. What happened on chain a and what happened on chain b and kind of syncing that up and that's one of the many pieces of what these new sps validator software oracle software or whatever you want to call it is going to be doing. So, we already have that to some degree where you can transfer your cards and packs to wax. You can transfer dec and sps to binance smart chain and that's currently something that we're running as a centralized service but part of this whole project is to wrap that all into the validator
system so the validators are handling the movement of things between different blockchains and then that could achieve exactly what's being asked in the question if something is
happening in another chai. Another game or application the voted on validators can the trusted and chosen sources for bringing that information into the current Splinterlands on hive and vice versa so that the chains can each be up to date with each other

Aggroed: Awesome! Any update on the Djinn Renova? It's receiving a lot of upvotes on the feedback the splinolands.com page and so I believe in Renova on
There. I believe it's a reference to the fact that between one level and the next she doesn't have any change in her ability set.

Yabapmatt: That's typically a mistake, I know. I try to do my best to not miss a level but I’ll
check on that one and we'll see if that warrants an update.

Aggroed: Do you have plans to add powers display for cards on sale and rent maybe
I’m new but it's kind of hard and time consuming to count cards power based on level bcx rarity and packs. I think they mean collection power.

Yabapmatt: Yeah!

Aggroed: Yeah! Sometimes I make the mistake of renting too much or too little. So seeing
power before renting or buying cards would be a big help. Richard, would you like to field this question? Just kind of help, our community understand if they have thoughts like that, what should they do?

Hardpoint: Sorry, sorry it was muted. feedbacks.splinterlands.com guys we're actively watching that board and watching your suggestions and picking off from that top of that list and working our way through it as we can. Ideas are great. We love it. We are watching. So please get it out there feedback.splitterlands.com and we will be that is actually people have asked me they're like , what is this like just upvoting well we're gonna pro what we're not gonna probably do what we will be doing is providing a way to do this in-game
and you can use sps to upvote these ideas and downvote them. So, if you guys want to be more involved in the game, sps is going to be the way to do it and guide us and help
us understand where your value should be in these features. So get out there, drop it out there right now and get your friends, get the other players, talk about it, talk about those updates, get them voted up because we're actively working on it. I actually have a couple more updates. They're going to be dropping in the next week for you guys that are sourced from your guy's feedback and it's exciting to see those hit and guess. What a lot of us here are playing the game. We're seeing these feedback. We're like that is a fantastic idea. Let's go do that and one of our developers picks it up and even today I was talking Melanin. We need to get him on here at some point. He's one of our developers. Ireached out to him and I said hey, there's this feedback is there any way we can make this happen? You
know he told me, he's like oh yeah I already pushed that last night it's ready to go and I said you were amazing. What the team we have. They're all over it. They're actually ahead of me on some things, that's amazing.
Aggroed: Yeah! That's pretty awesome.

Yabapmatt: Particular suggestion is, I agree, we should 100 get the collection power
on the market that rental market details

Nate Aguila: Yeah! I’m not sure but I think I have ui ready for me to review for that. I gotta
double-check the project management boards but. Yeah! The ui guys, I do give them tasks from the feedback board as well so that I could hand off to the to the devs.

Aggroed: You guys, do you guys understand the level of coordination that's happening
here between devs, creative, operations and community? If you're a player and you don't
understand the degree to which we honor and appreciate the feedback and try to accommodate the requests that you guys have. Then you're missing. I think one of the key links, one of the reasons why we host these town halls, we want your feedback. We want
you, the player to break the fourth wall and talk to us, the developers and say, hey this is what's important to us and we want your stake to help determine the order that we go in. So, all right.

Nate Aguila: I’m looking at the boards. Now, yeah, actually that is on in progress.

Hardpoint: As we speak the ui for the displaying the collection power

Nate Aguila: So, yeah and that was taken from the feedback board

Hardpoint: All right. So, I would throw, Aggie, I want to just take what you said and put
some data behind it. So, since we launched feedback.splinterlands.com, we've had
278 posts, we've had 680 comments and we've had over 8677 votes for those posts
and we've been chewing through some of the top ones right now. I don't know the exact number of ones that we fixed or it's tweaking but that's guys we read these. We look through these. You guys are sparking ideas. You guys are encouraging us in different directions that's something we're actively watching it goes into my email box. Now I rip my
email box after this, but guys we care, that's why we want to know what's going on and help you guys out. I think that's exciting so just to know we're watching very closely

Aggroed: So these are now suggestions and requests. Should we approach delphi
digital the same way as axiomfinity? So that they can do proper research on Splinterlands and help us in getting listed on finance. Matt, I think I’m going to let you answer this one.

Yabapmatt: I don't know. I mean, we could sure approach them or anybody and talk to anybody who wants to help do research or promote the game. I don't think we can comment on anything about getting listed on any exchanges. Obviously we would love to get listed on
exchanges and do anything that we can to help that happen.

Aggroed: There you go. All right, can you please remove the surrender button after you
submit your cards in a match and are waiting for the opponent to submit their team? I don't see any reason why you would want to surrender if you already submitted your cards.

Hardpoint: Sorry this is actually already in progress. So it actually will be deployed later this week. We're going to be making some tweaks to that feature, that button.

Aggroed: Please add a rule help channel and discord. There are many abilities and
rule sets in the game when I have any questions about game rules, I’m not sure where to ask. If there is a channel dedicated to rules, it would be easier for people to search. We have like a rules-based, like a docs.splinterlands.com or something don't we like a static

Hardpoint: We do, we do have a docs.splinterlands.com that lists a lot of that.

Yabapmatt: But that's not necessarily a place where you can go ask for help

Hardpoint: Yeah!

Aggroed: Well, I don't think they're asking for help. I think they're that's just kind of general chat. Just doing the general question, ask the people. All right, opportunity is described as
monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health however this ability does not apply to range in the tank so could we have the wording amended, please?

Yabapmatt: I guess, well that's hard because it there's so many different interactions and things that cause things to change and there's no way we can, we don't want to have a book
for each ability. So there's like general overarching rules that kind of override the abilities. Like for example if it's in the first position, it will attack the enemy monster in the first position like that's just kind of a general rule that overrides other rules. I mean there's other things,
if an enemy monster has taunts or you know there might be other things, I’m not even thinking of so i think for the basic descriptions we just kind of describe simply in a sentence or two what it does and then part of the game is kind of learning when there's other rules that apply that override or change those behaviors.

Aggroed: Alrighty. This one is a little bit personal. I suggest hiring experienced card designers. I found Matt was tweaking the new card stats and others. He should focus on development. I think there are people with talent and experience in card games who can design cards professionally. Matt said if there are overpowered chaos cards, he makes a
counter for it on riftwatcher be better to make a well-balanced and fun card. First, as much as we can by people who focus on it thoughts on that a little

Nate Aguila: Well, I know I have a thought on that. I mean what's your thought, yeah, but I mean my thought is that I think they're dramatically underestimating Matt's ability to design.
He said in previous town halls, he's a competent developer but his mind is on a whole another level. We have other developers who can tackle what Matt does. What Matt brings to the table. The reason he's the hulk on our avengers team isn't necessarily. His
proficiency with development is I think what the original writer is referring to is less Matt's
ability to game design which I think the fact that we're probably one of the close the fastest drawing, one of the most successful games in the industry right now is because of man and his ability to design but I think that it speaks more to the fact that there is room for improvement. I agree wholeheartedly that there's room improvement for we need to start
bringing on closed testers internally. I think that we need a more internal alpha phase testing before we bring it to the mavericks and that maybe by the time it goes to
public testing it's more of a stress test nd more of a tinker last minute little tiny stuff

Hardpoint: Yeah! Yeah! I think that's a concern no, I would I definitely want to chime in with
nate said. I think that it's very ironic. this questions, I think we kind of see it as two different things, it's like poking at math versus what the real issue is you're more frustrated there wasn't play tim. what nate said like more qa time, but then again when people are like, we just you guys to realize what we just pulled off. I mean i just look at this and I see that it's so out of context for what just was accomplished by this company. We literally our servers were on fire Matt was pulling his hair out trying to go from 10 000 active daily players to
500 000 active daily players in less than three months with a team of a couple of people
and we managed to stabilize the system within a couple weeks. We managed to not only stabilize it but still get on track and deliver chaos legion within a short amount of time. I mean I don't know. What you want to say and then you can say like if you're going to speak about Matt's ability to design cards, we're the top nft card game in the market right now. What are you talking about so give Matt a little bit more time, sure but like yeah, I don't know about that. I think you are literally talking to one of the top game designersin the nft market right now and actually can tell you I have mad respect for him and what's possible. So, guys I told Matt and Aggie this over the last couple of weeks, we were talking about paying people bonuses, who were hiring, who people should be retaining, and I told them guys look more
than anyone else in this company you two are a fundamental keystone of why we're here
and Nate too like the three of you guys are the most valuable assets Splinterlands has had and is have right now. Making sure our future is bright and there's lots of opportunity and sure we're hiring fast and furious but you guys are the reason that we've been a success and
I’ve just really said losing anyone else on the team right now would be a big deal but losing you guys would be catastrophic. I think that's just we the player base feels that we love you guys and I’m behind you guys and I’m rooting for you guys. Let's make this happen. Let's keep going. Let's get land guys I just want to say this like we talk about land and there was some memes I just have to throw this out because I was cracking me up because literally Matt the other night threw out a meme of of me being Moses and I found this

Yabapmatt: I don't know how you could not think that just watching you on the stream

Hardpoint: Well and the funny thing is when I was looking at it all, I could start thinking was the correlation that Matt actually you are Moses leading us into the promised land and I’m just Aaron holdingyour hands up so we can sustain long enough to make it. So guys like I’m
excited to be here, I’m excited to be with these guys. I think we have a great team and guys I just want to say one thing it's a hell of a lot of fun to work with these guys because, can I tell you one other thing that's just amazing. So many of them come

Aggroed: You do. You go ahead.

Hardpoint: Last thing, last moment I’ll shut up after this. I just want to think as amazing as
it's fun working here it's fun working in a gaming and d5 company but what these guys are actually doing for the industry is like we literally put 20 over 20 million dollars of value back
directly into the players hands last month at the pre-sale like I love working here just because it's not about us grubbing every single penny out of people's hands. It's literally
about us taking care of the community people are the value communities the value and
that's one of the reasons I’m excited working with great people in a common cause to do something completely different that's just peace prosperity and happiness for everybody
around us. Sorry, I’m shutting up now.

Aggroed: Yeah, it's all right. No, no, I like when I think about how do you get organizations to function? It's all about culture and the most fundamental piece thatI think we have here
is people are the value and it's our goal to treat people well. Our goal to honor their time and
commitment to this place whether they be gamers, that are minnows gamers, that arewhales employees, owners I people that pass along ideas or just whether they stop by briefly or
they're here a long time people are the value and and we have to honor that the best we can
and that I think is the most fundamental part of our culture. I am honored and grateful that we found you Richard and the way that you not only come with the skill set that there
it like again being good is not good enough, we need people that are exceptional and I
really feel you fit that moldbecause it's like you have the talent to be the dev. You
have the talent to lead the team. You have the talent to communicate and you keep the community in your heart as we make these decisions and that's what's critical to me. So, thanks for doing it.

Yabapmatt: Thank you, Aggie.

Aggroed: All right. Let's do this next one here so I think this is a long time

Yabapmatt: I didn't get a chance to the next one's on the same is basically the same thing so I guess we'll respond to both of them. So I didn't really take it as a knock against
me so much. The one thing about me focusing on development, I think goes back to this long standing misconception that this community has that I’m this really great developer
I'd say like I’m a mediocre developer . I can do things but what really we're doing is we're hiring fantastic amazing developers. I didn't really develop much of anything with chaos legion launch and then this was he best launch we've had ever in the history of Splinterlands that's not a coincidence that I wasn't involved in that one. As far as the development side for the most partso my my actual expertise even in my past jobs I design real money reward-based game economies, sweepstakes games, loyalty games.

Aggroed: Yeah! You got to define real money right because normally that's a per what is it
Pejorative against crypto. No, no I mean real money but can you can you just clarify that you mean?

Yabapmatt: I was in charge of game platforms where players could actually win money. It's not just a for fun free to play game there were actually real prizes not, not gambling I never worked in casino games but we worked in like sweepstakes based games or likesocial casino type of things but where you could actually win prizes.So I’ve had many years of
Experience in very complicated economy designs and that's part of also why I just love
crypto and deep I and smart contracts and all this stuff and being able to apply all of that to to a game but you can do 10 to 100 times more than you can just do with like
traditional games even more there's real prizes to win and card balancing game balancing,
using statistics database approaches to that stuff. It's not just a lot of people say I
played magic gathering for 20 years. So, I’m a good card designer and it's not playing a game is very different than designing a game and obviously it's better if you played the
game for 20 years that's similar than otherwise but it's still just because you were a top you're a legend hearthstone player you were a top magic gathering player doesn't necessarily mean you would also be able to design balanced cards but that being said, yeah I think we do need more game designers and game balance designers. Ithink that's probably part of what we should look to be looking to hire along with pretty much everything else that we need. So, yeah, the plan is really that I’m not going to be focusing on development as much and I am going to be focusing more on economy design, I mean, this the land, asystem economy is going to be so much so far beyond anything we have in our current game. We're really trying to incorporate all the cool new d5 things that are coming out and that we can into this like amazing experience that kind of mimics a real-life economy as much as possible for creating creating the new item and spell card so yeah I mean I just you want to clear up that misconception of that I should be focusing on development and I think I probably shouldn't and then as far as abilities changing for chaos legion soon before the release I mean there we we had about a week of maybe a little less than a week of play
testing on the qa server and we have to get like a real significant number of games so like in
the past we've we've not revealed anything and we haven't let anyone into the test server and we did like internal testing and stuff but you just don't get enough different battles
enough data really to make the appropriate adjustments and decisions on that so here we kind of opened it up to everybody or not everybody started to the mavericks when we had this the tournament was really helpful I know it was only a day or so before the launch
but we we looked at all that we looked at all that data because antennas really helped with that and like we went through everything so we kind of we just waited we kind of compiled all the feedback and we waited until the tournament was done and we had everything we needed and then we went and we made all the changes to the cards that we felt were necessary and I think that really worked out very well so it does mean that players saw
the original stats and then those stats changed but that's that's what happens when you are seeing stuff on a qa server in during play testing you get the opportunity to see things
before they're launched but also that's part of play testing is that you're going to make changes and it doesn't really matter whether it happens shortly before the launch a week before the launch a month a month before the launch the point is that it it gets done
in time so obviously it's not perfect in the future I'd love to have more time I'd love to have more people helping out with that but it is it is a hard hard position to find someone who's good at because this game is different than other games out there and there is like kind of years of history that goes into designing a lot of these cards so that's that's my comment on that one

Aggroed: All rightlet me guy I’m going to skip the next question then because it was like that I’m a legionnaire i have staked over 70 in the game but I’m now unable to open packs combine cards rent cards add more money to the hive blog because I lack high power can something be done to stop the game from coming to a halt this way

Yabapmatt: Yeah I mean we it should automatically if you're trying to to do transactions in the game and you don'thave enough resource credits winterland's maintains a large amount of high power to be able to delegate to players so if whoever wrote this question it's not getting a delegation it's possible that there's a bug or some other issue so that's something
I'd suggest contacting support about and we can look into but yeah the plan for how this works generally is that Splinterlands will keep a large reserve of high power for resource
creditsthat we can delegate out to players so that players don't ever have to worry about high power we worry about it on their behalf

Aggroed: All right I suggest a chaos launch celebration tournament which only explains numbers can play I really want to watch a road versus Matt match and to see how well they
place Splinterlands Hardpoint versus Chatter and Nate vs Cryptomancer would be epic matches too I think that that goes to chatter chatter you want to go build this a stream

Chatter: Yeah I’m on it leave it to me all right

Yabapmatt: Yabapmatt: We should do test server where we all get max level cards or something

Chatter: Yes let's do it

Hardpoint: Well it's actually something you got you go it's funny that the community said
this I actually responded this is something I’ve actually been talking internally about for the last couple of weeks us starting to do internally was have all the team members compete in an internal tournament with max level cards or we pick some rule set for the tournament and every month the team would compete against each other and see how we do now I know wait a minute I know we have in our team some of the best players in this game so obviously
going up against biz I don't have a shot in hell but I do think it's really fun and I think what's cool about being on this team is we're gonna do cool things like that this coming year I think kevin said it best we really want to create a company not just for developers that have a great time we want to create a team where every team member feels something special and
exciting about being on this team that's really what like day one like I was like guys I love being here how do we make it so that people get excited also we were talking about this in chat and Chatter's working on his his his beard for his business card and we have this fun idea where we're gonna take Matt and Aggie's business cards which look like game cards right now they are really fantastic I will drop one in chat in a little bit so you can see it but we're gonna actually do that for all of our team members as a perk for being on our
team so you join the Splinterlandss team you work with us you get something that looks like a game card as your business card I just to me that is like one of the coolest things you could ever do work at a game company where you're like oh yeah this is what and everybody you show it to it's like wow you're somewhere cool so you're somewhere that does something different I think that's just expresses the kind of feeling we have about the company

Aggroed: I’ll tell you it's next level stuff I think it was nate that actually designed maybe even did the art for these and I’ll tell you when I like when i show people my business card like jaws will drop people will say that's amazing and I’m always left with this really smug feeling and I get to meet anybody and there's like even a scene in like American psycho where like where he's like talking about the like the opal color and the black text the way that it's put on there I can't believe that people like his business card more than mine it's kind of like a famous little rant scene but when I see people go not so for the cards that we have like that's what they I don't know just people dig it and it and it just validates that
we're really trying to do like everything that we're doing we just we just nerd out the most and
matt's line is like we're gamers and we want to build something that we as gamers are proud of and I don't know all right so chaos legion cards questions how many packs do you need for a confirmed airdrop for phase two cards that has not yet been decided does the affiliate program count towards purchases bought during the bulk purchase I referred a friend that is buying a hundred thousand worth of packs and was wondering yeah I do no reason why not yeah I plan to honor the affiliate I guess I can try to collect those

Yabapmatt: I gotta jump though I’m supposed to do bedtime with my son going a little late here I was happy to answer questions for everyone so I think aggro to the rest of the team
can handle these but I just want to say thank you everyone this is awesome as usual and we will talk to you guys next week rock on thanks for being here Matt

Aggroed: Thanks Matt all right does the affiliate program count no I just did that one how are the bulk purchases going in terms of fund raids and funds pledged we're up
to a couple million dollars and I think it's I think it's going good I think everything will really start happening in the next two weeks because I mentioned this before but the the the last daily the last day that we'll accept new offers is December 28th so if you want to go get like a bulk sale in you you got to get it in by then you have to pay by the end of the year yes there are more guilds coming in there like a ton of guilds that want to be here and I think as we start announcing some more we'll even like fomo end so I’m pretty happy about that and then he says hey I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate the team on a very successful chaoslegion launch and not just the front end people we interact with on these town hall meetings but also all the staff that I’m sure work tirelessly in the background so yeah thank you for that comment in my experience as like a professor when when things went well in my class there wouldn't be anybody that would say anything or maybe there might be one kid that would come in and say hey that went really well they're like thanks thanks Doc but the second that something went bad i'd get like 300 emails over the course
of four days and just like people would flame non-stop so I know I try to stay humble with the compliments that come in but I will tell you they are valued and I’ll go and talk to Hardpoint at Saturday at 11 p.m kind of thing being okay well let's go design this and
get this going and it's Liberty Lass is there taking notes and we're passing this along and
somebody's responding in the morning it's like people are just passionately working really hard to bring you this stuff and so I know it's easy to just take it all for granted or say hey I paid for this so this is what I deserve but just we're humans over here too and we want to take pride in our work but we also it's also really important to us to go get that positive feedback too and the little things like hearing from the community that your experience of the rollout was as good as what we felt it was over here that's really validating to our
experience and thanks for doing that

Hardpoint: Yeah absolutely

Aggroed: So when will guards two and three be revealed would be good to know whether
decide to load up on phase two pre-sale or general sale based on the card stats that's a s a fair point we'll try to get that done before they before they like sell out or before it's
over so I’ll go ping mat and try to make that happen all right will two next airdrops
be given to all participants in the second pre-sale sort of everybody will be eligible if
they if they buy a pack in the second pre-sale you are eligible for the second and third airdrop but it's only after a certain number have been purchased that you get a guaranteed one but any every single pack that you purchase is at least eligible all right can you tell a little bit about the new formats wild and modern do they both get an equal pool currently thinking yes what do you think about my assumption on that the modern will be played more and so the rewards and wild will be higher yeah I imagine that there will be fewer players that are able to efficiently compete in wild and so even if it's 50 50 in terms of the split
the amount of money available per player I agree will be higher in wild than in modern
what quarter of the year is it planned to be released we talked about this being a January potentially February kind of thing will be untamed be out of the modern format when the next series is being released yeah so the next series is tentatively called rebellion and when rebellion comes out it's just gonna be the two most current editions made like core editions are the ones that will be in the modern format so when rebellion gets here it'll be rebellion and chaos legion and untamed will be kicked out of the modern format but then it will just go into the wild format and any other interesting news about the formats you can share no we cryptomancer is really the dude that's that this is his baby and so it's not he just finished the chaos legion launch and so this question is a little bit triggering to me it's
kind of like you guys did great but what have you done for me lately so let's give that guy a break and be able to go like take a breath enjoy the work that he's done feel really good about that and then he can get back to work on getting these formats and
I know it's been three days how have you not solved this so what's the current status of the bulk sale how many packs have been sold so I’ve mentioned that a couple times now
now I didn't really leave very much time I got a little tired so I got a little soft and just needed to talk about feelings and stuff so we got five minutes left so I think I’m just going to put the
questions that players might want to ask into into next week's town hall so I don't think that it makes sense to do five minutes but what I what I like to do is just offer people and the team a chance to say something actually Liberty Lass you're getting some praise so I don't know if
you'd like to anything but I don't know she's kind of like the unsung hero here and it's I’m early biased because she's my my partner in life and living together and we're having a kid
it's pretty exciting times so but she's amazing and I said she's right therewith us as we're
working into the night to try to get this stuff out soLiberty Lass I don't know if you want to
share anything and just kind of talk about some of what you've done here or what's important to you or if you have a mic I think we have to unmute you

Hardpoint: I did already okay because I’m muted if she's available while she there she is

Liberty Lass: Yes can you hear me

Aggroed: I can hear you great do you want to you want to give us a quick introduction of who you are and then just tell us what you work on or what you're what you're doing you're actually like really involved in so much of this

Liberty Lass: Yes I feel very privileged I see lots of things behind the curtain and I can tell
you it's just as awesome on this side as it is on the other side I work a lot with Hardpoint and as part of that I get to interface with a lot of the other team members both the directors
the founders and also just like the other grunts like me who are again you know you don't necessarily see us but we as a general rule really love this game really love being part of the community and it's so great to be here I didn't really give you a detailed what I do did you want

Aggroed: Yeah no give me give me a sense of like what you do here because like I said you're I know you work with hardpoint a lot because I hear about this stuff all day long but
the team and everybody else doesn't doesn't necessarily know that so what are you doing and like how are you're working on a ton of different projects one of the last ones I
saw was like hr do you want to do you want to kind of talk through me about building like the portal for how we're accepting people and screening and just kind of a sense of what you built and how that helps the directors and the team members here

Liberty Lass: absolutely so I’m sure players who have been here for a little while know some of the growing pains we've been going through like for example when the servers shut down because they were built for audiences of orders of magnitude smaller than what they were now handling and so we've had a lot of growing pains all over the place but some of the stuff that you might not see is nate's talking about everyone he wants to hire and all these new positions and who he's interviewing for every single person that gets hired
onto the team it's we don't have a magic way of bringing on awesome people it takes a
lot of legwork it takes a lot of talking to or going through a bunch of different resumes that
definitely don't work and then you find the five that do and that leads to one interview and hopefully you bring someone onto the team so there's a lot of that when it comes to hr we're doing this is a really awesome game company it's also like a regular company and we need to make sure that all of our employees have health insurance and that they can
take time off when they need to and that they have the right legal compliance because the last thing we want is to be shut down because we're not doing something right legally so the shiny game part is awesome and in order to run it takes a whole bunch of develop
just like we don't see the development we see the shiny art we don't you definitely don't see
all of the kind of relatively monotonous paperwork that goes on behind the scenes or all of the hours it takes to find one really awesome hardpoint team member to add I don't know how many how many unhard points that you guys had to go through to find him but yeah
so it's just like there's a lot of a lot of projects we're getting like company policies up and running and the growing pains from last July till now have been astronomical which
is not to say this is not fun because it's all very fun

Aggroed: You said it was all fun or all night I forget all right well I think so that's awesome you know again I’m biased but it's just watching you how all the team is sort of glued
together and we're all functioning and there's good communication and I know it's not just happening because of the different content leads it's because of the people that are
helping to organize this entire like ecosystem of like employees and decision making and stakeholders and board members and all of that process is appening and you and
Member and a couple others are really holding that together and making it function and holding all of us accountable and making sure we hit guidelines or deadlines and doing our work and

Hardpoint: Can I throw out Aggie real quick we have a growing team of executive admins that have been working with us we're actively hiring I just wanted to reach out to the community and say if you guys know anybody that's at the top of their game in the
executive admin space we have several positions we're trying to feel right now and we love people that love this game if there's one thing Aggie says and I say is that we would love to hire people that are passionate in their top of their game and they love this game they love this community we would definitely love to interview them if you go to our splinterlands.breezy.hr site which will drop here in the thread on discord that you can see those opportunities there and you can apply for those positions we're just looking for really the best to come alongside people like Liberty Lass she I wake up the next morning and like 27 projects are done so these people are just killing it guys there is so many unsung heroes I’ll give a shout outto claiborne really has been just killing it he's helps us with our social media but he's also been helpingus with our payroll and just helping everybody get paid smoothly there's just people like him that arejust working their butts off to make sure everything is happening smoothly or orderly so that we have some content people and developers that can sit down there and focus on the game and theydon't have to worry about whether they're going to have money to eat next week so that's really important for us part of that having a big functioning team is having every area smooth and and easy so that's really what a priority is but definitely check that out guys we got some definitely a lot of openings out there if really good people we're looking for really good people to join this team and I like to say that we're looking to stack the deck with the best

Aggroed: Yeah what we're looking for is exceptional and I can't do enough with teams that aren't really passionate and hardworking and carry this community in their heart and that's that's what I’m looking for more than anything else so if you love this community and and you're a hard worker and you feel like this play to earn space is is a calling then hopefully this is a will will find a good fit or as we're doing this but I think that's going to bring us to a close i know we only had five minutes but I get tonight was sort of a soft night for me just because I’ve been tired and but I just really love our community I really love our game I work as hard as I possibly can to bring as much value back to our community as possible and I know Matt, Hardpoint, Chatter and really all honestly our whole team has just really embraced that concept of people are the value and we gotta go help our community that like it's it's both paying it forward it's paying it back and it's an absolute pleasure to be able to do this what a freaking gift so thank you guys. I have ask for the community one of the things that I don't think that we do well enough we'll we're pretty good on hive and blogging on hive and awareness on hive but one of the things that we can all do to help is just spread the word on social media we can't be the ones that do all of this meaning like Splinterlands it the marketing they're like where is the marketing effort we all collectively are the marketing
effort so if you like a card if you like a battle if you like a plan if you like the road map if you like the economics if you like the community if any of these stories matter to you if you like
the lore whatever some part of this is going to resonate with you and my ask is that you share it with the community not just within the community but help us bring more people in
we ourselves we this group we have to be the ones you don't wait just for the company to do something we do but don't just wait for us we all go to the same moon guys so my constant ask is share your story share your journey share this with your friends and family and let's go make this the world's biggest play to earn the game and as we do that I just think of like how are how are communities or games like ea ever gonna compete you know we're currently giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars of prizes per day what happens when we get to millions how will any game on the planet stand in the way of this community and I don't see how play to learn and specifically this team this company and this community I don't understand how we won't reach anything other than greatnes that's where I think we're headed and I’m really awfully proud of that anyways that's what I got for tonight thanks everybody thanks so much for being on the stream for listening to us
and Chatter has a quick announcement and then we're going to wrap up

Chatter: Awesome yeah I just want to say thank you to everyone for tuning in and just kind of before we go here we're going to be giving away 10 chaos legion packs too so I’ll be dropping the links in all of our socials the competition will run for 30 minutes and then kind of after that I’ll send the packs out to everyone at the end of the night
Aggroed: All right all right goodnight everybody thanks for being here thanks for being part of our community thanks for helping build this game and if you have a question you
want to add you can go toss that in for next time thanks all

Hardpoint: Bye guys


Splinterlands Town Hall - Full Text - December 10th, 2021 - Part 2 - Q&A
