Getting Everything Ready for Land 1.5


I have the Land gameplay itch... I don't know if that's a thing already, but I have it.

And the fact that I see the gameplay on the Mavs test server and can't currently go through a good part of it amplifies it.

The way the Land gameplay will start and the expected rush at the beginning makes it comparable to the kind of presales Splinterlands did I think last year that ended very quickly.

Screenshot from Land 1.5 on the Mavs test server

The rollout of Land 1.5 will probably generate a huge spike in user activity, but that won't last for minutes, like those successful presales, it will last for hours, maybe more in some cases.

Then things may cool down for a bit, but I expect they will pick back up as players will try to optimize their plots or activate new ones they didn't have enough DEC or cards for.

I don't have enough DEC for my plots. I am looking better when it comes to cards, even when only considering high PP ones (over 800 was the limit I considered so far). I won't need any cards below 1000 PP on my first batch of plots I'll stake on, but when I'll get to natural commons, and maybe even some natural rares, I probably will.

Since I couldn't try out the game in all its components, I did and will do everything else but that (for now) to prepare for the full launch of the game.

All the cards I'll need for the first batch of plots I'll fill in - my limitation is DEC - are in the main Splinterlands account along with the title and totem claims. One of the last things I'll need to do is to move DEC in that account and in-game, close to the launch to the game, which I expect to be either next Tuesday, or, maybe, the following one (October 3).

Although I said I won't use soulbound cards on land (and as far as I know it's currently not possible either), they are on the same account, just in case.

After going through most of the potential cards to use on land (except additional ones from my main account), I have enough to complete my Card Staking Goal for Splinterlands, stage 2, meaning at least 220. They aren't all at least 1k PP though, my lower limit so far was 800 PP. I won't move most of them to my main account until I increase my DEC to afford more card staking, which means after the game starts. But I'll consider this goal completed.

Something else I'll probably start doing today is to make a new spreadsheet with easier to read in a hurry card names associated with each of my plots to be filled in the order in which I intend to fill them. Just adding the highest PP cards (checking for bonuses or penalties) in the order of plot priorities and moving down the list may not be the best idea if you run out of suitable cards for the next priority plot. But if you have 1000 plots to fill, it's likely you won't optimize anything but a couple and the rest are just in the order of the highest PP.

Since I will fill some two dozens plots, maybe a few more depending on how much more DEC remains unused, it works for me to make pre-associations of cards on each slot.

Hey, it feels good to finally go through the last 100m preparations for the Land gameplay! Maybe I'll be able to play it in the Mavs server too, but the experience isn't like on the production servers, so even those who were able to play without major issues will experience a whole new game after launch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


My cards are ready for my plots. I will start with SPS mining and if the yield in SPS isn't pay enough to feed itself, I will switch to grain. Sounds like there will be a lot of grain stacked for Land 2.0. I will slow clear my plots and conserve my DEC for any fire sales that might occur. Magic plots are down to $85 this morning.


and if the yield in SPS isn't pay enough to feed itself, I will switch to grain

SPS rewards from mining will likely be staked. So, you have to account for that.

Sounds like there will be a lot of grain stacked for Land 2.0.

Yeah, looks like it.

I will slow clear my plots

Nah, I will use my time crystals for the top ones to get the thing going.

Magic plots are down to $85 this morning.

Looks like players don't like the uncertainty of searching for the secret of Praetoria if the price for magic plots has dropped. It will be fun for those who go hard on research if almost everyone is wrong about this and it will turn out to be something really special.


I keep a constant unstaking occuring to have liquid SPS. I restake it each week right after it unstakes to maintain my staked multiplier.


Nice tactics
I also wish to invest the little money I have in this game


Thanks and... it's never too late to start. At least that's how it looks for Splinterlands from my point of view.


The interface looks nice. I hope everything gets smoothed out soon so it can be released. I have seen a few comments of issues with it still.


They will most likely be fixed, the bigger ones, at least. In the meantime I found at two workaround to test on the Mavs server, which is great.


It looks like you are prepared and the UI does seem decent enough. Wouldn't someone be able to create a tool to optimize the layouts? I imagine that the values are already set so it's all about figuring out which cards are available. It doesn't matter to me because I don't have any land though.


Wouldn't someone be able to create a tool to optimize the layouts?

PeakMonsters has something built for QA (I just tested it), but it's more useful for those who have tons of plots and cards than it is to me at this point in its development. Will keep an eye on it, to see if they add something that would really help me stake my cards faster, like searching for them by name.


The game is almost available to all players
Thank you for these few words of readiness.
