A young Dark Eternal, also referred (Lore)
A young Dark Eternal, also referred to as an Animated Corpse, is a being that has recently emerged from the Tar Pits of Creation in the Southern Waste of Mortis. As part of its transformation process, it must shed its mortal skin and decay. During this time, these Animated Corpses are often placed on the front lines to hasten their transformation.
Once the transformation is complete, the Dark Eternal becomes a formidable force on the battlefield, feared by all who dare to oppose it. Its powers are beyond measure, and it is able to wield dark magic with ease.
Despite its fearsome reputation, the Dark Eternal is not invincible. It is vulnerable to holy magic and the weapons of those who are pure of heart. However, these weaknesses are few and far between, and the Dark Eternal is a formidable foe for any who dare to stand against it.
Despite their power, the Dark Eternal is a solitary being, rarely forming alliances or attachments. They are driven by a single goal - the destruction of all that stands in their way. The world trembles at the mere mention of their name, and they are a force to be reckoned with.
As the Dark Eternal continues on its path of destruction, it leaves a trail of devastation in its wake. Villages are burned to the ground and entire civilizations are wiped out by its ruthless power.
Many have tried to stop the Dark Eternal, but none have been successful. Armies have been mobilized and entire countries have united in an effort to bring down this unstoppable force, but all have failed.
Despite the efforts of those who seek to stop it, the Dark Eternal persists, fueled by its insatiable desire for power and destruction. It is a being that has no equal, and one that strikes fear into the hearts of all who encounter it.