πΈ Ultimate Spider-Man π½ Through the Lens
Dude, I'm still on that 'No Way Home' high. That movie just... For all its flaws, it was the perfect spidey movie. And spidey's a G. π― And as iconic as his comics are, his games... are a bit lackluster. π
That is, if you discount the newest entries, or the PS1 entries, or web of shadows, orrrrr - this entry. π This entry? This entry is a freaking tunnel dude. (that should've made sense and been funny to all of you!)
In this amazing episode of Through the Lens π, we will be taking a look at one of the best superhero games to ever grace our screens. Activision's early gem from 2005: Ultimate Spider-Man, Roll it! π½
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As with my Shark Tale Through the Lens, this game just had too many devs man. And they worked on a different port (this game had a lot of ports). So, eh, Activision gets its shine again. π€’
Now, I know what you are thinking. But back then Activision was aight man. They weren't nearly the corporate overlords they are today. They mostly made so-so licensed products, and from time to time they would release a gem like this.
And this game is a gem. It was the first truly open-world Spider-Man game. And while the world didn't offer any meaningless activities that you have to do a 100 times. It still felt amazing back in 2005 to swing around the city as your favorite super hero. π
And if the spider isn't your favorite superhero, than it better be the bat or we'll have to have a conversation... you and I... π€
π· WEB-HEAD π·

If the name wasn't a clear giveaway, this game tells a story in the Ultimate Spider-Man universe/timeline. And the characters act like their Ultimate counterparts. For better and for worse. π
The characters/plot/humor are just outstanding (if you're into that sort of thing). Meaning they are very comic-booky. In a good way. π Now, if you hate that sort of story telling/character arcs, then this game won't magically ignite a long lost love for the medium. But if you are indifferent to it, then you should enjoy this game's plot.
Its pacing is a bit meh. While it always keeps throwing new characters from the Marvel universe, it does get a bit slow and stale in the middle. I personally never felt this, as I was so enamoured with this game. Buuuut, it is a real thing.
And there really is a diverse cast of characters. You get to race Johny Storm, fight Wolverine, and even face off versus a version of the X-Force. If you are a marvel fan, then you won't be disappointed.
Best thing was you could actually play as venom. And eat peopleβοΈ And his gameplay is totally different than our protagonist. How? Well, I'm glad you asked:

I used the π½ above because Venom is an alien people! π±
And his gameplay is great. You feel like this unstoppable tank mowing down waves after waves of enemies. And the game understand this as his sections are much more crowd focused. As for the traversal, Venom might not be able to swing around New York City like an absolute delinquent. You can jump from building to building, and climb the sides of said buildings with ease. So satisfying.
And while you can switch between the two when you finish the game, Venom's gameplay is sectioned off during the campaign. For most of the game, you play as the spidah.
While spidey doesn't control as well as his newest titles, it's still damn close. Maybe closeish if nothing else. It was still the best swinging > combat Spider-Man system to date. And I would argue only Web of Shadows comes close. π―
Apart from doing missions, you can find collectables, go on races vs Johny Storm, and just generally muck about. You have a map, a realistish New York City and a wize-cracking spider. The chase sequences were also really fun.
Not to mention the boss fights! Most of which are a pretty good in my memory. Except for the Electro fight! My game constantly crashed during that fight and I couldn't stand it! Until one time it didn't and I passed with flying colors. π But ye, the gameplay loop has a decent amount of variety. And for it's time? Phew. Amazing. (get it?!?!?!?!)

The artistic direction they took here is commendable. The panel style they use to convey emotion works as well as I've ever seen (this is not the only game that wants to look like a comic-book). The fact it's in the Ultimate universe also helps out with the whole narrative style.
It also helps that the characters are true to life, or in this case comic-book. Their models and speech patterns all line up perfectly with their Ultimate counter-parts. π
The vilains could use some work, and honestly they are the weakest part of the narrative. They just kinda show up outta nowhere to challenge our hero. And their downfall is as anticlimactic as their entrance. They're passable, but that's about it. Seeing as how Spider-Man has one of the best rogue's galleries out there, it's kind of a letdown... π
All in all the style/characters/gameplay complement each other to form a cohesive gaming experience. Few titles manage this, let alone licensed ones. If it wasn't for the newer versions, then this would be the definitive Spider-Man gameβοΈβοΈ
You also have the option to unlock additional suits... I mean, if that's not enough of a selling point - then nothing is.

Because of its graphic style this game is super playable today. And if you haven't gotten enough of your spidey fix yet, then this is the game for you! π
I will always remember it as one of the best Spider-Man games ever made. And if it wasn't for the newest additions, it very well might be.
So I encourage, implore even! Give this game a try. Even if you aren't as much of a spidey fan as me, I guarantee you will take something out of it. π

Shout-out to the πPIZZAπ gang, π€ gang. π€
π Follow me on my HIVE blog π
Have a great day! π
The same thing happened to me after I saw the last Spiderman movie, two days later I was looking for the top 10 best Spiderman games but most of them didn't convince me because I talked more about their defects than anything else, it's true that a game can't be perfect but they must have something good, I find it interesting that you can play with Venom and that gives more desire to play it hahah, the only Spiderman game I've played has been the ps1 the first (I enjoyed it enough I think I could play it again) and Spiderman 3 ps2, which I did not think the big deal. Good post bro, a spiderman game is never too much XD
This is by far my fav Spidey game, I played it on my PS2 years ago and it was just so cool, the comic-like style was amazing for that time, I really need to play it again, this post refreshed my memory, nice post dude.
Thank you sir and or madam. π